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Pakistan questions unilateral sanctions against Russia

So UN when it suits them and Unilateral when it suits them, while Pakistan suffers both ways. UN is a useless entity we need to do what is in our best interest.
UN is UN, I mean, there are only 2 camps here, the West and the East, if you are in either one camp, you will get jack shit from UN, because your camp would veto it. Only if you are dumb enough to piss off both side, you then will be nailed by the UN.

On the other hand, sanction toward Russia is different, this is not an "Enforcement" this is more like "Peer Pressure" on the basis that each country can choose who they do business with, that's US, UK or Pakistan. US and UK choose not to do business with Russia, nobody is forcing them to do one way or the other, and nobody is forcing Pakistan to choose one way or the other, but yes, if US and UK and EU stop trading with Russia, the world oil prices goes up (Actually this is not that simple, but just say that it is for the sake of this argument)

Pakistan can do what Pakistan do, they can buy Russia gas, they can not buy Russia gas, then you need to factor in another issue here, whether or not US/UK/EU want to trade with Pakistan is up to them, it may or may not swing one way or another if you do it either way.
Ukraine wants to join EU. Last time i checked capital of Ukraine is Kiew and not Moscow.

As for Pakistan, you can trade with russia all you want. Thats not your problem your problem is that you guys suffer the most as collateral damage.

EU cuts all lines to russia and buys gas and oil otherwise, which makes cost rise on worldmarket

Russia is a superpower - they know very well that this country Pakistan is nothing more than a corrupt hell hole of Anglo sphere of influence, and that its Generals report into UK & USA, who are the real Colonial Masters behind the scenes.
The problem for Russian sanction is that you cannot force a country not to do business with Russia, but you also cannot make people do business with Russia. This is more a "Peer Pressure" than actual "requirement" but that does not mean it will go without consequence. I mean, China cannot ask UK or EU not to stop buying Russian gas, that's UK/EU decision to make.

On the other hand, Iran sanction was initiated and approved by UN, so that is a different ball game.
Except of course the current economic warfare against iran,ie "sanctions",have nothing to do with the un,they were removed as part of the jcpoa,perhaps you didnt realise that?
Except of course the current economic warfare against iran,ie "sanctions",have nothing to do with the un,they were removed as part of the jcpoa,perhaps you didnt realise that?
I am well aware of that, I am not talking about the current US Sanction (Imposed by Trump) on Iran.

I don't know why you decided to look at 3 months old post, I don't remember what the scope is when I made the post, but a look at the post I am replying to, I would guess the post I am replying to talking about Sanction have to go thru UN, which is why I use UN Sanction with Iran as an example. Again, I cannot be sure, since this is 3 months old post.
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