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Pakistan must change its tactics to kill non state actors with non state fighters

Pakistan approach to take BLA TTP with direct war or by infiltrate inside them and kill them

  • Direct war With TTP and BLA

    Votes: 33 54.1%
  • Hire mercenaries to get the job done

    Votes: 28 45.9%

  • Total voters

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
United Arab Emirates
Pakistan has to change its tactics which miserable failing for last 40 yrs

We can't fight direct war with non state actors because if we kill them with state name on that weapon they get more stronger and use the common public emotions against our state

USA RUSSIA doing it very well with no direct conflict but removing state actors silently

Direct war in Afghanistan is a guaranteed chaos in oakistan

We should hire mercenaries to kill enemies of state by infiltrating inside their operational machenism either poison them sniper kill etc

These type of kills will bring chaos inside BLA and TTP because they might think some one inside them is doing it so they fight against each other for leadership

Silence is the name of the game against such state actors this will keep them busy fighting each other for leadership role etc

Russia using poison very well to take down such elements

My opinion best way to hire a gun which won't be much of a cost than firing huge missiles and bombs and bring coletral damage in our account

@Zarvan @Imran Khan

We should not get into direct conflicts Yemen Syria Ukraine are best lesson act from behind of the curtain

Build a secret nercanary force specialized handling hitman missions

We need a hitman

These are more deadly than thunder or drone strikes and hit where it hurts the most

These are more deadly than thunder or drone strikes and hit where it hurts the most



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Clearly nobody at GHQ learns about the basics of deterrence that even a child knows.

Killing the terrorists is NOT a strategy. It is a tactic.

We don't have a strategy, because our agencies have lost the sophistication race to compete internationally (especially against India). While they were busy managing internal affairs, India was building its cyber infrastructure (at least two brand new agencies dedicated to this role), appointing hardened hawks like Doval to key positions (not academics or dovish ex-generals), and improving RAW for its external-only mission, etc. Of course, India also benefitted hugely from NSA help.

Instead of seeking and hiring the best talent available and transforming themselves, our agency (under the able leadership of GHQ) chose a much easier option: let's just not improve. We'll still get our perks, benefits, plots, etc., upon retirement. GHQ devised the world's shittiest strategy of essentially waving the white flag, giving up IOK totally, and suing for peace.

The only problem was that the other side was run by people who understood realpolitik and deterrence --- as soon as they realized that we were unable to raise the cost for their offensive actions, they doubled down. Attacks are almost daily now. They can kill whoever they want here, wherever they want, and we can't do ANYTHING in the Indian mainland.

This is what happens when you have buffoons in uniform.
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Pakistan has to change its tactics which miserable failing for last 40 yrs

We can't fight direct war with non state actors because if we kill them with state name on that weapon they get more stronger and use the common public emotions against our state

USA RUSSIA doing it very well with no direct conflict but removing state actors silently

Direct war in Afghanistan is a guaranteed chaos in oakistan

We should hire mercenaries to kill enemies of state by infiltrating inside their operational machenism either poison them sniper kill etc

These type of kills will bring chaos inside BLA and TTP because they might think some one inside them is doing it so they fight against each other for leadership

Silence is the name of the game against such state actors this will keep them busy fighting each other for leadership role etc

Russia using poison very well to take down such elements

My opinion best way to hire a gun which won't be much of a cost than firing huge missiles and bombs and bring coletral damage in our account

@Zarvan @Imran Khan

We should not get into direct conflicts Yemen Syria Ukraine are best lesson act from behind of the curtain

Build a secret nercanary force specialized handling hitman missions

We need a hitman

These are more deadly than thunder or drone strikes and hit where it hurts the most

These are more deadly than thunder or drone strikes and hit where it hurts the most

Bad idea.
Rather Pakistan should analyse what happens and why it happens. Eradicate that thing. I mean, if we feed guns, there will be more guns, and better ones.
Clearly nobody at GHQ learns about the basics of deterrence that even a child knows.

