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Pakistan’s nukes: How many are enough?

'Clamping down on corruption' in the PSE's is too challenging an endeavor. Depending on the government, PSE's may or may not get stuffed with political cronies and supporters, and any 'clamping down' done earlier goes to waste. The only avenues to fix the situation is to enter into public-private partnerships or privatize them completely, with management in the hand of the private sector in the former case, so that profit and growth drives PSE decision making, not 'how many votes can be bought by appealing to the unions and stuffing party workers in'.

The sole reason why our PSE's are in shambles is because of the management. Most of the times, these enterprises are being run by people who have no knowledge of the tasks what so ever. Such people are usually appointed only because of the backing that they have. The task of rooting out corruption or mismanagement is not difficult if the government, be it civilian or military, does not have to pander to some group that it requires the support of.

So it is entirely up to the government to press forward and make an effort to bring a permanent change whereby the following governments can't undo the progress. The army had the chance to bring about positive change but it did not happen because like the civilian government, it too had to appease some groups.

Musharraf did in fact privatize several PSE's during his time in office. Pakistan steel was in the works had the SC not stepped in, so I disagree that he did not do much. Such is however the state of our politicians and government, that the GoP forced the privatized KESC to reverse its decision to lay off 4000 workers, and allegedly allowed hooliganism and rioting to take place in order to force the management to reverse.

He tried and he failed, even though he had a lot of power and he was very popular. This should have converted to some positive change in governance and civilian structure but that clearly did not happen. As for the KESC matter, that is partly due to the fact that any dissent can cause the failed government to collapse and so they appease any number who goes against them.

Now I agree with you that these reforms are tough to implement, but the problem with your suggestion, of only addressing the military side, is that it does nothing to address the actual deep rooted issues that are the major drain on the country. All your proposal does is create a small bit of room for a year or so, and then we'll be back to where we are now.

I haven't stated that only the military side should be addressed, the civilian side is clearly the major issue but the military had the opportunity to bring in changes that would have helped in bettering our situation.

All they did was what you said, created a small bit of room for a year or so, and then we are back to where we were in the past.
Let Pakistan concentrate more on nuclear bombs if it bring prosperity and security to them. But for India, what we have is enough for our security and we should give more importance to nuclear power plants rather than nuke bombs. And i think India is on the right path... lets see who will win the race...:)
if pakistan make more than 1000 nuke - united states ad russia should give their extra nuke as per treaty to paksitan.

just make a very high wall around them. and let the taliban play the hide n seek.

i never heard or seen indian army making statment about nuke - why does paksitan have to go on about it ?

no wonder - people call them irresponsible state.


the nuke war is on the paper - if anything i would imagine - in say 5-10 yrs.

terrorist get one nuke - and try n bomb India with some sort of mini-nuke.

and reply would be too dramatic and drastic for Pakistan to handle.

because every state would like to use its no first strike policy - and experiment and get their weapons war proven.

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief
We need around 250~300 nukes.In case India attacks Pakistan we have to take it down with us so India is huge and it will require a lot of weapons to nuke their dams, bases, cities, population centers etc.
if pakistan make more than 1000 nuke - united states ad russia should give their extra nuke as per treaty to paksitan.

just make a very high wall around them. and let the taliban play the hide n seek.

i never heard or seen indian army making statment about nuke - why does paksitan have to go on about it ?

no wonder - people call them irresponsible state.


the nuke war is on the paper - if anything i would imagine - in say 5-10 yrs.

terrorist get one nuke - and try n bomb India with some sort of mini-nuke.

and reply would be too dramatic and drastic for Pakistan to handle.

because every state would like to use its no first strike policy - and experiment and get their weapons war proven.

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Come on Dah, whom are we fooling here?

Wasnt it your ex NSA (Misra) who was not so shy telling the world that in case of a nuclear Pakistan would be completely destroyed? When was the last time Pakistan threatened india of a nuclear kaboom? Limited War, Two Front War, Cold Start etc are all part of indian babel that we understand very clearly. May be you should start classifying them as threats, as well.

And oh yes, i never knew JuD has started speaking on the behalf of GoP.

Strangely to you, some idiot who has no stake in our policy making carries more weight but you blatantly miss the unprovoking silence from our top brass. May be i should start reminding you of RSS',BD's, and Shiv Sena's provocations.
Pervez Hoodbhoy, another anti-pakistan, anti-punjabi, pro-indian urdu speaking mohajir blaming Punjab for Pakistan's problems.

