India is not located in that strategic point to be threatened to get bombed.
Seconldy US has no problem with Hindus.
Thirdly why would US threaten India of any such attack or bombing when US is using India for containing China.
When US had forced India to stab Iran in the back
And lastly US is aleady eyeing India for finding market for its weapons.
US is desperate to have Nuclear deal with India partly due to many reasons ranging from selling of weapons to containing China to get more access to India nuke programme and to to to mint the newly found important raw material which could be used in nuclear breeders
As usual you are in a profession that survives on spin. I don't blame you!
What do you mean by India not in a strategic position not to get bombed?
May I remind you that Pakistan itself put itself in a strategic position to get bombed by the US.
Zia and even today, Pakistan wants Afghanistan in its pocket. The reasons are very valid. I have no quibble on that on the intellectual plane. It requires a pliant Afghanistan to get the strategic depth as also to ensure there is no hullabaloo over the Durand Line. It is a question of integrity of Pakistan’s territory and sovereignty and its strategic requirement against India. Valid. `
So the ISI worked hard and achieved Phase I – get rid of the Soviets. US was delighted!
But then, where Pakistan bungled it up is that once the Mujahideens took over Afghanistan, they were allowed to run wild. Osama used this chaos to perpetuate his own agenda. He attacked the US. Now that is not cricket as far as the US is concerned! It is fine kowtow to US policies, but it should not be that the US is blown up! Zia had created a Frankenstein and left it to be so, so that Islam was uber alles!
I appreciate the manner in which people of the Islamic faith are so zealous in their belief that Islam is uber alles, but then Zia overdid it. These fundamentalists ran a riot and Osama thought he was the new messiah of Islam, notwithstanding that the Prophet was the last! This blasphemous thought of Osama is what has brought this crisis and Zia is responsible for the same!
And thereafter Pakistan inherited the sins of Zia and Osama and was caught in a bind. It required the munificence of the US and yet could not reconcile to the fact of the unIslamic act of people of the Islamic faith killing people of their own religion!
So, Introspect and not whimper and wail. Pakistan brought this unfortunate situation upon itself and they do not know how to get out from this labyrinth!
Hindus have nothing to do with the equation of the US. If I have missed something, do educate!
You are mistaken about the US arm twisting India over the Iran pipeline. You are a journalist, how is it that you missed the meat – Iran has hiked the cost and the price for the facility from what they had agreed! Obviously, India cannot be taken for a ride or blackmailed!
Yes, it appears that the US is using India as a countervailing influence to China.
Anything wrong in it, if it is mutually beneficial? Remember SEATO and CENTO? The only thing is that India still has an independent policy unlike Pakistan in those days and even now, where it has to agree to everything that the US wants. I believe there has been another strike, violating Pakistan sovereignty, where it is said that the AQ chemical and biological weapon expert has been killed.
US is indeed interested in India and it muscular buying powerful in foreign exchange that few others can boast of in the neighbourhood. It is not our foreign exchange that empowers India, it is it vast markets and it great potential. It is not only India’s capability to pay for weapons without pleading for aid or deferred payment that attract the US, it is also the market. The same attracts all major powers and players including China.
India and Pakistan are different ball parks.
Let us not compare!