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Pakistan’s woes — a diagnosis


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Pakistan’s woes — a diagnosis

By Dr Azhar Hassan Nadeem Published: October 24, 2012

The writer is a former inspector-general of police, Punjab and author of Pakistan: The Political Economy of Lawlessness (Oxford University Press, 2002)

Pakistan is the focus of international attention as a country fraught with problems that have national and transnational implications. Not only has terrorism given frequent twists and turns to the process of economic growth, but also created the widespread perception — notwithstanding tremendous sacrifices in terms of lives, resources and human sufferings — of Pakistan being a state that is part of the problem rather than the solution for the menace that is terrorism. Pakistan is a country where even an obvious act of callousness and barbarity targeting an innocent 15-year-old girl, by an outfit having no belief in basic human rights, is being confused not only by the religious right but also by certain mainstream parties by drawing irrelevant comparisons with the Lal Masjid operation and drone attacks. It goes without saying that Malala Yousufzai was attacked for promoting the cause of girls’ education with no intent of harming anyone, whereas the Lal Masjid episode and drone attacks are different phenomena as their targets are the militants and the collateral damage is accidental. The confusion is confounded by cultural manifestations of Pakistan’s civil society, which appear as a collection of incoherent voices, conflicting worldviews and opposing interests.

In addition to terrorism, extremism and intolerance of views that are different from one’s own, the country is plagued with resource inadequacies like electricity, gas and water shortages, environmental degradation, traffic mayhem, emergence of vigilante groups, land mafia and potential suicide bombers, growing incidence of rural and urban poverty, unemployment, inadequate housing, juvenile delinquency, erosion of purchasing power due to the inflationary spiral, an unprecedented debt burden, financial indiscipline and corruption, problematic health and education regimes, political instability, institutional wrangling, food shortages, widening income gaps, deteriorating terms of trade and breakdown of social and moral values. The net result is a social disorder, a growing sense of insecurity, capital flight and a doom’s day syndrome.

If someone has to explain the root cause of all these problems and implications thereof, the answer lies in one phenomenon: demographic pressures and the lack of a comprehensive strategy for human resource development. In 1947, the population of Pakistan (then West Pakistan) stood at 31 million people. Owing to a high birth rate approaching to around three per cent per annum, it rose to 62 million in 1970.The approximate population figure for the year 2012 is 186 million people of which 93 million fall in the age group between 0-17 years. Added to this is the fact that the increase in the population in the age group between 15-30 years in the period of 1998 and 2008 was around 33 per cent. Out of 93 million teenagers, 40 million do not attend school. If properly motivated, educated and trained to become productive economic agents, the young can become an engine of growth in an expanding economy. Failure to address this issue, as has been the case in Pakistan, has resulted in youth radicalisation and the kinds of problems identified in the foregoing paragraphs.

According to Nadeemul Haq, the deputy chairman of the Planning Commission, Pakistan will require a nine per cent annual rate of growth compared with the present 2.4 per cent per annum to gainfully employ its young population. India, with a robust economy and a well-thought and well-implemented human resource strategy, has been able to generate for itself a comparative advantage through its large reservoir of engineers and computer experts. Compared with this, seminaries in Pakistan, particularly those in Punjab, have produced a large number of indoctrinated extremists wreaking havoc on the body-politic of Pakistan. No operation, however successful, is likely to produce tangible results unless we eliminate the breeding grounds of the radical and extremist mindset. This calls for a comprehensive strategy of economic development encompassing basic structural reforms designed to impart training to the youth, in not only technical skills, but also in cognitive skills through a drastic change in the curriculum at primary, high school and higher secondary school levels with emphasis on values of tolerance, enlightenment and peaceful coexistence in a diverse and competitive world. An alternative narrative, free of individual, family, group, clan and national self-conceit, imbibing respect for basic human rights (particularly those of the marginalised) needs to be given to the young through a dynamic and progressive national agenda. This will be in addition to a growth-prone economy designed to reduce the population growth rate, create employment, reduce poverty, increase exports, promote investment and ensure distributive justice through improved governance.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 25th, 2012.

................. This calls for a comprehensive strategy of economic development encompassing basic structural reforms designed to impart training to the youth, in not only technical skills, but also in cognitive skills through a drastic change in the curriculum at primary, high school and higher secondary school levels with emphasis on values of tolerance, enlightenment and peaceful coexistence in a diverse and competitive world. ............

That is easier said than done.

After debt servicing and the defence expenditure, which take together eat up almost 75-80% of the total budget, there is simply not enough money left to do what is being proposed.
human disaster in the making if we didnt survive !!
That is easier said than done.

After debt servicing and the defence expenditure, which take together eat up almost 75-80% of the total budget, there is simply not enough money left to do what is being proposed.
And who makes the budgeting decisions? Pakistan's military decides its own budget, then leaves everyone else in Pakistan the crumbs. That plus debt servicing reduces Parliament to a mere distraction and the presidency to near-insignificance.
And who makes the budgeting decisions? Pakistan's military decides its own budget, then leaves everyone else in Pakistan the crumbs. That plus debt servicing reduces Parliament to a mere distraction and the presidency to near-insignificance.

