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Pakistan, militant handlers trying various tactics to provoke people: J&K DGP


May 9, 2019
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United States
Pakistan and militant handlers are trying various tactics to provoke and scare people, Jammu and Kashmir DGP Dilbag Singh has said.

"Pakistan and terrorist handlers are trying various tactics and violence to provoke and scare people. The police should remain alert to thwart their attempts," a police spokesperson quoted Singh as having said during a function here on Sunday.

The Director General of Police (DGP) inaugurated the Zonal Cyber police station at the District Police Office here and reviewed security and law and order in the district, the spokesperson said on Monday.

The state police chief asked officers to identify the saboteurs and elements who might disturb the peace in the Union territory, he added.

Complimenting the officers for maintaining peace and public order, the DGP asked them to remain alert and fully prepared to thwart any act of the saboteurs.

"The challenges of militancy have been faced effectively in the past and more needs to be done on this front to curb it completely. The cases of militancy and violence by terrorists and mischief mongers should be taken to a logical conclusion by carrying out appropriate investigations. Mischief mongers should be booked under stringent laws," Singh said.

During his interaction with senior officers, the DGP sought individual briefings on important subjects of law and order, security of vital installations, the preventive measures taken and surveillance through different methods, the spokesperson said.

Both our PM and military is saying whoever goes to fight against India with Kashmirirs is traitor to Pakistan and these jokers are spewing their verbal diarrhea as usual.

Hamari fouj aur PM dono maslehetto k peche chup kar baithey hain. In jokeron ko aur kya chahiye??
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over three months of lock down, special status eliminated, the state bifurcated into two and RSS terrorists complain complains Pakistan scaring kashmiris, will then bring far right neo nazi european politicians to back these kiddish statements.

"Pakistan and terrorist handlers are trying various tactics and violence to provoke and scare people.
Yknow... Cuz like all the curfews, house arrests, pellet injuries, rape threats, actual rapes, defence of rapists, broken deals, rigged elections, dissolved parliaments, denial of representation, denial of negotiation, torture, deaths in custody, muzzling of the press and all that doesn't in any way "provoke" or "scare" people.
Both our PM and military is saying whoever goes to fight against India with Kashmirirs is traitor to Pakistan and these jokers are spewing their verbal diarrhea as usual.

Hamati fouj aur PM dono maslehetto k peche chup kar baithey hain. In jokeron ko aur kya chahiye??

In 1965, Operation Gibraltor, Pakistani foreign minister Z.A Bhutto, screeched from every platform where he could, that no Pakistanis have crossed from Pakistani side into Indian Kashmir, these are but local Kashmiris who have risen up against Indian rule, were blowing up bridges and attacking Indian airfields.

Of Course we all know truth now, that not only were they Pakistani, but were Pakistan army regulars and SSG.

The very same thing happened in Kargil.

30 plus years of Kashmir insurgency emanating from Pakistan and not once Pakistan has accepted, that it is Pakistani government which has been training and funding these terrorist.

Officially concocted lies and deceit from the highest offices of Pakistani government is the bedrock of Pakistani strategy to capture Kashmir and has been ever since.

Why would it change now ?
In 1965, Operation Gibraltor, Pakistani foreign minister Z.A Bhutto, screeched from every platform where he could, that no Pakistanis have crossed from Pakistani side into Indian Kashmir, these are but local Kashmiris who have risen up against Indian rule, were blowing up bridges and attacking Indian airfields.

Of Course we all know truth now, that not only were they Pakistani, but were Pakistan army regulars and SSG.

The very same thing happened in Kargil.

30 plus years of Kashmir insurgency emanating from Pakistan and not once Pakistan has accepted, that it is Pakistani government which has been training and funding these terrorist.

Officially concocted lies and deceit from the highest offices of Pakistani government is the bedrock of Pakistani strategy to capture Kashmir and has been ever since.

Why would it change now ?

Say the Bollywood fraud artists who mobilised 700k soldiers because of a "terrorist threat" and totally completely honestly not because Modi was about to abrogate article 370. How about you grow up.
In 1965, Operation Gibraltor, Pakistani foreign minister Z.A Bhutto, screeched from every platform where he could, that no Pakistanis have crossed from Pakistani side into Indian Kashmir, these are but local Kashmiris who have risen up against Indian rule, were blowing up bridges and attacking Indian airfields.

