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Pakistan: To blame the west for the rise of the Taliban is too simplistic

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Oct 12, 2010
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Pakistan: To blame the west for the rise of the Taliban is too simplistic

The Afghan war merely provided cash and international support that Pakistan needed to give practical shape to its regional ambition

Imran Khan's claim that before the west invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan had no suicide bombers, no jihad and no Talibanisation is inconsistent with the facts. Pakistan had all three, but they were, and still are, directed against India. ("The stakes are high. Pakistan will simply implode if the US does not leave Afghanistan", Commentary, News).

Pakistan started its jihad against India in Kashmir in November 1989 and its first suicide attack against civilians took place in Srinagar on 25 December 2000 :angry: – long before the west's invasion of Afghanistan.

The Taliban, too, appeared in the region in the middle of 1990, but the political mainsprings behind them, namely Pakistan's ambition to change the balance of power equation on its eastern and western border via state-sponsored terrorism, were long present in the Pakistani body politic. The Afghan war merely provided cash and international support that Pakistan needed to give practical shape to its regional ambition.

The Talibanisation of Pakistan and the threat to its internal stability stem from Islamabad's insistence on employing terrorism as a state policy towards its neighbours, a case of the tail wagging the dog. Mr Khan's attempt to blame the west, under these circumstances, is tantamount to placing the cart before the horse.

As Imran Khan says in his despairing commentary, the murderous polarisation of religious and political life in Pakistan would not have arisen without our "war on terrorism". This goes both for the murder of a liberal politician and the calls by Muslim villagers for the hanging of a Christian woman accused of blasphemy.

The polarisation that Khan laments is not confined to Pakistan but sweeps across much of the Muslim world as one response to serial military adventures by western powers, from crusades through colonial wars and the establishment of Israel to current interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and "tribal areas" of Pakistan.

Oddly, another report in the same Observer features another Muslim village, Bil'in in West Bank Palestine ("Mother tells of fresh tragedy", World). Here, as a Muslim mother mourns the death of her daughter in a protest at the Israeli "separation fence" the polarisation follows different lines.

The Muslim villagers who defy lethal gas shells and liquid ***** are joined by Jews and Christians. People of several religions or none are united by a commitment to human rights and international law. In this naive view, a wall that cuts a village from its land is unacceptable, as is the use of armed force against unarmed protesters.

At her daughter's funeral, the bereaved mother said she did not seek revenge. That was a matter for God, but she called on "the people of Israel to take a firm stand against the occupation... because only together will we be able to put an end to the tragedy of our two peoples".

So much unnecessary suffering is caused by "religion". If miracles could happen (sadly not, as we know) nothing would be more wonderful than that one of the fanatical mullah thugs could come back from the dead and state to the world: "Sorry mates, we were all so terribly wrong for such a long time. There is no god. Nothing! Please pass me Dawkins's book."

Also one can't escape noticing that most of the Islamic states are failed (Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc), have a very low literacy rate and are economically unsuccessful. Well, the promise is then in the other life!

Religious fundamentalists are not how they are because they are convinced that they are right, but because they are terrified they are wrong. Attempts to enshrine blasphemy in laws world-wide do nothing to change this view.

Mike Rampling

Pakistan: To blame the west for the rise of the Taliban is too simplistic | The big issue | From the Observer | The Observer
(Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc),

I pity the pathetic general knowledge that above five compromise as "most" of Islamic states in the author opinion! and even more pathetic that the brilliant copy-paste poster mind has decided to bold it. I can give excuse of ignorance to the author but apparently the poster is not aware where thousands of his country men head to each year begging fro jobs at 1/3 pay scales. I reckon the above five all combined still have less poor destitute, toilet less and illiterates than India alone.

And what does Imran khan matter anyway?? he couldnt find a respectable woman to marry him in Pakistan hence he had to source his bride from the country and people he swears his loyalty too..and guess what she kicked him out after few years..now he is back to showing his "masculine frustration" on politics.
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Also one can't escape noticing that most of the Islamic states are failed (Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc), have a very low literacy rate and are economically unsuccessful. Well, the promise is then in the other life!

some one should do a little research before writing a crap like this.
The Muslim world does not revolve around Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

It seems only qualification needed to post on The Guardian is he should be Anti Pakistani and Anti Muslim.
This article is the view of different authors, and it should have been posted like that. Wonder why Veeru removed the other names from the paragraphs.
some one should do a little research before writing a crap like this.
The Muslim world does not revolve around Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.

It seems only qualification needed to post on The Guardian is he should be Anti Pakistani and Anti Muslim.
Again, you blame them for religion-victimization. All I can say is that unless you acknowledge the dangers within your country, there would be no use no matter how much you blame the Americans.

Please tell me honestly as a respectful Pakistani:are not Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan in a dilapitated state? For a moment ignore that this is about islamic community or any Muslim worldwide. Just about your surrounding.

The assassination of Mr. Taseer is a glaring example that could be exemplary of the loopholes that are present in your society currently. Your allegation here is that it is written by a Western author and posted by the Indian member. And while you get angry and blame the two underlined elements above, do you acknowledge that what the article speaks of is the truth?

