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Pakistan ‘least efficient innovator’ in Asia


Jan 5, 2013
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Pakistan ‘least efficient innovator’ in Asia - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

By Amin Ahmed
Published a day ago

.— Creative Commons
ISLAMABAD: A new ‘Creative Productivity Index’ (CPI) developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) has ranked Pakistan as the least efficient innovator.

Pakistan is ranked 23rd with weaknesses in fostering a competitive business environment and it provides little incentive for firms to innovate, says the report released on Friday.

According to the index, Myanmar and Cambodia have also been ranked as the least efficient innovators, while Japan and South Korea have been ranked as countries most efficient in the Asia and Pacific region at turning creative inputs into tangible innovation.

Of economies with high creative inputs, Singapore and Australia are less efficient at turning those into outputs. Of those with lower creative inputs, Pakistan and Cambodia are less efficient at turning inputs into outputs.

The index uses 36 input indicators to measure the capacity and incentives for innovation, including how many global top 500 universities a country has, the urbanisation rate, spending on research and development, protection of intellectual property rights, and corruption and bureaucracy.

The eight output indicators to measure innovation include the number of patents filed, export sophistication, value added to agriculture, and the number of books and films produced.

The CPI aims to give policymakers a unique tool to measure progress in fostering creativity and innovation in 22 Asian economies along with the United States and Finland for comparison purposes. It measures the innovative and creative capacity of economies by relating creative inputs to outputs.

On the input side, creative productivity is measured on three dimensions: the capacity to innovate, incentives to innovate and how conducive the environment is to innovation. The output side measures innovations by considering both conventional indicators, such as the number of patents filed, as well as a broader set of measures of knowledge creation.

On innovation inputs alone, Singapore topped the rankings with strong political institutions, protection of intellectual property, and contract enforcement. Among Asian countries, Hong Kong, China topped the list in terms of innovation outputs due to a high level of export sophistication and its prolific film production industry.

The CPI differs from existing innovation-related indices by focusing on how efficiently countries turn their creative inputs into innovation outputs rather than just the absolute level of creative inputs.

Published in Dawn, September 13th, 2014
This was to be expected. Our economy is such a trash. Full of monopolies and oligopolies. Competition will create the pressure to innovate, which our economy is lacking. Politicians themselves are destroying competitive environment to serve their ends.
Pakistan least efficient in innovation. Nah!! I don't think so...

A 17-year old Pakistani student Shahzaib has invented a device for getting cheap production of the electricity; very soon he will present prototype of the device in a science exhibition in the US a local news channel reported.
Shahzaib belongs to Quetta and currently he is a student of grade-11 in Rawalpindi. He has stunned everyone after inventing a non-metal device for production of the electricity.
During his invention’s demonstration, Shahzaib turned on 44 LED lights with just 1.5 watt of electricity. Normally these lights take 3.00 watts for turning on.
Shahzaib has been selected to represent Pakistan in an upcoming international science competition in the US.
Parents of Shahzaib are confident that their son will make Pakistan’s name more famous globally after winning this international science competition in America.
Young scientist Shahzaib has said that if his invention is utilized properly then it can help to control ongoing power crisis in the country.
The time is not right for a report like this on Pakistan, it has to take account of the war on terror, the Afghan refugee problem, the energy crisis, and some more.
The energy crisis alone is an anti-innovation factor and a big obstacle to industrialization, without which you can not put any innovation on display.
Pakistan least efficient in innovation. Nah!! I don't think so...

A 17-year old Pakistani student Shahzaib has invented a device for getting cheap production of the electricity; very soon he will present prototype of the device in a science exhibition in the US a local news channel reported.
Shahzaib belongs to Quetta and currently he is a student of grade-11 in Rawalpindi. He has stunned everyone after inventing a non-metal device for production of the electricity.
During his invention’s demonstration, Shahzaib turned on 44 LED lights with just 1.5 watt of electricity. Normally these lights take 3.00 watts for turning on.
Shahzaib has been selected to represent Pakistan in an upcoming international science competition in the US.
Parents of Shahzaib are confident that their son will make Pakistan’s ntme more famous globally after winning this international science competition in America.
Young scientist Shahzaib has said that if his invention is utilized properly then it can help to control ongoing power crisis in the country.
This is not what the article is talking about but it is focusing on outputs based on inputs.Please read the last two lines of the article.
Pakistan least efficient in innovation. Nah!! I don't think so...