The father of Pakistan's nuclear bomb, Abdul Qadeer Khan, is not Punjabi.

The leader who started Pakistan's nuclear program and said Pakistanis should eat only grass until we get the Nuclear Bomb was not Punjabi (Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto).

So what makes Hoodbhoy think Punjabis are in love with nukes more than other Pakistanis.

In most of Pakistan's 63 year old history we had Mohajir and Sindhi leaders ruling Pakistan, so dont blame Punjabis for Pakistan's problems.
I believe that Pakistan has sufficient nukes for its current security needs.

Primary focus of Pakistan should be on economic revival, development, and education. Nukes wont save us from internal threats.

Once Pakistan becomes strong in all aspects, it can pay attention to shaping its geopolitical influence and role in the world politics.
Come on Dah, whom are we fooling here?

Wasnt it your ex NSA (Misra) who was not so shy telling the world that in case of a nuclear Pakistan would be completely destroyed? When was the last time Pakistan threatened india of a nuclear kaboom? Limited War, Two Front War, Cold Start etc are all part of indian babel that we understand very clearly. May be you should start classifying them as threats, as well.

And oh yes, i never knew JuD has started speaking on the behalf of GoP.

Strangely to you, some idiot who has no stake in our policy making carries more weight but you blatantly miss the unprovoking silence from our top brass. May be i should start reminding you of RSS',BD's, and Shiv Sena's provocations.

no brothern ,

i didnt knew of mishra and his statment , but just because one idiot got low down and start playing in mud .

do u really have to go in with him

nuke war - are highly impossible in indo -pak scenario, no matter what people say.

pakistan is not afghan or mulla country where people are ready to die with bomb belts.

in past not even a single civilian died during war between indo pak.

and i hope the same level of sensibility prevail , war should be about country and its policy , not the public - that guy down the street have nothing to do with kashmir -infect 99% never been there and most have no view either

indian and paksitani are too busy running for their bread n butter. philosophizing about their rational is beyond their realm.

---------------and for one reason only i get scared of nuke in paksitan, i dont know if its media generated paranoia or what ---- that may be some day the amount of corruption existing in indo-pak , its easy to get to nuke, just like russia scare, but in pakistan - its seems more likely ( right now ) because of destabilization . -------------
if pakistan make more than 1000 nuke - united states ad russia should give their extra nuke as per treaty to paksitan.

just make a very high wall around them. and let the taliban play the hide n seek.

i never heard or seen indian army making statment about nuke - why does paksitan have to go on about it ?

no wonder - people call them irresponsible state.


the nuke war is on the paper - if anything i would imagine - in say 5-10 yrs.

terrorist get one nuke - and try n bomb India with some sort of mini-nuke.

and reply would be too dramatic and drastic for Pakistan to handle.

because every state would like to use its no first strike policy - and experiment and get their weapons war proven.

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief


all people like you who think that terrorists are going to get nukes; should know that our nukes are not "Matchis-Bomb" that you just put fire under it and off it goes to India. . .

Secondly, our nukes are not in one piece but are in numerous pieces and it is difficult than rocket science to assemble it.. .
i would like both india and pakistan to stop further production of nuclear weapons and concentrate the resources on beefing up their police and internal security mechanism. terrorism/naxalism/extremism is the biggest threat faced by india and pakistan. they should divert these resources for these.

even if pakistan has 10-15 assured nuclear weapons with reliable delivery systems, india would not be in position to dictate terms to pak. and pakistan would also have adequate MAD capability. one doesnt need hundreds of nuclear weapons to enhance security. 25-30 warheads with relaible deleivery system will give u as much security as hundreds of nuclear weapons.

the same logic applies for india. a figure of 50 nuclear weapons (boosted fission/thermonulcear/subkiloton) with various yields and reliable delivery system should be good enough for india.
If the goal is deterrence then Pakistan already has enough nukes. Nukes prevented war with India at least 4 times. 1986, 1999, 2002, and 2008.
The projects concerning nuclear program that are already underway, such as plutonium weapons for cruise missiles, should be continued, as there's no point in stopping them half-way, but new projects should not be started as that money could be spent else where.
I believe that Pakistan has sufficient nukes for its current security needs.

Primary focus of Pakistan should be on economic revival, development, and education. Nukes wont save us from internal threats.

Once Pakistan becomes strong in all aspects, it can pay attention to shaping its geopolitical influence and role in the world politics.

Economic revival: Positive progress
Development: Good infrastructures progress
Education: Little slow progress.
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