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Pakistan Sri Lanka growing military alliance


Sep 7, 2008
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Pakistan has had links with Sri Lanka going back to the early 70s. Recently Sri Lanka stood out on its support for Pakistani membership at the Commonwealth. Pakistani arms have made a difference in the Indian inspired Tamil onslought on the peaceful Buddhists of Sri Lanka. Recently Sri Lanka has made huge progress against the Hindu Tamils who come across the from Tamil Nadu (India). Tamil Nadu also have their own beef with the Indian government and want to be independent from New Delhi.

The Sri Lanka government has purchased Russian planes and also wants to purchase Pakistani JF-17 Thunder planes.

India angry as Lanka turns to Pakistan again

New Delhi has once again expressed serious concern over Sri Lanka’s continued reliance on Pakistan for arms.

The Indian anxiety comes after reports mid last week claimed that Sri Lanka has ordered emergency military supplies from India’s arch rival Pakistan, as hostilities between government forces and LTTE rebels took a turn for the worse.Agency reports claimed that the Army has sought 150,000 rounds of 60mm mortar ammunition and as many hand grenades for immediate delivery to Sri Lanka from Pakistan.

“Sri Lanka has requested US$ 25 million worth of 81mm, 120mm and 130mm mortar ammunition to be delivered within a month,” IANS said, in a news report filed in New Delhi.

The report claimed that the military links between Islamabad and Colombo are worrying India because they allow Pakistan access to Sri Lankan defence and intelligence establishments.

New Delhi mid last year publicly expressed displeasure over Sri Lanka’s military purchases from Pakistan and China.

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India angry as Lanka turns to Pakistan again

Why they always get angry whenever its good news for Pakistan.

They had a Nuclear pact with USA and Pakistan didn't said anything but if we buy Even nut bolts from USA or any other Country for our Defence purposes, India gets a Headache.

They have SU-30 MKI and many other Jets but when Pakistan tries to get F-16s from USA their whole agencies get into action to cancel that deal.

They have problems if we sell our Defence items to Saudi Arabia and gulf countries why ?

They have problems if we sell our Defence items to Srilanka why ?
they angry for $ and now they can't behave as a police man of south asia
India, Sri Lanka are 'genuine friends': President Rajapaksa's adviser

Indian leaders that New Delhi and Colombo were "genuine friends" and that his country would keep civilian casualties in the war against the Tamil Tigers "to the very minimum".

Basil Rajapaksa also said that torrential rains and flooding had affected Tamils displaced by the fighting in the north and that India had pledged to provide food and medicines for them.

He added that UN agencies would visit the war zone to assess the situation.

"Both countries are proving to be genuine friends. This is true for the people of the two countries too," Rajapaksa told IANS, a day after meeting External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and other officials.

"India has really proved to be a real friend. They are friends of Sri Lanka," said Rajapaksa, who is also a brother of the Sri Lankan president. "We found they (India) have understood very well our problems."

His remarks followed extensive discussions on the situation in his country with Indian officials in the wake of mass protests in Tamil Nadu demanding a ceasefire and an end to civilian suffering in the north. The Sri Lankan military says it is advancing towards Kilinochchi town, the political hub of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

India has categorically ruled out the possibility of forcing a truce in Sri Lanka, where fighting has left thousands dead and displaced Tamil civilians who some accounts say number up to 250,000.

On Sunday, after Mukherjee briefed Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi about his discussions with Rajapaksa earlier in the day, the DMK chief declared a virtual end to the crisis sparked by his party's threat to quit the Indian parliament if a ceasefire was not enforced by Oct 29.

"We also realise that we need to do everything we can do for the safety of civilians (in the war zone). We are discussing (this issue with India)," said Rajapaksa. "We want to ensure zero civilian casualties or at least keep it to the very minimum."

Providing a gist of his talks here, Rajapaksa told IANS: "There are certain hardships (to civilians). We agree. We want to minimise them. There are no civilians now in Kilinochchi. They have gone deep into LTTE territory, beyond our firing range.

