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Pakistan risks sanctions over Iran gas deal: WSJ

No map of the real pipeline in Iran. Huh? Nothing!

And please no need to bring Americans in the $hit business. they are not the ones claiming to have installed the gas pipeline. You are!

Let's keep it between iran and Pakistan as the project is supposed to be Pak-Iran.

Hope you get it this time

Make sure in future to go beyond few political statements for the consumption of gullible masses.

Thank you

I already gave you the map and it is only between Iran and Pak contrary to the lie you told earlier. Clearly you dint even look at it. So stop bull sheiting and stop waiting my time as it is very clear that you are not here for the welfare of this project. Whether how much proof i give to you still it will be like teaching cow how to dance.
era of every kind of sanctions on weaker nation, is over & N .KOREA just hve proved that!
this is the begianing of a new world order, in which great independent nation of Asia are in command, against the captialism of UK & USA & NATO, one should start realise themselves or be ready to get demolished?
I already gave you the map and it is only between Iran and Pak contrary to the lie you told earlier. Clearly you dint even look at it. So stop bull sheiting and stop waiting my time as it is very clear that you are not here for the welfare of this project. Whether how much proof i give to you still it will be like teaching cow how to dance.

Here is the link from Turkish site. So hopefully you will consider this as "unbiased".
Project Focus: Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline (IPI) Investment 7,000,000,000 USD*|*TURKISH CENTRAL NEWS

It shows the same map that you referenced.

it also gives a history of all the statements.

And they are contradicting each other even for the line that was supposedly complete within Iran.

So calm down.

iranians are as slow as Pakistanis.

Beleive me
era of every kind of sanctions on weaker nation, is over & N .KOREA just hve proved that!
this is the begianing of a new world order, in which great independent nation of Asia are in command, against the captialism of UK & USA & NATO, one should start realise themselves or be ready to get demolished?

Respectfully Sir Batman,

This is nothing new,

Nations have always decided to live in certain way.

Even now we have a perfect controlled case of comparing two countries.

I call them the "Tale of Two Koreas".

One is dynamic, rich, and a world power both soft and hard. Everyone loves to carry their products in their pocket, and their pop songs get billion of hits (first record in the human history)

The other Korea, poor, destitute, begging for 3 ships of rice here, and 2 ships of oil there, and if you don't, they will explode nukie. Boom Boom is the way for their leaders, bhook bhook (hunger) is the way for their people.

In Pakistan it is up to us to decide how we want to live.

As an alive and prospereous nation, or as a poor destitute beggar. It is all upto us.

Iran or any oil producing country is not in Korea league.
Iran can sell its oil at big discount and even Europe will buy this cheap oil via third parties.

So iranian Ayatullahs have a lot of national wealth to squander before their people go down to North Korean level. I mean their currency is already down to to the level of beggars. But I am talking about people. They can live off of squandering oil wealth.

but in Pakistan we do not have oil. So if we keep our people destitute they may not want to live with Pakistan anymore as majority of them are not hard core followers of someone like KIm, thus we could seriously endanger our territorial integrity unlike North Korea. Millions of Chinese soldiers died defending North Korea. But so far it is zero Chinese death defending Pakistan (and why should they).

So my dear dear poster, this is a quick set analysis for those in Pakistan who are hold North Korea as their god (instead of South Korea as a role model).

thank you

In Pakistan it is up to us to decide how we want to live.

As an alive and prospereous nation, or as a poor destitute beggar. It is all upto us................

Isn't it abundantly evident that we have already decided how we want to live (and die)?

What is now up to us to to change that decision, which is going to be much harder than had we taken the correct decision in the first place.
Respectfully Sir Batman,

This is nothing new,

squandering oil wealth.

but in Pakistan we do not have oil. So if we keep our people destitute they may not want to live with Pakistan anymore as majority of them are not hard core followers of someone like KIm, thus we could seriously endanger our territorial integrity unlike North Korea. Millions of Chinese soldiers died defending North Korea. But so far it is zero Chinese death defending Pakistan (and why should they).

So my dear dear poster, this is a quick set analysis for those in Pakistan who are hold North Korea as their god (instead of South Korea as a role model).

thank you

If I am not mistaken I believe north Korea is far far better liked in Pakistan. In fact there was some nuke tech exchange between the two countries.

Acting like NK would raise the respect of Pakistan in the muslim world and perhaps China. And a large percentage of the population would like nothing more than to cut ties with the US and depend on the Arabs and China instead (for markets).
If I am not mistaken I believe north Korea is far far better liked in Pakistan. In fact there was some nuke tech exchange between the two countries.

