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Pakistan questions Afghanistan’s border security measures

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Pakistan questions Afghanistan’s border security measures

Pakistan has questioned the effectiveness of Afghanistan’s role in border security arrangements and prevention of cross border infiltration by militants.

Reacting to US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s statement asking Pakistan to improve its border security arrangements on Thursday, Foreign Office Spokesperson Abdul Basit said “we have done our best but the question is that what is being done on the other side of the border.

During the weekly briefing he informed that Pakistan had deployed 160 000 troops along the long porous border with Afghanistan besides the establishment over 900 check-posts to ward off militants and aggression. “Therefore, there is no room to blame Pakistan on their own weaknesses and loopholes”, he added.

“Afghanistan’s role in border security and in prevention of cross border infiltration has now become a big question mark,” he remarked.

Answering a question regarding the American aid blockade, he said it was aimed at eliminating IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). “It reflects that it takes a narrow vision of the entire situation and then wrong conclusions become unavoidable,” he stated.

Replying to a question statement of The Foreign Minister regarding United States cutting of military aid to Pakistan, the spokesman said that Foreign Minister was perhaps responding to a move in the Congress. US Embassy, on the other hand, has denied any such development “I guess that you are referring to this in the context of the IEDs matter. We believe that the move in the Congress is not based on facts and takes a narrow view of the overall situation. Hence, wrong conclusions are unavoidable”, he deliberated.

“Meanwhile, as you know, we are in the process of reviewing our terms of engagement with US, NATO and ISAF in their entirety. The issue of Pakistan’s sovereignty, let me emphasize the issue of Pakistan’s sovereignty, is non-negotiable”, he resolved.

The spokesman brushed aside the latest allegations of Mansoor Ejaz against DG-ISI Shuja Pasha seeking permission of Arab leaders to overthrow Zardari-regime as totally ridiculous.

Answering another question regarding Wajid-ul-Shamsi’s proclaimed reluctance to appear before the summons of Abbottabad Commission, the spokesman advised on a “wait-and-see policy”, as nothing regarding the issue of the appearance of the High Commissioner in front of Abbottabad Commission was yet clear.

The spokesman, while refusing to answer the subjudice issue of Memogate, informed that rules of business for all Ambassadors or High Commissioners, career diplomats or political appointees, were uniform ; and as such all were supposed to send regular reports to the Foreign Ministry in Islamabad concerning their meetings and activities in the host capital.

He also assured that friendly countries had been taken into confidence on the very serious development of Pakistan‘s endeavors to revise its relationship with the United States, and all the while an internal in-house review was also in process, which would be implemented on its conclusion .

Referring to the recently convened Envoys’ Conference held here in the Ministry on 12-13 December 2011, he said that recommendations reflecting the aspirations of the people and National interest of Pakistan were formulated by the envoys, and were presented to the Parliamentary Committee on National Security this morning by the Foreign Minister.

“So, the process is on. We are confident that whatever emerges from this process will be in sync with aspirations of our people”, he assured. Referring to the American apology over 26th Nov American attack in Mohmand Agency , he informed that Pakistan was moving forward with its own process , getting into more concrete areas, reviewing terms of engagement , which was far more important than a verbal apology.

“Government and Parliament are working hand in hand to make sure that whatever policy directions are given or established, those would be good for the country as a whole, and ensure that our national interests, both in the immediate term and in the longer term, are fully preserved”, he said.

He also expressed his optimism over cessation of any further drone attacks ever since Pakistan had lodged its strong protest and announced action in future, since no drones had flown so far.

Referring to the issue of assassinated former Afghan President, Burhan-uddin Rabbani, he said that investigations were underway to resolve the murder.

ONLINE - International News Network
The only way for Afghans to solve problems is to start to realize how messed up their country is instead of blaming others. There has been warring tribes in Afghanistan when Pakistan did not even exist. It is a messed up country doing Bacha Bazee parties in weddings that is why they has the Azzab of Qaume-Loot.
why d hell afghanistan will send militants to pakistan?
Or u wanna say dat afghans also wanna destroy pakistan..
India, US, NATO, israel, iran, afghanistan..all enemies of pakistan.
It might b possible that life of a average pakistani citizen has become more challengin and harder than OBAMA'S due to this.
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