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Pakistan Should work With Japan to make the Khyber (Nakamura) Dam


Dec 17, 2014
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United States
Japan is reaching out to Pakistan to be allowed to build more infrastructure in Pakistan in recent meetings. Pakistan is in need most of all of Dams to protect against flooding, Hold water to mitigate against dry seasons, and to generate Electricity.

Would it be the perfect solution to meet both needs by asking Japan to build the Khyber Dam, to honor the Memory of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura. Dr. Nakamura worked in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but helped plan and build a canal that helped feed over 600,000 people as part of his Medical Philanthropy. If in his honor, tens of millions, if not Hundreds of Millions could be served, this would be the ultimate honor to his memory.

The Dam's design would be able to store more then 10 Million Acre feet of Water (this is more water then Tarbela can store) and protect Peshawar from even the worst possible flood for centuries.

The way this dam works is that it will work in both Pakistan and help stored water that can be shared (because half of the reservoir is in Afghanistan) with Afghanistan. The electricity could also be shared, and create a reason for the regime in Kabul to respect the concerns of Pakistan. The design of the Dam is for 3500 Megawatts. (4500+ GWH per Year)

This would be a way to ensure stable food supplies in the region, and help lay the ground work for a stable Afghanistan, and a stable Nangarhar Province, where the doctor worked and where this dam would most serve the people.

The dam would be similar to the Iranian Karun 3 Dam
Estimates on Cost based on the Iranian dam, adjusted for inflation could be only $600 Million- $1 Billion. But there are many factors to consider to know the true figure.

With global outreach and good philanthropic marketing, the world, and especially Japanese people could help fund this dam.


I'm not sure if this location is the same as the Mohmand Dam, but the Mohmand dam seems too small to be on the same location. Mohmand Dam is on the Swat River, while the Khyber Dam would be on the Kabul River.

Slide 89 Outlines the deals on this Dam

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