Acting like NK would raise the respect of Pakistan in the muslim world and perhaps China. And a large percentage of the population would like nothing more than to cut ties with the US and depend on the Arabs and China instead (for markets).

You are on to something my dear poster. You are on to something.

Here is how the cookie crumbles in Pakistan.

1. Pakistanis settled in UK/US/Canada -- want Pakistanis back home to live like NK beggars
2. Leftie commie professors and news guys in Pak - want Pakistanis to live like NK beggars
3. Pak army officers - want Pakistanis to live like South Koreans
4. Pak manufacturers - want Pakistanis to live like South Koreans
5. Pak farmers who export their products - want Pakistanis to live like South Koreans
6. Pak businessmen who travel outside - want Pakistanis to live like South Koreans

Ordinary Pakistani on the street obviously is being bombarded by leftie commie media, so they want to be anti-US, but I seriously doubt they want to live hungry and destitute like NK.

FYI time and again they have kicked out the rulers and policy makers who tried to introduce leftie-commie schemes and f'd up their lives.

This is why people remember all the military rulers with fondness. Because military rulers brought in South Korea like policies. Ayub being the best known leader that way.

So you see, its a real toss up.

It really depends which group you fall in. and that determines if you yourself want to live like NK beggars or SK prosperous people.


So how do you feel about yourself? and your family and friends? you want them to be liek NK or SK citizens?

Please let us know

thank you
You are on to something my dear poster. You are on to something.

So how do you feel about yourself? and your family and friends? you want them to be liek NK or SK citizens?

Please let us know

thank you

I'm not muslim or Arab, I really dont have reason to favour the NK regime. I personally believe Pakistan would be better off under US sanctions as they would grow closer to China and Iran, which would benefit the three in terms of trade and defence relations.
I'm not muslim or Arab, I really dont have reason to favour the NK regime. I personally believe Pakistan would be better off under US sanctions as they would grow closer to China and Iran, which would benefit the three in terms of trade and defence relations.

Why don't you wish Canada to go under sanctions and then you will be closer to Iran and China. Canada can sell its tar-sands oil to China without the dictation from America.

Also why don't you go tell china to go under sanctions, and then it will be lot more closer to NK than it is now.

Even though you say you are not an Arab, but right now you are acting like Ben fing Laden. Sorry to say.

I have seen your posts are pretty balanced in the past.

May be you got off on the wrong side of the bed today. Something is not right. Something is not!
Why don't you wish Canada to go under sanctions and then you will be closer to Iran and China. Canada can sell its tar-sands oil to China without the dictation from America.

Also why don't you go tell china to go under sanctions, and then it will be lot more closer to NK than it is now.

Even though you say you are not an Arab, but right now you are acting like Ben fing Laden. Sorry to say.

I have seen your posts are pretty balanced in the past.

May be you got off on the wrong side of the bed today. Something is not right. Something is not!

Your compatriots love calling people "puppets" and slaves. From the GCC nations to Japan, India, SK, Australia, UK, Canada, etc.

Im sorry if I came off as rude. I'm simply hoping that one day these people will one day walk the walk and actually put themselves in the shoes of Iran or NK and see how well they do.

Nothing personal, just a general observation.
I'm not muslim or Arab, I really dont have reason to favour the NK regime. I personally believe Pakistan would be better off under US sanctions as they would grow closer to China and Iran, which would benefit the three in terms of trade and defence relations.

More reallistic view, I must say!
The main word for me is sanctions?
Did sanctions worked against N.korea & Iran?
Answer is simple NO?
Can USA & allies wants more states joining that club?
The answer is NO?
Just think about Russia,china,Iran,Pakistan,mayanmar, vietnam,N.korea one more under sanction country you will unite the odd club?
& surly after that Iraq,libya, egypt,yeman,sudan & many more to join?
What USA & its allies gona do? To bomb everyone off & WW3?
These all are preasure tactics, US is already hving underground dialoge with Iran & N.korea, it just domination which US & its allies wants on the world trade?
Well,hve been N.korea only difference I see is,they still not commercialized,& their society is moving on patriotism, yes there is poverty bt they are still better thn somalia,& many african states?
I think in 3 years time, they will get some kind of deal,by US which would surly be lesser thn giving up their nucks & they will open for bussiness like China did?
So, I guss a couple of years of sanctions on Pakistan, will not going to create any huge impact, & pakistan should go for that?
there is no "unity" in this club.

