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Pakistan sets aside 3 billion rupees for Nuclear power generation projects


Sep 8, 2009
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Govt releases Rs 3.58bn for C3, C4 power plants

By Ijaz Kakakhel

ISLAMABAD: In a bid to help meet country’s growing energy demand and reduce power shortfall, the government has released Rs 3.580 billion for Chashma Nuclear Power Plant (C3 & C4) from the development fund in the last 10 months of the current fiscal year, sources told Daily Times on Wednesday.

The funds were released to the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) from PSDP 2010-11 (June 2010 to May 1, 2011) and the government assured full support to the efforts of PAEC in developing the nuclear power programme of the country. Both plants (C3 and C4) would add 300 MW power each unit in the national grid after completion.

Top officials told this scribe that Pakistan has been consistently complying with the requirements of nuclear safeguard agreements signed between the government of Pakistan and the International Atomic Energy Agency – and said this would continue to be the practice for all the civil nuclear power plants to be built in Pakistan in future. Building and operating nuclear power plants is vital to the interest of the people of Pakistan because as the country is suffering from severe energy deficiency and needed more power plants.

Both nuclear power plants C3 and C4 had been planned in accordance with the safeguard agreements with IAEA approved by the its board of governors in March. Pakistan had termed the agreement with IAEA success for Pakistan and recognition of its nonproliferation commitments. The officials claimed that plans were also afoot to develop the required human resource to increase indigenous capability of equipment manufacturing and to enhance fuel cycle handling capacity.

Overall releases to Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) in the last 10 months are Rs 4.274 billion for 22 development projects in which major allocation has been made to Chashma Nuclear Power Project (C3 and C4) i.e. Rs 3.580 billion, showing 83 percent spending on this project.

Apart from this allocation, the government also allocated another Rs 192 million for Chashma Nuclear Power Project C-II, Minawali, Rs 60 million for MP3 Taunsa-2 Uranium Mining Project, Rs 57.065 million released for upgradation of CHASCENT Kundian, Rs 53 million earmarked for DI Khan Institute of Nuclear Medicines.

PSDP-2010-11 releases for other projects the PAEC are; Rs 42.200 million given to the scheme Detailed Exploration of Uranium Resources in Bannu Basin and Kohat Plateau, Rs 40.700 million released to Detailed Exploration of Uranium (Phase-V II) DG Khan, Rs 9.354 million to NMSS (Phase-VI) Lahore, Rs 35.700 million to Swat Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy, Rs 15.400 million to Bannu Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy, Rs 24.200 million to Benazirabad Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy, Rs 28 million to Establishment of National Institute of Lasers and Optronics (NILOP), Rs 24.700 million to upgradation of KINPOE Infrastructure Karachi, Rs 27 million released to Nuclear Power Fuel Testing Project (NPF-TP) Mianwali, Rs 13.245 million for Global Change Impact Studies Center IIASA Pakistan Collaboration Islamabad, Rs 41 million for Development of Project Team for site Development and Installation of 300 MW and 1000 MW Nuclear Power Plant Karachi, Rs 0.900 million for Cloning of Cellulose Gens (s) for Ethanol Production from Plant Biomass Faisalabad.

More projects of the PAEC: Rs 13 million for Nilore Complex Hospital (PINSTECH) Nilore Islamabad, Rs 16 million for Center for Earthquake Studies (SES) and Rs 1 million released for establishment of project Monitoring and Evaluation Cell (PMEC).

However, two projects of the PAEC received zero allocation in the last 10 months of current fiscal year. These projects include upgradation of PINSTECH Labs (Phase-II) and Nuclear Power Waste Chashma (NPWC) Facility.
Hmmm.... Germany and Switzerland are planning to get rid of nuclear power, while Pakistan is moving in the opposite direction. Interesting...
Im not a fan of nuclear power, another sign of the short term thinking of our leadership. It may seem at the moment that nuclear power is great, but where are we going to dispose of all this waste...it is a terrible idea to invest in a type of power generation for which no technology exists to eliminate the radio active material it uses...also, the chance of melt down is ever present, however remote.
No funds for Civil Nuclear enrichment programme???? in PSDP 2010-2011 billions were released for this project.
If anyone has knowledge about the status of this programme please share.
India ix the root cause of promoting arms race in the region, stop playing holy here...

Good step by GOP
Unless Pakistan is allowed into uranium trade, nuclear power isn't a very good idea. There is hardly enough uranium there
Germany has reaped rewards of economy and wealth for 20-30 years, we need to also get energy in control europe is moving to solar energy but we first need to master nuclear technology , but I agree solar is way to go buy for now , we need nuclear energy for 10-15 years
And Why you are forgetting to mention about India..........that is not Interesting.

Didn't want to bring India into the discussion, but if you insist, let me rephrase my post:

Hmmm.... Germany and Switzerland are planning to get rid of nuclear power, while Pakistan and India are moving in the opposite direction. Interesting...

nuclear power seems the most efficient way for us to MEET our current energy demands, any sort of power generation at this point seems like a bright idea.
Im not a fan of nuclear power, another sign of the short term thinking of our leadership. It may seem at the moment that nuclear power is great, but where are we going to dispose of all this waste...it is a terrible idea to invest in a type of power generation for which no technology exists to eliminate the radio active material it uses...also, the chance of melt down is ever present, however remote.

Short term thinking?
Wind and solar power is short term thinking.

Nuclear power IS long term thinking. Let me give you an example. In the 70s, France faced an oil shock. With relatively little energy resources, it started building nuclear power plants. Today, France has one of the cheapest electricity costs in europe and is also the world's largest net exporter of electricity, due to the cheap cost of nuclear power.

The nuclear waste point is overblown. Nuclear power produces a relatively small amount of waste - Case in point: Ever since America started using nuclear power, all the waste that’s been produced would only fill up a football field to the depth of 20 feet. That waste can be reprocessed or can be stored safely underground.

Pakistan needs to invest in nuclear energy or start using its coal resources if it wants to survive.
You have a point, I just dont feel comfortable with the potential of a meltdown, the Japanese couldnt prevent it and the Pakistanis usually do far worse with far less damaging scenarios...nor has Pakistan shown a serious interest in the environment over the years and I dont trust the government to safely store the waste so it doesnt cost lasting damaging to the environment.
The Americans themselves lack confidence in nuclear, even though Obama is all for expanding its use...maybe you are right..I am no expert on the subject, but was just voicing my concern over the safety of such reactors in a country where anything is seldom safe.
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