Killing the terrorists is NOT a strategy. It is a tactic.

We don't have a strategy, because our agencies have lost the sophistication race to compete internationally (especially against India). While they were busy managing internal affairs, India was building its cyber infrastructure (at least two brand new agencies dedicated to this role), appointing hardened hawks like Doval to key positions (not academics or dovish ex-generals), and improving RAW for its external-only mission, etc. Of course, India also benefitted hugely from NSA help.

Instead of seeking and hiring the best talent available and transforming themselves, our agency (under the able leadership of GHQ) chose a much easier option: let's just not improve. We'll still get our perks, benefits, plots, etc., upon retirement. GHQ devised the world's shittiest strategy of essentially waving the white flag, giving up IOK totally, and suing for peace.

The only problem was that the other side was run by people who understood realpolitik and deterrence --- as soon as they realized that we are unable to raise the cost for their offensive actions, they doubled down. Attacks are almost daily now. They can kill whoever they want here, wherever they want, and we can't do ANYTHING in the Indian mainland.

This is what happens when you have buffoons in uniform.
We must ask our selves, is it not a failure of our agencies not being able to control radicalism, terrorism, extremism and separatism for the last 20 years. What have they actually done except General Raheel Sharif efforts. We keep hearing excuses and GHQ is quite about it, even on international platforms. Has the state surrendered? TTP, BLA are still strong, extremist sympathisers are still around, no action has been taken against them, these are the same people who refuse to condemn TTP and consider them martyrs. What is our counter against BLA? Where is our support for the pro Pakistan lashkars, militias? Till today the state has failed to expose the terrorists, who are the scared of? I gurantee they are scared of their foreign sponsors, they don't want their ears pulled, also these same extremists have internal backing.
We must ask our selves, is it not a failure of our agencies not being able to control radicalism, terrorism, extremism and separatism for the last 20 years. What have they actually done except General Raheel Sharif efforts. We keep hearing excuses and GHQ is quite about it, even on international platforms. Has the state surrendered? TTP, BLA are still strong, extremist sympathisers are still around, no action has been taken against them, these are the same people who refuse to condemn TTP and consider them martyrs. What is our counter against BLA? Where is our support for the pro Pakistan lashkars, militias? Till today the state has failed to expose the terrorists, who are the scared of? I gurantee they are scared of their foreign sponsors, they don't want their ears pulled, also these same extremists have internal backing.

Well we have a new game at hand. In the recent Karachi blast. The women Shari Baloch that blew herself up was an MSC Zoology and Mphil in education and studying PHD! Her husband is a dentist! Narrative that suicide bombers are religious fanatics, low lifes is completely thrown out now! Pakistani state has completely lost control over narrative. State's actions are questionable and narrative control is poor. Enemy is everywhere and is able to use all fault lines that we leave behind! Whatever state does is equivalent to leaving landmines behind! Its easy to blow them up and cause damage at any time!
Tackle insurgency like the Russians did in Chechnya and Syria. Overwhelming force. In Chechnya the new leadership is pro Russian. In Balochistan we accidentally killed 1 rebel leader during the Musharraf era and there is still randi rona by the left about it.

Kill the heads of these organisations. Kill thier families too. You'll very quickly find people reluctant to want to take the RAW money knowing full well they're going to be wiped out even if they flee abroad.
Pakistan has to change its tactics which miserable failing for last 40 yrs

We can't fight direct war with non state actors because if we kill them with state name on that weapon they get more stronger and use the common public emotions against our state

USA RUSSIA doing it very well with no direct conflict but removing state actors silently

Direct war in Afghanistan is a guaranteed chaos in oakistan

We should hire mercenaries to kill enemies of state by infiltrating inside their operational machenism either poison them sniper kill etc

These type of kills will bring chaos inside BLA and TTP because they might think some one inside them is doing it so they fight against each other for leadership