Whoever makes the decisions does not change the fact that it is impossible to make a substantive change on the mere 20-25% left behind. Hence the remedy proposed by the article you posted is impossible.
Disagree. There is a solution.

And the start will be elections. Its not about the party coming to power.
Any party which comes to power will have a stronger say in the country vis-a-vis your military. This will be the first times a govt has completed its term. It gives power to the politicians. And they will try and wrest unconstitutional powers taken by PA.

They will force the PA to reduce defence expenditure once they gain confidence in their ability to not be ousted by the military. Maybe not in the next 2-3 years but definitely in the next 10 years.

That coupled with trade with neighbours. You will have change. It may be slow, but there is no doubt about it.
Disagree. There is a solution.

They will force the PA to reduce defence expenditure once they gain confidence in their ability to not be ousted by the military. Maybe not in the next 2-3 years but definitely in the next 10 years.
The PA since Pakistan's inception were and are the self styled caretakers of Pakistan's foreign and defence policies that has resulted in fundamentalism taking root especially from the time of Gen Zia, creating fractures in society. Pakistan has now become more or less a security state. As long as the Establishment feels that terrorists are a 'strategic asset' as Kayani himself mentioned to his American counterpart things will most likely get worse.

There needs to be a paradigm shift in policies and the democratically elected govt needs to start calling the shots. But sadly, that's easier said than done. Has anyone the guts to take on the Establishment and the entrenched vested interests?
Disagree. There is a solution.

And the start will be elections. Its not about the party coming to power.
Any party which comes to power will have a stronger say in the country vis-a-vis your military. This will be the first times a govt has completed its term. It gives power to the politicians. And they will try and wrest unconstitutional powers taken by PA.

They will force the PA to reduce defence expenditure once they gain confidence in their ability to not be ousted by the military. Maybe not in the next 2-3 years but definitely in the next 10 years.

That coupled with trade with neighbours. You will have change. It may be slow, but there is no doubt about it.

The problem is that elections in Pakistan (except 1970, and look at how that turned out) have been, and will be, carefully managed shams with the same powers-that-be pulling the strings behind the scenes, thereby ensuring that no substantial change takes place.
Imran Khan said we will audit the Defence budget

lets see what happens
The PA since Pakistan's inception were and are the self styled caretakers of Pakistan's foreign and defence policies that has resulted in fundamentalism taking root especially from the time of Gen Zia, creating fractures in society. Pakistan has now become more or less a security state. As long as the Establishment feels that terrorists are a 'strategic asset' as Kayani himself mentioned to his American counterpart things will most likely get worse.

There needs to be a paradigm shift in policies and the democratically elected govt needs to start calling the shots. But sadly, that's easier said than done. Has anyone the guts to take on the Establishment and the entrenched vested interests?

The problem is that elections in Pakistan (except 1970, and look at how that turned out) have been, and will be, carefully managed shams with the same powers-that-be pulling the strings behind the scenes, thereby ensuring that no substantial change takes place.

You are wrong and i will give answers to substantiate my statement.

Both the two major political parties of Pakistan - PPP and PMLN have stated unequivocally that they are willing to move on with respect to India. Nawaz has said of unilateral withdrawal from Siachen. He has a huge axe to grind against the military.

Zardari has clearly said and has gone against the military's wishes. Both were infact having a huge standoff. Zardari has even tried to change the military's composition by trying to bring in ISI under his dept. Ofcourse he had to withdraw that decision soon.

The ONLY reason, why the Politicians are succumbing to the military is because of the implicit threat - that the day they cross a red line set by the military, they will be removed from power by a coup!

The day they are assured that there will be no coup, they will not hesitate to start clipping the military's extra constitutional privileges. They both have a big axe to grind.

Today that looks like an impossible thing - with today's day and age and with the media of Pakistan coming of age, it is almost impossible to commit a coup. The second defence being the judiciary. The CJ has already said 'no more' to any judicial sanctions to coup's. While the CJ will change, his words have set a precedent.

This coupled with the military being strung up and people being brought in courts over the PA's attempt to change the political outcomes of Pakistan has set a precedent.

Now, the only thing the military can do is sponsor another political party to make it win in elections! And it is indeed doing that = PTI !
However this is not direct intervention, and the likelyhood of winning slim. Even then, how long do you think that PTI will be controlled or toe the military's line on all affairs? You see people have a tendency to forget things and be independent when they come to power.

and should either of the 2 main political parties win - expect a change in authority of the political class vis-a-vis the military!
the problem is bharats other states' criminal activities in pakistan ------they give sanctuary to and give support to the crimials in pakistan ,,,,,........
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