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Pakistan should build better ties with Israel to drive out India: Musharraf

It will be good for India too Israel having ties and more Consulates in Pakistan. :devil:
It will be good for India too Israel having ties and more Consulates in Pakistan. :devil:

diplomatic recognition will come once the issue of Palestine is resolved and this was an aspiration felt from the times of Pakistan's Quaid e Azam.....

trust me, i hope the issue gets resolved......i once bumped into an israeli ''free-lancer'' in Turkiye (a genuinely pleasant human being) ...they have some naval electronic warfare equipment i'd love to get my hands on at some point

(my own views)
Apparently Musharaff wont exist to see his visionary thought process!!!

I guess India should not have tipped his assassination bid on two occasions!

rigggght....we all know the indians are fantastic when it comes to dreaming and coining myths

you are aware that no such ''tip offs'' occurred; it was a laugh-worthy rumour peddled by your ''professional media''
diplomatic recognition will come once the issue of Palestine is resolved and this was an aspiration felt from the times of Pakistan's Quaid e Azam.....

trust me, i hope the issue gets resolved......i once bumped into an israeli ''free-lancer'' in Turkiye (a genuinely pleasant human being) ...they have some naval electronic warfare equipment i'd love to get my hands on at some point

(my own views)

Israeli's in Turkey have to show good gesture, they have business, even Indians are treated well in Pakistan, I know, and vice-versa, common man is not into such matters. But when it comes to pride, protection of culture, thoughts and population, things are different.
Israeli's in Turkey have to show good gesture, they have business, even Indians are treated well in Pakistan, I know, and vice-versa, common man is not into such matters. But when it comes to pride, protection of culture, thoughts and population, things are different.

that isnt a phenomenon limited to just south asia or middle east

oh and by free-lancer, i meant that he was....i guess you could say.....''free agent arms dealer'' if such a word did exist. I was actually surprised by how un-hostile he seemed towards Pakistan.

like i said - Pakistan and israel's relationship will be meaningless until and unless the Palestine issue is resolved. It would be impossilbe to ''sell'the idea of diplomatic relations to a Pakistani population that sympathises with the Palestine cause.

with that said, unlike the Arabs --- I see no ''baggage'' between our countries. The israelis are SUPER educated, they work hard, theyre united, and they know how to make electronics, gadgets and guns......and these are 3 things Pakistanis love.
IF anybody thinks that ISRAEL is anything other than a MASSIVE SECURITY THREAT TO PAKISTAN they are being blind and very foolish.

ISRAEL is india,s no1 military ally.

it provides india with its MOST ADVANCED military hardware worth billons $$$
ISRAEL electrifed the LOC fence
Israel resupplied india during KARGIL
ISRAEL OFFERED to bomb pakistan in the 19990s to knock out Pak nuke stations


In other words in war ISRAEL will be the first to aid INDIA that is guranteed
correction.....Russia is to india what China is to Pakistan

and yes -- israel ''offered'' to bomb Pakistani nuclear sites and luckily the ISI caught onto the plan and it was israelis who shut up --and it was indians who had their pants down and their browned arse exposed
^^ Not to the same extent. India has been diversifying for quite some time now.


Russia & Israel is to INDIA wat china is to Pakistan.

If you dont believe i can post pictures of

Phalcon awacs
Sypder SAM
green pine radars
pop eye turbo cruise missles
elta radars
Python AAM

Phew the list is endless i better stop
sure they have.....so by the same token of logic, I think it would take brave and clever leadership to realize that a strictly professional and sophisticated relationship with a country like israel (where and when it suits us) could have a desired effect. It coud show the world that Pakistan is a mature country that seeks to be at peace with the world (etc. etc. --the usual cheesy crap like that which people want to hear)

in all honesty, Pakistan should have been (and still can be) a country like Turkiye......it's what the Quaid envisioned for Pakistan.

if israel stops its aggressive and inhumane policies and grants freedom (ends occupation) of pre-1967 Palestine, it would be foolish for Pakistan not to approach the israelis....the idea should be to contain new delhis influence or presence, while also signing deals that bring betterment to our defence and development

(ironically, its the israelis who mastered agricultural irrigation technology; they have an edge on electronic warfare equipment, radars, and almost anything else that uses semi-conductors)

stuff i would love to get my hands on

but i must re-iterate again that these are my personal views.....surely some will still disagree with me :)
AZ with our luck we will have Mossad running around murdering our people like they do in Iran. I mean Raymond Davis wasn't released that long ago. I think it's better to ignore the Israelis altogether, and one of the few policies that I consider smart from our country.

We know wat you want.

You dont want israel supplying advanced military hardware worth $20 billion+ to india over the next decade.

You dont want MOSSAD & RAW working together.


You are stronger with israel AND VERY MUCH WEAKER if they are with india.

Like i said we ALL RESPECT & FEAR the israeli military machine

too bad they are india,s no1 ally
you should first grow up and start by recognizing Israel . Then you can see if you can milk some benefits out of them.
Mush is making it too obvious.
Lmao why should we be scared of Israelis when we are not scared of Indians. Military equipment does not equate to a strong military.
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