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Pakistan launches new initiative to attract European tourists

Until their is Graffiti in Pakistan and unpainted buildings it will be impossible to attract tourist






Karachi's Offering






A tourist is a smart consumer they value their money , and they visit places where they can take pictures , walk around , be impressed with air quality and memorable memories

There is a lot of work to be done, but if there is one guy who can make it happen it is Imran Khan. His stubbornness and drive is like no other and we know that he has a vision to turn Pakistan into something special. I honestly hope people keep re-electing this man. We will surpass Singapore. I have no doubt. I would have never dared saying this a few years ago. Today I can say this proudly and with full conviction. This man has given self belief to Pakistanis because that was lost under previous leaders.
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Tourism from our allies and friends should be promoted: China, Japan, Turkey, Iran, KSA, Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan.

As far as the West, work on the Pakistani diaspora. Scandinavian countries will be easier to attract due to our frigid climate in the north.
The concept of 'tourism' in a Pakistani's mind is deeply flawed for Pakistan. The posters in this thread are a good example. These governments start their efforts on a false premise, there is no success awaiting them. This is what happens when you designate people who have nothing to do with the industry and have zero understanding of our areas.

And what exactly is this policy? Pray tell what the government has actually done in this regard? Except for bs two bit statements.

Tourism is a highly complex, booming and a hugely PR related business. You have to first have the infrastructure. That is an absolute must. After that comes promoting your country and that is a costly undertaking in many ways.

You absolutely need to have an army of well-educated people in the field of tourism who know what they are doing.

Pakistan is blessed beyond comprehension. The amount of tourism that Pakistan has on offer puts most renowned tourist nations to shame. What we don’t have are the facilities and the know how to promote our country.

I believe Imran Khan is the first PM in the history of Pakistan who is finally serious about putting his country on the map. He is starting from scratch, but he has a lot going for him. Pakistan is absolutely gorgeous. We have the highest mountains in the world. We have beaches. We have deserts. What he needs is to have knowledgeable people around him. People who understand the ins and outs of tourism. He also needs to focus on attracting investment from countries like KSA, China and UAE for tourist infrastructure building. From hotels to restaurants. Also in remote areas. It needs to be world class.

We can also learn a lot from China, Malaysia and particularly Turkey. How did they become tourism magnets? These are our allies and they can help Pakistan in meaningful ways.

I think the PM should first start promoting tourism within the region and among expats. It will take a lot of time before the perception about Pakistan changes in many Western capitals. The West views Pakistan through a very tainted prism and that won’t change anytime soon.
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Pakistan is not ready to promote 'Pakistan' as a destination yet. Of course we have a lot to offer all over Pakistan but we have major issues that are still unresolved.Security issue is the biggest obstacle in the promotion of our tourism and then there is the inadequate tourism infrastructure.
Pakistan should start promoting safe regions like 'Gilgit-Baltistan' and 'Chitral' as independent brands and not under brand 'Pakistan'. Those areas are perceived relatively safe and usually the media coverage these areas get is also positive.
Here we already have a built-up tourism infrastructure but of course in need of being improved and expanded. Furthermore these areas are home to some of the most unique and wildest landscapes in the world, tallest peaks , ancient forts, hospitable and unique people(kalash & hunzakuts), best treks etc. We can promote this area as an adventure and cultural destination. It wouldn´t be a lie to brand it as 'The best adventure destination in the world' because it is.
Once this area is thriving with tourists, we shall focus on the next few areas, like Lahore, Peshawar, Cholistan, Swat etc and then develop some other areas.

That was my 2 cents on this issue :)

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