Of Course we all know truth now, that not only were they Pakistani, but were Pakistan army regulars and SSG.

The very same thing happened in Kargil.

30 plus years of Kashmir insurgency emanating from Pakistan and not once Pakistan has accepted, that it is Pakistani government which has been training and funding these terrorist.

Officially concocted lies and deceit from the highest offices of Pakistani government is the bedrock of Pakistani strategy to capture Kashmir and has been ever since.

Why would it change now ?
You nailed it .And they wonder why no one cares

Say the Bollywood fraud artists who mobilised 700k soldiers because of a "terrorist threat" and totally completely honestly not because Modi was about to abrogate article 370. How about you grow up.
Anything at all to counter what he said other than rants
You nailed it .And they wonder why no one cares

Anything at all to counter what he said other than rants
Eh? Why do I need to counter anything? Pakistan will defeat your terrorist nation by any means necessary. I simply told the poster to grow up and deal with reality.

Pakistan will certainly deceive India to counter India's malevolent designs in Kashmir and elsewhere. India meanwhile deceives Pakistan, Indians and Kashmiris. Keep it up.
Yadav is a Indian Navy official, caught in Pakistan, paraded on Tv for international audience. Capture a Pakistani Military official (there must be hundreds according to this report) in kashmir and do the same, till then its all accusations.

Ohh, we captured so many Pakistani army soldiers in Kargil (at least 7, if I remember correctly), a place where Pakistan claimed that no Pakistani soldier was involved and did so, uptill 10 years after the Kargil war.

We captured even more Pakistani soldiers during Pakistan's failed operation Gibraltar.

An Indian spy abducted by Pakistan's Taliban friends from Iran, along with his Indian passport, is not the same thing.
Ohh, we captured so many Pakistani army soldiers in Kargil (at least 7, if I remember correctly), a place where Pakistan claimed that no Pakistani soldier was involved and did so, uptill 10 years after the Kargil war.

We captured even more Pakistani soldiers during Pakistan's failed operation Gibraltar.

An Indian spy abducted by Pakistan's Taliban friends from Iran, along with his Indian passport, is not the same thing.
Pakistan also captured Indian soldiers and pilots in all wars in PAST. India has no proof of a Pakistani Military person operating in IOK either as a spy or otherwise, otherwise bring him on national/international TV. Till then this news report is just spewing accusations.
Ohh, we captured so many Pakistani army soldiers in Kargil (at least 7, if I remember correctly), a place where Pakistan claimed that no Pakistani soldier was involved and did so, uptill 10 years after the Kargil war.

We captured even more Pakistani soldiers during Pakistan's failed operation Gibraltar.

An Indian spy abducted by Pakistan's Taliban friends from Iran, along with his Indian passport, is not the same thing.
Such gobshite coming from Indians who openly funded and trained mukti bahini units under the guidance of Indian military officers to commit terror in the sovereign nation of Pakistan. Seriously don't you realise you get laughed at for calling others "terrorists" or "infiltrators" or "exporters of terror" or whatever other Bollywood soundbytes your nation has suckled on since infancy.

Time to grow up and realise what goes around comes around.

Maybe ask the current president of SL what he thinks of India's record in training and arming terrorists to interfere in sovereign nations...just in case you don't believe what Pakistanis have to say.
Pakistan also captured Indian soldiers and pilots in all wars in PAST. India has no proof of a Pakistani Military person operating in IOK either as a spy or otherwise, otherwise bring him on national/international TV. Till then this news report is just spewing accusations.

These were not wars, both Opertaion Girbraltor and Kargil were Pakistani clandestine operations, where Pakistan infiltrated its regular soldiers and then lied, that these were just local Kashmiri militants.
These were not wars, both Opertaion Girbraltor and Kargil were Pakistani clandestine operations, where Pakistan infiltrated its regular soldiers and then lied, that these were just local Kashmiri militants.
You can keep circling around your agenda uselessly, the fact is that, on ground there are no Pakistani Military officials operating (handlers etc) in IOK, which makes this topic a hoax. If there are any, parade them on TV just like Yadav, who is a national and international embarrassment for India.

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