A 17-year old Pakistani student Shahzaib has invented a device for getting cheap production of the electricity; very soon he will present prototype of the device in a science exhibition in the US a local news channel reported.
Shahzaib belongs to Quetta and currently he is a student of grade-11 in Rawalpindi. He has stunned everyone after inventing a non-metal device for production of the electricity.
During his invention’s demonstration, Shahzaib turned on 44 LED lights with just 1.5 watt of electricity. Normally these lights take 3.00 watts for turning on.
Shahzaib has been selected to represent Pakistan in an upcoming international science competition in the US.
Parents of Shahzaib are confident that their son will make Pakistan’s name more famous globally after winning this international science competition in America.
Young scientist Shahzaib has said that if his invention is utilized properly then it can help to control ongoing power crisis in the country.
You dont get it. Its about firms innovating to gain advantage over their rivals in the market.
in these circumstance you cant expect innovation from pak..
innovation at ground level done by ordinary men in 3rd world country in india and pak but its more JUGAD.../ frugal innovation
market centric innovation need competition , market.. aspirant buyer to get more from less price ...
pak have talent only time and direction is needed to change priorities which good for people ...
Pakistan Innovation Foundation - PIF | Facebook
Meet 3 tech companies leading innovation in Pakistan | Wamda.com
Pakistan least efficient in innovation. Nah!! I don't think so...

A 17-year old Pakistani student Shahzaib has invented a device for getting cheap production of the electricity; very soon he will present prototype of the device in a science exhibition in the US a local news channel reported.
Shahzaib belongs to Quetta and currently he is a student of grade-11 in Rawalpindi. He has stunned everyone after inventing a non-metal device for production of the electricity.
During his invention’s demonstration, Shahzaib turned on 44 LED lights with just 1.5 watt of electricity. Normally these lights take 3.00 watts for turning on.
Shahzaib has been selected to represent Pakistan in an upcoming international science competition in the US.
Parents of Shahzaib are confident that their son will make Pakistan’s name more famous globally after winning this international science competition in America.
Young scientist Shahzaib has said that if his invention is utilized properly then it can help to control ongoing power crisis in the country.

Article does not say that power is produced cheaply; it simply says that bulbs are more efficient and use half the power. This is a far cry from producing cheap electricity.

FYI, there are ‘green’ electric bulbs available in every supermarket in UK. It is written “38 W ES 85W” meaning that it is only 38 watts but gives light equal to 85 watts. The article implies usage of electricity by half not the production of cheap power. I am amazed how even the written information is misinterpreted; don’t people read what is written?

Should a 17 year old or anyone for that matter, invent a way to produce 200 MW from a 100MW electric generator; he wouldn’t be sent to represent in international science competition, he would be hired as Chief Engineer by any of power companies in Pakistan or abroad.


Who says we lag behind in innovation, we have inventors who can run the car on water!!
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A country of 200 million with exports worth 28 billion is a peanut no matter how you measure it. Pakistan is completely insignificant country and does not contribute anything to the world.
Thank you @niaz for the useful post that clears lots of ambiguities.

Regarding being low CPI, with all the terrorism related problems, insurgency from eastern and western sides and most importantly inadequate government policies have led to this. I mean, an underpass or over head bridge wont help much in improving CPI and wont called an innovation at all and currently this is what our gov is most interested in. We are not investing in technology. We will prefer to buy laptops and distribute them rather then inviting the companies to set up manufacturing plant here in Pakistan assuring them with a particular number of confirmed sales (the ones gov will buy and give to students).
NOTE: This have nothing to do with politics, PLEASE!!
Innovation is there but there is lack of Seed money for making ideas into working concepts

Seen some brilliant work by Students on stuff not done before internationally however these ideas and concepts do not reach maturity because they students do not get offers for implement these into working models

The only difference between Western Society vs Pakistan in term of innovation is that in western society , there are channels which finance the idea to mature.

People in US or other countries can gather 1-100 Million in few months if the idea is good and sell-able.

In Pakistan , the inventor is laughed on and ridiculed that "Ye to pagal ho giya hai"

That is the "Khara Such" and I only speak the truth
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