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Pakistan Military Angered By Treatment Of Musharraf-Reports

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pakistan Military Angered By Treatment Of Musharraf-Reports
ISLAMABAD, May 1 (Reuters) - Pakistan's powerful army chief has suggested the military is unhappy with how authorities have treated former army chief and president Pervez Musharraf since his return from exile.

A Pakistani court on Tuesday imposed a lifetime ban on Musharraf from contesting elections, undermining his efforts to regain influence by winning a seat in parliament.

The former army chief returned in March after nearly four years of self-imposed exile to contest a May 11 general election, but election officers disqualified him because of court cases pending against him.

In what newspapers described as a veiled reference to Musharraf's legal troubles, Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani said: "In my opinion, it is not merely retribution, but awareness and participation of the masses that can truly end this game of hide and seek between democracy and dictatorship."

Kayani, arguably the most powerful figure in Pakistan, was delivering a Martyrs' Day speech at army headquarters. Newspapers carried his comments on front pages.

The military has ruled Pakistan for than half of its 66-year-history, through coups or from behind the scenes. It sets security and foreign policy, even when civilian governments are in power.

Current commanders have meddled less in politics, letting civilian governments take the heat for policy failures.

But Kayani has had an uneasy relationship with civilian leaders, as well as an increasingly interventionist Supreme Court, which has questioned the military's human rights record.

The chief justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry, was embroiled in a confrontation with Musharraf, who removed him from office in 2007 after he opposed plans to extend the general's stay in power. Chaudhry was later reinstated.

Musharraf's has been embroiled in legal issues since his return.

He became the first former army chief to be arrested in Pakistan when police took him into custody at their headquarters last Friday, breaking an unwritten rule that the top ranks of the military are untouchable, even after they have retired.

On April 20, a court remanded the former president in custody for two weeks, a term set to expire on May 4, as judges pushed ahead with plans to put Musharraf on trial for a crackdown on the judiciary during his time in office.

On Tuesday, an anti-terrorism court in the garrison city of Rawalpindi put Musharraf on 14-day judicial remand for charges of failing to provide adequate security for former prime minister Benazir Bhutto before her 2007 assassination.

Musharraf ousted then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a coup in 1999. Sharif is seen as the front-runner in the election.
Kayani's statements are for the military rank and file.

The general public doesn't care about Kayani's opinion on the matter.
Kayani's statements are for the military rank and file.

The general public doesn't care about Kayani's opinion on the matter.
Everybody refers about "General Public".
Do they know what is actually there in general public's mind ?
Just goes to show that the power of judiciary and law has certainly increased in Pakistan which should be the case in a healthy democracy .
Pakistani army would do well to remember that Musharraf is no longer in uniform and not their headache. With the war against TTP in full swing such statements cast a shadow on the professionalism of Pakistan Army and their seriousness in tackling a civil war which has already killed more then 50,000 Pakistani civilians.
LOL. Anti-Mushy people will be disappointed when this drama of a trial will be over and he will be released. Most ganja supporters here are those. But let see if the judges have the balls to convict him on those false charges laid against him.
I don't think military is currently looking to get involved in messy politics at the moment. They're too focused on Afghanistan and withdrawal of international forces.
PA is very very angry at the treatment of Mush and have conveyed their feelings in very strong words to the govt.

they have infact set a dead line , as after that PA will act!!

and this is from the horses mouth
PA is very very angry at the treatment of Mush and have conveyed their feelings in very strong words to the govt.

they have infact set a dead line , as after that PA will act!!

and this is from the horses mouth

Which horse?:D
the one that matters n is calling the shots !!! :butcher:

You mean the top honcho with 4 stars on his car?

I don't think he will do anything proactive...a couple of statements here and there, some eyeballing, but not more than that. Time will tell though.

Now the Mush issue has died down a bit in the media, elections are taking precedence.
Kayani's statements are for the military rank and file.

The general public doesn't care about Kayani's opinion on the matter.

General public do care about the injustice being handed out to every one who challenge the corrupt judiciary installed by Asif Ali Zardari upon request of Imran Khan.

They are partners in crime... and they are hated among the educated class.
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