Silence is the name of the game against such state actors this will keep them busy fighting each other for leadership role etc

Russia using poison very well to take down such elements

My opinion best way to hire a gun which won't be much of a cost than firing huge missiles and bombs and bring coletral damage in our account

@Zarvan @Imran Khan

We should not get into direct conflicts Yemen Syria Ukraine are best lesson act from behind of the curtain

Build a secret nercanary force specialized handling hitman missions

We need a hitman

These are more deadly than thunder or drone strikes and hit where it hurts the most

These are more deadly than thunder or drone strikes and hit where it hurts the most

What about changing the chief ?
Well we have a new game at hand. In the recent Karachi blast. The women Shari Baloch that blew herself up was an MSC Zoology and Mphil in education and studying PHD! Her husband is a dentist! Narrative that suicide bombers are religious fanatics, low lifes is completely thrown out now! Pakistani state has completely lost control over narrative. State's actions are questionable and narrative control is poor. Enemy is everywhere and is able to use all fault lines that we leave behind! Whatever state does is equivalent to leaving landmines behind! Its easy to blow them up and cause damage at any time!
BSO is the recruiter of these MPhil and PHD holders. But this gives backing to recent arrest of another Baloch who was caught with stuff.

They cried because he was a scholar he was innocent. Now one can argue back.

Tackle insurgency like the Russians did in Chechnya and Syria. Overwhelming force. In Chechnya the new leadership is pro Russian. In Balochistan we accidentally killed 1 rebel leader during the Musharraf era and there is still randi rona by the left about it.

Kill the heads of these organisations. Kill thier families too. You'll very quickly find people reluctant to want to take the RAW money knowing full well they're going to be wiped out even if they flee abroad.
Accidentally killed 1 leader ? Bugti was killed by Balach not Pakistan.

He was under protection of Balach and before attack Balach left him in the caves which exploded in a wierd manner.

Lastly Balach and Bugtis Son were besties but fell apart after the death. Maybe because he believes Balach did it.
Well we have a new game at hand. In the recent Karachi blast. The women Shari Baloch that blew herself up was an MSC Zoology and Mphil in education and studying PHD! Her husband is a dentist! Narrative that suicide bombers are religious fanatics, low lifes is completely thrown out now! Pakistani state has completely lost control over narrative. State's actions are questionable and narrative control is poor. Enemy is everywhere and is able to use all fault lines that we leave behind! Whatever state does is equivalent to leaving landmines behind! Its easy to blow them up and cause damage at any time!
Definitely something very dangerous. I agree the state has failed big time but gives excuses. Many young professionals from Europe went to fight in Iraq and Syria. They were normal people who were shown emotional videos of innocents killed and then told its fard to go, they played with their minds and emotions.

After seeing this Shari Baloch woman photo with her children, I actually feel sorry for her, she looks a normal person but was brainwashed regarding the sufferings of Balochs, she must have been shown photos, videos etc. What has our government done to counter this propaganda? Where is the counter narrative, how did she get brainwashed, who was the person who she was looking at in the video before explosion? What if she was made to do it? Since she targeted chinese, she must have been told they are here to overtake Baloch land, steal resources whilst Balochs are poor. What has our government and GHQ done to counter this? I bet the powerful elite couldn't care less, they are only worried about their plots and investment, will probably retire in the west.

I disagree with Pti on some things but PTI was in a way a counter narrative party, IK travelled all over Pakistan shouting we are Pakistanis and are one, let's make Pakistan great together, let's fight corruption. In AJk thousands of youths who joined PTI started to praise Pakistan and Pak army despite nationalist groups propaganda. But even that is dead now.

By the way nationalist groups do have genuine grievance.
There has to be zero tolerance with terrorism and praising those who attack the state. That is treachery. There are many who openly support these sort of attacks they need to be dealt with hard.

The issue is there is a lack of will through leadership and this continues on and on and then these terror groups get confidence as they see clear weakness.

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