"In Kilinochchi town, no government office is functioning, only the hospital is operational. That too is government controlled. All civilians have moved out. If there are some in Kilinochchi, they are LTTE cadres."

He disputed the figure of internally displaced people, or IDPs. Most media reports they number up to 250,000 in the north, where the LTTE fully holds Mullaitivu district and almost the whole of Kilinochchi district.

"The whole population (in the region) is 250,000. Everyone is not IDP. By IDPs we mean those we have to give ration to.

"In Mullaitivu people are still in their houses but they have no buying power. For the sake of giving ration, we call them IDPs. Only the people in Mannar and Kilinochchi districts are displaced.

"Now the rains have started, there are floods. People are affected. It is our responsibility. We discussed this with the Indian government. They said they would send 100 tonnes of food and medicines.

"For distribution we will have discussions every week with the Indian high commissioner in Colombo. Sri Lanka will have the distribution network. All UN organizations will visit the area. They will provide us information."

Crediting New Delhi with having "very good information" about the Sri Lanka situation, Rajapaksa also said that Colombo "understands very well" why there have been vocal protests in Tamil Nadu about his country.

He referred to the problems of the Indian fishing community in passing, saying: "Fishermen don't care for the international maritime boundary. They go where the fish is."

Fishermen in Tamil Nadu, separated from Sri Lanka by a strip of sea, have accused the Sri Lankan Navy of firing at them. Colombo at times denies the charge and at times says it will not allow such firing to take place.

Referring to the LTTE, Rajapaksa said his government's attempt was to "isolate from the (Tamil) people" LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and his intelligence chief who goes by the nom de guerre Pottu Amman.

"There are a few things the government is doing. Suppose if there are two fishes in a bottle, we can either take the water out or the fishes out. The government is doing both. We want to isolate them from the people. But we are not against individuals or even terrorists. We are only against terror."
Now, nowhere in your link does it say Sri Lanka wants to purchase JF-17 or a ton of other crap that you have posted in your article. You changed the title name, as well as the content.

You are being reported.
Now, nowhere in your link does it say Sri Lanka wants to purchase JF-17 or a ton of other crap that you have posted in your article. You changed the title name, as well as the content.

You are being reported.

I would have adviced you something, but i am bound by the rules. Kindly bother reading the world news instead?

Pakistan Air Force totals eight JF-17 Thunder aircrafts : Pakistan Defence

The JF-17 Thunder is said to be the main attractive aircraft for the future of the air forces with different high-med tech packages available. Thirteen countries have so far expressed interest in purchasing the JF-17 aircraft are Azerbaijan, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Sudan.

The compiled version of article can be found here :

Pakistan Sri Lanka growing military alliance

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Why you always have to cry for links?

"Posting News

You must give credit to online news papers by posting their article with link. The link should be in the end of the post to keep the professionality, and better if you quote the news, so members can easily tell which one are your own words and which ones aren't. Also bold the title and make it in red color to make it look perfect!" - Forum Rules
I would have adviced you something, but i am bound by the rules. Kindly bother reading the world news instead?

Pakistan Air Force totals eight JF-17 Thunder aircrafts : Pakistan Defence

Oh awww this is your source of news?/??
Now, nowhere in your link does it say Sri Lanka wants to purchase JF-17 or a ton of other crap that you have posted in your article. You changed the title name, as well as the content.

You are being reported.

This has kind of become routine nowadays. A rumour starts in forums slowly creeps into poor news sources and becomes gospel truth . This seems starkly true in Pakistan's case . I am still wondering when on earth UAE ans Saudi expresssed interest in Al Khalid(Pun intended).
This has kind of become routine nowadays. A rumour starts in forums slowly creeps into poor news sources and becomes gospel truth . This seems starkly true in Pakistan's case . I am still wondering when on earth UAE ans Saudi expresssed interest in Al Khalid(Pun intended).

the funny thing about pathological lying indians is that they always portray them self when trying to dis us.. lol..
This has kind of become routine nowadays. A rumour starts in forums slowly creeps into poor news sources and becomes gospel truth . This seems starkly true in Pakistan's case . I am still wondering when on earth UAE ans Saudi expresssed interest in Al Khalid(Pun intended).