This is your homeland we are talking about. Look at the state of it. Do you not feel the pain and anger? I am sure you do. The terrorism that was not there in your country as you say before American invasion, is false. The retention of Soviet-era Mujahideen that too for geo-political reasons in Afghanistan is what caused this. Americans simply did what they had to to ensure their security. So far they have not even invaded your country, due to any reason you wish to speak of. The reason why these militants have turned against your country is because till the war on terror began, they were your political clout in Afghanistan.

Before you want to call me biased in favour Americans or the Indians, you must know that on this planet there were only three countries who recognized Taliban: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and you. The entire world even citizens of Lichtenstein and Molodova would knows this.

So who is to blame for this? Again, it is the entities in your country that are consuming your society like parasites from within. Unless you are willing to realize this and take action, how will you cure your country? There is simply no use now to blame Americans after 30 years when Both Soviet Union and a sovereign Afghanistan are long dead.
So much unnecessary suffering is caused by "religion". If miracles could happen (sadly not, as we know) nothing would be more wonderful than that one of the fanatical mullah thugs could come back from the dead and state to the world: "Sorry mates, we were all so terribly wrong for such a long time. There is no god. Nothing! Please pass me Dawkins's book."

I like these lines!
This article is the view of different authors, and it should have been posted like that. Wonder why Veeru removed the other names from the paragraphs.

Herewith the views of all the Participants :

Series: The big issue

Pakistan: To blame the west for the rise of the Taliban is too simplistic

The Afghan war merely provided cash and international support that Pakistan needed to give practical shape to its regional ambition

Imran Khan's claim that before the west invaded Afghanistan, Pakistan had no suicide bombers, no jihad and no Talibanisation is inconsistent with the facts. Pakistan had all three, but they were, and still are, directed against India. ("The stakes are high. Pakistan will simply implode if the US does not leave Afghanistan", Commentary, News).

Pakistan started its jihad against India in Kashmir in November 1989 and its first suicide attack against civilians took place in Srinagar on 25 December 2000 – long before the west's invasion of Afghanistan.

The Taliban, too, appeared in the region in the middle of 1990, but the political mainsprings behind them, namely Pakistan's ambition to change the balance of power equation on its eastern and western border via state-sponsored terrorism, were long present in the Pakistani body politic. The Afghan war merely provided cash and international support that Pakistan needed to give practical shape to its regional ambition.

The Talibanisation of Pakistan and the threat to its internal stability stem from Islamabad's insistence on employing terrorism as a state policy towards its neighbours, a case of the tail wagging the dog. Mr Khan's attempt to blame the west, under these circumstances, is tantamount to placing the cart before the horse.

Randhir Singh Bains

Gants Hill, Essex

As Imran Khan says in his despairing commentary, the murderous polarisation of religious and political life in Pakistan would not have arisen without our "war on terrorism". This goes both for the murder of a liberal politician and the calls by Muslim villagers for the hanging of a Christian woman accused of blasphemy.

The polarisation that Khan laments is not confined to Pakistan but sweeps across much of the Muslim world as one response to serial military adventures by western powers, from crusades through colonial wars and the establishment of Israel to current interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and "tribal areas" of Pakistan.

Oddly, another report in the same Observer features another Muslim village, Bil'in in West Bank Palestine ("Mother tells of fresh tragedy", World). Here, as a Muslim mother mourns the death of her daughter in a protest at the Israeli "separation fence" the polarisation follows different lines.

The Muslim villagers who defy lethal gas shells and liquid ***** are joined by Jews and Christians. People of several religions or none are united by a commitment to human rights and international law. In this naive view, a wall that cuts a village from its land is unacceptable, as is the use of armed force against unarmed protesters.

At her daughter's funeral, the bereaved mother said she did not seek revenge. That was a matter for God, but she called on "the people of Israel to take a firm stand against the occupation... because only together will we be able to put an end to the tragedy of our two peoples".

Greg Wilkinson


So much unnecessary suffering is caused by "religion". If miracles could happen (sadly not, as we know) nothing would be more wonderful than that one of the fanatical mullah thugs could come back from the dead and state to the world: "Sorry mates, we were all so terribly wrong for such a long time. There is no god. Nothing! Please pass me Dawkins's book."

Also one can't escape noticing that most of the Islamic states are failed (Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Bangladesh etc), have a very low literacy rate and are economically unsuccessful. Well, the promise is then in the other life!

Barbara Arndt

Tunbridge Wells

Religious fundamentalists are not how they are because they are convinced that they are right, but because they are terrified they are wrong. Attempts to enshrine blasphemy in laws world-wide do nothing to change this view.

Mike Rampling

Well what is Pakistan to do when the west is shredding its own wrongs onto Pakistan as well. Sharing the responsibility is one thing, dumping every thing on the other is another. And that tis basically what the west wants to do, dump the whole thing on to Pakistan and that is not acceptable.
As long as the blame game will go on, instead of some good happenings, things would become more and more worse.
Pakistan: To blame the west for the rise of the Taliban is too simplistic

You do yourself a serious injustice by posting a so called article when in fact it is nothing more than readers of an article posting their comments.
The fact you deliberately left out the various readers names from this shows you made a deliberate attempt to deliver a fraudulentdocument.

The article is actually this one:
Pakistan will implode if the US does not leave Afghanistan: by Imran Khan in The Observer, Sunday 9 January 2011.


Veeru you have been around here long enough to know the difference.

Post and comment the REAL article not some bit of fraud.
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Please note while posting opinions from non-news sources and blogs, there should be a clear indication about it.
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