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Pakistan: Police say Taliban kill alleged US spies


Apr 8, 2007
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Dec 13th, 2008 | KHAR, Pakistan -- Suspected Taliban militants killed two Afghans they accused of spying for U.S. forces, while clashes Saturday involving security forces, tribesmen and insurgents killed eight people, including two children, elsewhere in Pakistan's volatile northwest, officials said.

Authorities acting on residents' reports found the Afghan men's bodies in Miran Shah, the main town in North Waziristan tribal region, police official Sakhi-ur-Rehman said.

One had his throat slit; the other had multiple bullet wounds. A letter found nearby alleged the men gave information that aided the U.S. in launching missile strikes in the militant-plagued region. The letter claimed a CD containing their alleged confession is forthcoming, Rehman said.

The U.S. is suspected in more than 30 missile strikes against militant targets in northwest Pakistan since August. The Pakistani government routinely protests the attacks as violations of its sovereignty.

Pakistan says it is working hard to flush out militants who use its tribal regions bordering Afghanistan as hideouts. The Pakistani army is engaged in a major offensive in Bajur, one of the semiautonomous tribal areas where al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden is rumored to be hiding.

Bajur government official Haseeb Khan said security forces fired a mortar shell that killed two children and wounded five other people in the Inayat Kali portion of Bajur.

In Bajur's main town, Khar, militants fired seven missiles at government and military installations, he said. Security forces retaliated, killing three militants.

Two more suspected militants and a tribesman were killed in a clash between insurgents and a pro-government tribal militia in Nawagai, another key strategic point in Bajur, Khan said.

Pakistan: Police say Taliban kill alleged US spies - Salon.com
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