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Pakistan should ‘bite the bullet’ in Nato routes row: US official


Aug 15, 2009
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Pakistan should

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s civilian government should “bite the bullet” and re-open supply routes to Nato forces in Afghanistan in order to ease tensions with the United States, a senior US government official said on Tuesday.

The United States said on Monday it was withdrawing its team of negotiators from Pakistan without securing a long-sought deal on supply routes for the war in neighbouring Afghanistan, publicly exposing a diplomatic stalemate and deeply strained relations that appear at risk of deteriorating further.

“If the civilian government in Islamabad would bite the bullet and make the political decision to open the ground lines of communication, that would deflect some of the negativity right now,” the official told Reuters.

“It wouldn’t automatically turn things around but that would be an important step.”

Pakistan banned trucks from carrying supplies to the war effort in Afghanistan last year in protest against a cross-border Nato air attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, a measure US officials initially hoped would be short term.

Although the US official suggested Pakistan would have to take several steps to repair heavily damaged ties, he said the strategic allies could not afford a rupture.

“We have longer-term interests that we must keep in mind. The interests are nuclear, it is counterterrorism and it is also reconciliation in Afghanistan for a relatively peaceful and stable region,” said the US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

“So you know, the heightened sentiments in Washington will eventually have to come to a point where people say hold on, we have bigger interests here.”
Rather you should bite the bullet and say sorry for killing 24 Pakistani soldiers... It only shows to us that USA killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on purpose...

Say sorry, or no supply routes, simple. Lose your ego. Is losing 30 million everyday to air transport worth Obamas ego?
Americans just screaming ME ME ME ME and even there statments tells the story

"“We have longer-term interests that we must keep in mind. The interests are nuclear, it is counterterrorism and it is also reconciliation in Afghanistan for a relatively peaceful and stable region,” said the US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity"

Interests are nuclear ? And that mean what ?? Thx for exposing urself

We give f**** about u whats important for Pakistan is our own security and our economy. Get the f*** out this region which will bring peace since usa is main source of all terrorist. We can see terrorist attacks has went down since USA CIA operation was expoxed in Pakistan, We saw raymond davis had links with banned terror group , we saw he had pictures for places which were kind of place terrorist attacked.
First say sorry, and also send an official letter of apology to all the deceased soldier's family members.

Then we'll think about it.
lately i felt its not only the mr.beam/bean has got funny its the whole washington DC and Pantagon .... they make good jokes even better than our comedians in theatres they should be given chance
Rather you should bite the bullet and say sorry for killing 24 Pakistani soldiers... It only shows to us that USA killed 24 Pakistani soldiers on purpose...

Say sorry, or no supply routes, simple. Lose your ego. Is losing 30 million everyday to air transport worth Obamas ego?

Its 100 million a month....

Pakistan’s seven-month-long refusal to allow U.S. and NATO supplies to cross its territory into Afghanistan is costing the United States an additional $100 million a month to fund alternative routes, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said Wednesday.......
and we havnt even close our air routes yet!!!

so in last 11 years we have allowed them a benefir of atleast 13 billion dollars in transit
i am pretty sure it was very much during the deployment stage..may be the figure would cross 20-25 billion dollars..

and what AID we got..
all amount released including for the operational costs for deploying military at boarders is not more than 11 billion dollars(approved 19 billion but released only 11 uptill now, from kerry loger only 500 million were released uptill today)
Cmon Pakistan, there is still time...
Cmon Pakistan, there is still time...

What will Pakistan get out of it? And don't say money, trucks going to the Pak-Afghan border from Karachi Port are damaging Pakistan's roads and highways.
What will Pakistan get out of it? And don't say money, trucks going to the Pak-Afghan border from Karachi Port are damaging Pakistan's roads and highways.

he doesn't get it yet xD
What will Pakistan get out of it? And don't say money, trucks going to the Pak-Afghan border from Karachi Port are damaging Pakistan's roads and highways.

Its not what Pakistan will gain if it does, its what Pakistan will lose if it doesn't...
we have already lose alot being an ally of USA so what else we could lose. no worries here
Its not what Pakistan will gain if it does, its what Pakistan will lose if it doesn't...

US already taken forcefully of our sovereignty, what else remains to be afraid of? famine? death? At least that will be better than an endless humiliation!!
Its not what Pakistan will gain if it does, its what Pakistan will lose if it doesn't...

And what will it lose?

besides drone strikes, U.S. pressure, etc.

Yup, because anon45 tried reasoning earlier.. and failed.. he threaten's now.. Must really be desperate for that popeyes above.
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