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Pakistan: On the streets

This is the first time I came across this thread.. i could stop going through all the pages at least 3 times... these are wonderfully shot pictures... great work ..keep it up...


People gather outside an illuminated mosque during celebrations marking Eid Miladun Nabi in Karachi.


The Standard Bottle Store is one of the most well-known shops in the area and has been around for at least a few decades.



The famous tea of Waheed Hotel in Ramaswami area attracts a huge number of tea addicts.


What is CHINA dental clinic and Chinese dentist in 3rd pic?
Tears...in my eyes...man..

Thanks for all these pictures..

Shows me once again that I should be grateful for being who I am and where I came from, it shows us where home really is..
One of the most beautiful threads I have ever come across on this forum. I am deeply grateful for this treat dance. It made me realize how similar both our nations are.....*sigh*.... it's a real pity. Fate is indeed very cruel.
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