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Pakistan Military Multimedia

Asim bajwa.jpg

Soldiers show what is believed to be an advanced communication equipment seized from an ammunition factory in Miramshah during Operation Zarb-e-Azb
Sniper scene from the movie Hurt Locker.

Pakistan Army troops guarding a post in Miranshah on Wednesday.

Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Handwritten bomb making manual found in bomb making factory in Miramshah-North Waziristan.
Pakistan Army troops guarding a post in Miranshah on Wednesday.

If @Icarus & Me would be the Sniper Team we'd be like 'Nihari 2'O Clock at 800 meters' ! :sarcastic:
Sniper scene from the movie Hurt Locker.

Pakistan Army troops guarding a post in Miranshah on Wednesday.

Windy saab plz dont quote hur locker, that movie had so many **** ups and so much fluff that would make a non military man like me cringe. Asli sharp shooters to rone hi lag jaeyiin shayad :D
IDF israeli magach tanks
Those are Pakistani Al-zarrar (upgraded T-59) tanks. Not sure how you made them out to be a totally different Israeli design.
Those are Pakistani Al-zarrar (upgraded T-59) tanks. Not sure how you made them out to be a totally different Israeli design.

He knows it, he did mean that the camo/paint and from the view they look LIKE israeli Magach-7 Tanks.
Thank you for the clarification.
Windy saab plz dont quote hur locker, that movie had so many **** ups and so much fluff that would make a non military man like me cringe. Asli sharp shooters to rone hi lag jaeyiin shayad :D
I thought for a female, the director done a good job in capturing some intense scenes.
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