China promptly dumps anyone under sanctions. Why else you think Chinese companies ran like heck from the Pakistan-Iran pipeline project?

Everyone SMART country wants to make sure its citizens are well fed and prosperous. Ideology be damned. People must be kept happy.

Chinese are smartest in this regard.

They only go into something after clearing it with international standards.

Is China playing fair game all the time? Probably not!

But Chinese make sure they count the money before they get into something.

No money, no Chinese.

And you my dear dear dear poster sit here and tell us that China will be united with Pakistan if god forbid we are under sanctions.


peace to you my dear man. Peace to you.

Your compatriots love calling people "puppets" and slaves. From the GCC nations to Japan, India, SK, Australia, UK, Canada, etc.

Yeah. And many of those "compatriots" live in Canada, USA, UK, and Gulf.

They obviously follow the wise counsel of Canadian and American lefties and start shouting puppets puppets muppets

They just need to get the ticket and fly over to NK

Why push Pakistan into further depths for the dreams of few leftie commies?

there is no "unity" in this club.

China promptly dumps anyone under sanctions. Why else you think Chinese companies ran like heck from the Pakistan-Iran pipeline project?

Everyone SMART country wants to make sure its citizens are well fed and prosperous. Ideology be damned. People must be kept happy.

Chinese are smartest in this regard.

They only go into something after clearing it with international standards.

Is China playing fair game all the time? Probably not!

But Chinese make sure they count the money before they get into something.

No money, no Chinese.

And you my dear dear dear poster sit here and tell us that China will be united with Pakistan if god forbid we are under sanctions.


peace to you my dear man. Peace to you.

Yeah. And many of those "compatriots" live in Canada, USA, UK, and Gulf.

They obviously follow the wise counsel of Canadian and American lefties and start shouting puppets puppets muppets

They just need to get the ticket and fly over to NK

Why push Pakistan into further depths for the dreams of few leftie commies?


Dear friend,
You are getting wrong perception about the world around!
With taking gwadar as their hub of economic & stratagic position,china is getting ever close to pakistan?
Its an decade old ever tested friendship?

Why they backed off frm the I-P gas deal?
I only can say its the crouption, yes many political fools in our govt wanted commision from chinese, it not cause they were affraid of USA?
Plz, allways remember china is the biggest trading partner of US, which can't be dumped by US in a second?
Its just we hve to stand as a nation for our important intersts, & it can't be seen as waging a war against anyone?
Shanghai co-opreation , did brought many great understandings,& you might see greater chinese & russian roles in near future?
Great nations do not crack up under preasure,they stand & face the problems!
Thts my POV, with respect you got yours?
1. Pakistanis settled in UK/US/Canada -- want Pakistanis back home to live like NK beggars

Flawed illogical Assumption, No Pakistani in UK/US/Canada want Pakistanis back home to live like NK. Had it been the case the precious remittance would not have been sent to Pakistan. Nor money would have been sent during Earth Quake and Floods. And certainly many Pakistanis send money for Qurbani to Pakistan to be distributed among poor Pakistanis. Please that would be an insult to entire Pakistanis living-settled abroad being weighted against corrupt bureaucrats-politicians and their families settled Abroad which are in small numbers.

First blame goes to rich Pakistanis [businessmen] living in Pakistan to pay Taxes. hardly 1 Million Pakistanis pay Taxes that includes businesses and people associated with it out of 19 Crore Pakistanis, would you be so kind to discuss them before Pakistanis settled abroad. Also post statistics that explains Pakiatanis abroad want Pakiatanis back home to live like NK, Thankyou.
Sorry to say, you don't know it. The captain told Washington, We are late Sir, Russia already deployed its Nuclear submarine. US also asked China to help Pakistan.

lol china who is a communist country will listen to america:rofl:

and the american naval captain told krait that he is not coming lolz.

dont spread wrong info n misguide people....

jhut b wo bola kro jispe yakeen kia ja sake.......

nobody helped us in 1965, only yr country got help by russia after its communist party failed in pak.

in 60s our country was in a verge of becoming communist n Reds were very much successful in making majority of public in their side......then came zulfiqar ali bhutto n with his backing from establishment n agencies he was able to infiltrate the Red's rising power in our country at that time with his famous slogan of roti, kapra,makkan of PPP and majority of public was not very mature at that time n left Pakistan Communist Party and joined PPP instead.Then he became Pres. then got killed n became a public hero........and then Soviat Union collapsed n reds in Pak lost their actual backing.

Hence, thats why Russia helped u to take revenge from our country for failing its red revolution in 60s.
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