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Pakistan soon to become associate member of CERN


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom
Pakistan will become associate member of European
Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) soon and this
will help create its soft image and also give opportunity
to Pakistani scientists to become part of international
science community.
While talking to ‘The News,’ National Centre for Physics
Director Research Hafeez Hoorani said that he worked
with CERN as team leader from Pakistan on different
projects. He also mentioned that PAEC and NCP as a
joint venture have produced 318 detectors called RPCs
which were used for the detection of the Higgs Boson at
CMS detector in 2012. The performance, efficiency and
reliability of these detectors were recognised by CERN.
He said to participate in LHC project is an honour for
Pakistan and it has successfully created its good image
among the international science community. He further
said that Pakistan hopefully soon become an associate
member of CERN, which would help create its soft image
and tell the world that Pakistan also has talent to do
He said if Pakistan becomes an associate member of
CERN then this will not only help us to get contracts for
our industry but also to get technology, which is the
need of the time if we want to make our country strong
and economically vibrant. “Pakistani scientists are very
talented and hard workers that’s why they are well
known in CERN,” he added.
He said that National Centre for Physics is the best
platform for Pakistani scientists to work and it has
created good image of the country, which is one of the
reasons that scientists from all over the world has
started trusting Pakistan and they have started visiting
our country.
“Director Accelerator and Technology of CERN Dr. Steve
Myres whose nick name is (Lord of the Rings) is visiting
Pakistan on 24 June to attend International Nathiagali
Summer College (INSC),” Hafeez said.
Hafeez Hoorani said that in Pakistan we have to create
opportunities for young scientists to keep them busy in
research work and to use their brain for the betterment
of our country. Unfortunately, because of the limited
resources and lack of interest of our political leaders our
scientists have very limited opportunities to work and to
show their skills on the state of the art projects.

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