Although you are right that unverified reports and rumors should be quashed but you are unfair in only singling out Pakistan. There is plenty of unbacked sunshine being blown up in India as well about all things concerning the country.

There was nothing untrue about the reports that Saudis were looking at the Al-Khalid. The HIT actually has developed a prototype specifically for evaluation by the Saudi and other Gulf Armies. Considerably different from the Pakistani version. The tank have been evaluated by the Saudis in both Pakistan and in KSA. The DG, POF himself had mentioned that they were trying to sell the tank to KSA.
why didn't the Saudis buy Al-Khalid? why don't we ask them? after all they love to spend outrageous money on their systems.

at least we have customers, lol... no seriously though, I found out Pakistan is not exporting Al-Khalid at this time, only small parts.

Al-Khalid, Type 98, And T-90 Dominate World Tank Market

by Staff Writers
Newtown CT (SPX) Mar 26, 2008

In its annual analysis, "The Market for Tanks," the Forecast International Weapons Group expects that the international market will produce over 6,900 main battle tanks, worth nearly $27.9 billion, through 2017. However, while increased modernization and retrofit remains transparent to our analysis of new-production tanks, this factor remains a significant component of the international market.

Dean Lockwood, Weapons Systems Analyst at Forecast International and author of the analysis, noted, "In 2007, U.S. Department of Defense contract awards for the maintenance, RESET, and upgrade of the existing M1 Abrams inventories carried a total value of over $1.223 billion."

That was equivalent to nearly 33.25 percent of the total value of all new-production main battle tanks entering the international market in 2007 (over $3.68 billion). Last year, the Chinese Type 98 program maintained its position as the single largest new-production program. Yet, with a total value of $402.62 million (for 118 new-production tanks), the Type 98 program was worth less than 33 percent what the U.S. DoD spent on the M1 Abrams in 2007.

The expense associated with the modernization and retrofit of high-end main battle tanks pales in comparison with the prospect of new tank procurement. Thus, we expect that new production of high-end tanks will remain relatively low, accounting for 14.03 percent of all production and worth 22.25 percent of the market, during the forecast period.

In terms of sheer numbers, we expect that Pakistan's Al Khalid, the Type 98 of the People's Republic of China, and the Russian Federation's T-90 (including India's licensed T-90S production program) will continue to dominate the market, accounting for 60.38 percent of all new tanks rolling out worldwide, worth 52.82 percent of the market, through 2017.

In the international market for main battle tanks, the days of U.S. and European domination over new production appear to be long gone. Nevertheless, the established U.S. and European players continue to make their presence felt. The 120mm Rh 120 smoothbore ordnance, the state-of-the-art Leopard 2, and the combat-proven M1 Abrams continue to set the standard for main battle tank design worldwide.

Second only to the infantryman in terms of combat effectiveness, the "mailed fist" of heavy armor remains the arm of decision on the modern battlefield. Further, as Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-present) evolved from a war of movement into a security operation, the main battle tank has proven surprisingly adaptable.

According to Lockwood, "In the congested streets of Iraqi cities, the Abrams serves as a significant force multiplier, fully up to meeting the challenges of an asymmetric warfare environment."

Forecast International, Inc. is a leading provider of Market Intelligence and Analysis in the areas of aerospace, defense, power systems and military electronics. Based in Newtown, CT, USA, Forecast International specializes in long-range industry forecasts and market assessments utilized by strategic planners, marketing professionals, military organizations, and governments worldwide.

Al-Khalid, Type 98, And T-90 Dominate World Tank Market
Sri Lankans have always looked towards Pakistan for help in the time of need and they helped Pakistan in the past as well, sounds natural to help eachother when faced with a common threat.
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