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Pakistan takes CPEC to Cairo (Egypt)


Aug 3, 2008
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Pakistan takes CPEC to Cairo



CAIRO: Federal ministers, senior government and defence officials, leaders of central banks and principal commercial entities, business and sectoral heads, investors, policymakers and opinion formers from Pakistan, Egypt, China and Europe have gathered in Cairo to discuss ways and means to create partnerships and maximise gains from the trillion-dollar projects that form the core corpus of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Belt & Road Initiative, set in motion by the Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013.

The four-day CPEC-BRI Cairo Dialogue and Trade Summit, a brainchild of Islamabad-based South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI), hopes to create a novel informal platform for continued conversation for future cooperation between countries in Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Linking the historic maritime trade routes through the Suez Canal to new markets via the emerging Gwadar Gateway is a unique prospect that promises progress and prosperity to millions of people currently waiting or working to be connected through the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (MSR).

Justifying the rational to organise the dialogue in Cairo, SASSI President, Dr Maria Sultan said: “Egypt is not only the gateway to Africa, it is going to be the gateway to emerging corridors of international trade and commerce. What we are proposing is the north-south corridor that is going to build up on the existing frameworks that are already in place through CPEC and BRI. It is like building our own win as what the Chinese would describe as a win-win. But we will have to craft our own wins. We are going for regional connectivity and building partnerships which will enable our people to benefit from this great economic transformation.”

Many months into planning, the Cairo summit could not have come at a more opportune time when Pakistan is claiming to have signed up Saudi Arabia as the third strategic partner in the CPEC project with Chinese affirmation. But is talking of extending it to Egypt so that it reaches the European shores through Suez Canal too ambitious and too soon? Talking to The News - the official print media partner of the Cairo Dialogue & Trade Summit - retired general and a former corps commander, Asif Yasin Malik thinks it pays if one plans ahead. “We are living in transitory times and the global geopolitics is undergoing a change. The United States is working towards self-inflicted isolation. China, interestingly, has a foothold in Africa in a major way courtesy the Western negligence of this continent. So the germs of CPEC are already present here.”

“Egypt remains the historical pivot of Africa and the north African states are transiting from the turmoil that afflicted the region as Arab Spring towards stability. And when the stability comes the markets get hot. So it makes perfect sense to come here and work for future.”

General (R) Malik agrees that the between Pakistan and Egypt lies the war-afflicted and war-torn Middle East but remains hopeful that the turmoil in the Middle East is waning. “Pakistan is already thinking of the old Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) – connecting through Iran and Turkey. We are already moving on this side. It is long before Syria and Yemen are settled and stabilised as Saudi are already re-evaluating their strategy towards Yemen. Iran is rethinking new approaches after the Trump withdrawal from the Six Plus group and the European approach towards this region is also changing. So it’s always good to be too early than being too late.”

Agenda for the speakers from Egypt, Pakistan, China and other invited countries is not limited to opportunities in trade and commerce. Apart from regional connectivity, cooperation in the fields of future security challenges, counter terrorism, hybrid security threats, maritime security, migration and cyber security are on the discussion table for which experts have arrived from three continents.
Firstly it wasn't the Chinese who came up with "win-win" and "game changer" term for CPEC it was your own Khansaheeb in 2003 on another defence forum (one in which I used to get kicked out of quite frequently and used to go back with another username, lol). I gave a nice justification why CPEC was important and how it would cut down the trade times from China to Pakistan to Africa and Middle East and also proposed that CPEC be extended to include a rail link. I was doing management courses then and so was using all sorts of fancy management talk. I gave justification as to why Pakistan should go for CPEC based on fees per truck and train carriage passage tolls to hook the greedy Wadaras who no doubt would have relished the idea of clocking in free money at the road and train tolls etc etc. Any way I am not here to boast my brilliance, thats already proven in other areas, ( I was also the first person to field the phrase " everything is easy when you know how", "You are what you do","When it gets tough the tough get going", "five rules for learning" etc.)

My next brilliant suggestion (modestly suggested of course ) is to have a multi-runway freight airport at Gwadar. I propose at least 10 runways with aircraft like these (unfortunately some puppet beat me to this plane idea):-


But seriously, the freight airport in my plan would consist of inward and outward: two runways for shipped goods transfer, two runways for road goods transfer, two runways for train goods transfer and two for civilian travel and two for military activity (all this activity and investment is going to need protection). unfortunately as per my calculation CPEC is going to suffer an optimum road bottleneck of approximately $200 Billion, so to eliminate this we need to have a parallel freight train railway line and a dedicated air corridor. Inshallah, all three trade mechanisms should contribute approximately $600 Billion of trade to the Pakistan economy. I hope the Pakistani economists are able to model the value of services that would support one goods truck , one goods train carriage and one freight plane so we can calculate how much CPEC would contribute to jobs,communities and the economy.

Egypt is just another trade partner , but there are numerous other partners from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia , Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi , Nigeria etc. who have a great amount of goods and trade for Pakistan and China.

As I have said before (in my previous pdf posts) China has it's own vision for CPEC and Pakistan has it's own vision for CPEC and the two are combined to create what is the real CPEC of today. CPEC is a combination of Chinese and Pakistani desires , hopes, aspirations and a voice of their people. This infectious global grand trade extravaganza has got the world applauding and drooling and has set the path to the world's greatest trade block of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, Central Asian and East Asian countries, what I call "the Great Trade" of the 21st Century; united by a common vision , a common belief and a common prayer that all good people of the world should have a fair deal and fair life. All credit goes to our Chinese leaders and brothers who helped us achieve our dream of CPEC.

Pakistan - China friendship Zindabad!
If Egypt is joining CPEC, this means it is KSA behind it. Good work KSA, you are winning hearts in Pakistan again.
Quite proactive! Great initiative but we have to be careful when dealing with the current Egyptian ruling Elite. They're corrupt as all hell so hopefully no MOU's signed with Egypt. "Arab Spring" really did a number on them.
We need central asian, eastern european and african economies integrated into coec as well.
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