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Pakistan locked in FATF Grey List: Who is running this Agenda? Why?

Will we have problem in FATF if we are giving relaxation to TLP?

There are some Media anchors like Javed Iqbal who are saying we might face problems in FATF due to TLP relaxation ,however, what i understand is that neither TLP is a UN banned, Sanctioned or it is banned by ECP. So there no demand from FATF for TLP.

@waz @The Eagle @Norwegian @VCheng @Titanium100 @Chhatrapati @ghazi52
Will we have problem in FATF if we are giving relaxation to TLP?

There are some Media anchors like Javed Iqbal who are saying we might face problems in FATF due to TLP relaxation ,however, what i understand is that neither TLP is a UN banned, Sanctioned or it is banned by ECP. So there no demand from FATF for TLP.

@waz @The Eagle @Norwegian @VCheng @Titanium100 @Chhatrapati @ghazi52

TLP is immaterial in this regard. As long as Pakistan meets it commitments with the FATF, no organization like the TLP matters, as it is a domestic matter.
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Will we have problem in FATF if we are giving relaxation to TLP?

There are some Media anchors like Javed Iqbal who are saying we might face problems in FATF due to TLP relaxation ,however, what i understand is that neither TLP is a UN banned, Sanctioned or it is banned by ECP. So there no demand from FATF for TLP.

@waz @The Eagle @Norwegian @VCheng @Titanium100 @Chhatrapati @ghazi52
TLP party owner is UK citizen and lives in UK. Plus your intelligence agencies have already cracked the network. I doubt reality ever surfaced, it's too deep and too many foreigners involved.
i wish FATF ask pakistan to eliminate extremism or go to black list
Can Pakistan go one year where they don't manage to create another pinky and the brain. Why do some of you chase chaos?

No there is no such thing as an Islamic Sharia gigastate where Muslim countries all merge into one and work together in harmony and Pakistan and her nukes must be sacrificed for the greater aim. This is just fantasy.Even the EU doesn't work.

Pakistan should work with China to delete this narrative from Pakistanis, we need re-education camps and detention en mass. Lets cover 180 millon within a year.

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