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Pakistan is one of the handful of countries to support us (Sri lanka)


Mar 17, 2008
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United States
A opinion from a Sri lankan

Sri Lanka has received Military training from all sorts of places including India and Pakistan.

Sri Lanka did develop unique tactics by itself for small team operations to deal with counter insurgency and jungle warfare, which as can be seen were highly successful and gave us damn good results, along with development of what the SLA call Long Range Reconnaissance Patrols (LRRP) -deep forays into enemy territory to attack supply lines, kill leadership (both military and political base) of the enemy, gather intelligence, carry out false flag operations and engineer defections, spending months at times "living" with the enemy. Of course every Military has one of these, point being SL set it up one itself (a big achievement for us).

The key with regards to providing training is that many of the officers and men running the training courses have first hand experience, such knowledge is invaluable and can only be gained by being on the battlefield.

I do not see this as an "embarrassment" for Pakistan.

Sri Lanka owes A LOT to Pakistan. As a nation we still remember the humiliation after humiliation we suffered in 2000 (before, during and after the fall of Elephant Pass) which could have been prevented had that retard in charge of country not tried to play general, fail miserable then blame not only our soldiers but their families as well (stupid *****, robbed the nation, sold of valuable assets, destroyed profitable state institutions, has a mansion in England and Egypt -"her summer house"- and now is trying to run for President through the back door).

The Military was crying for MBRLs for nearly 2 years which would have stopped the LTTEs successful "unceasing (human) waves" operation, but the ***** Chandrika did not listen. Only when Jaffna was about to fall and 40,000 troops in the peninsula who would be trapped and killed, was something done. Not that Chandrika cared for the soldiers, it was a matter of pride for here since Jaffna was captured under her tenure (well she took credit for it). India said it would "offer ships to evacuate", Pakistan however answered the desperate calls made and gave us what we wanted/needed, immediately flying in their own MBRLs plucked off their front lines sending them straight to Jaffna for us.

5,000-6,000 LTTE cadres were killed in a matter of hours, the "unceasing waves" was stopped like a fly hitting a windscreen and we managed to (slowly) push back to Elephant pass.
Since then our Armed Forces have come a long way, the current set of Military commanders primarily Sarath Fonseka (starting from 2003) and the current Defence Secretary revolutionised our Armed Forces, both are two soldiers who have integrity and love their country. They are living heroes in our country and many a parent tells their children to emulate them for their abilities and honesty.

Pakistan is one of the handful of countries to support us without any conditions or backstabbing, have always answered our SOS immediately, taken a "pay what you can when you can" stance and have always been genuine to us.

India has sadly been blowing hot and cold. Many would like to be India's friend but India treats us like ****. Not a day goes by when an Indian minster or some other obnoxious personality in India pisses in our face and tells us to drink, then howls "you dirty anti-Indian" when we say NO.
The never ceasing "finger wagging" despite India having even greater failures/problems which these donkeys do not seem interested in are causes for friction, no one likes such blatant and annoying hypocrisy.

Thanks to these constant Indian "reminders" we never forget how India armed and trained Tamil militants in the late 70s because they did not like the then Government of Sri Lanka for having a pro-US stance (how times change): by 1980 there were over 20,000 Tamil fighters armed, trained and funded by India through RAW, set up the SE Asian shipping and weapons network to haul in arms, gave them AK47s and RPGs while the Sri Lanka Army of the time was 8,000 men still mainly using weapons and tactics from WWII, nor will we forget how in 1987 in the LTTE was corned in Vadarmachchi during Operation Liberation how India stopped us in our tracks with the infamous air drop. (After Rajivs death India decided to stop the overt support, not really a problem since the West had already taken over providing the financial, material and operational space for the LTTE).

FYI i am referring to India as an "establishment", not bagging all 1 billion people as the same. I have Indian friends, and other than cricket, we are like brothers. Also do not get the wrong idea, Sinhalese blame JR for destroying the country and always point out the flaws, failures and stupidity of our leaders everyday, its only when above mentioned types of Indian personalities open their mouths do we blame India (same applies to the West).

Anyway going back to Pakistan, maybe they asked for assistance, or maybe we offered it, either way it would be an honour for Sri Lanka to help Pakistan in anyway it can.
one can always learn from others and there is always room for improvement. I believe we can learn from the experience of our friends like Sri Lanka.
Thanks to these constant Indian "reminders" we never forget how India armed and trained Tamil militants in the late 70s because they did not like the then Government of Sri Lanka for having a pro-US stance (how times change): by 1980 there were over 20,000 Tamil fighters armed, trained and funded by India through RAW, set up the SE Asian shipping and weapons network to haul in arms, gave them AK47s and RPGs while the Sri Lanka Army of the time was 8,000 men still mainly using weapons and tactics from WWII, nor will we forget how in 1987 in the LTTE was corned in Vadarmachchi during Operation Liberation how India stopped us in our tracks with the infamous air drop. (After Rajivs death India decided to stop the overt support, not really a problem since the West had already taken over providing the financial, material and operational space for the LTTE).
not accurate at all.
If India had continued to support the LTTE...the war would have gone on forever.

India should never have supported the LTTE to begin with.If the LTTE had not made the stupid mistake to assassinate Rajiv Gandhi(the tail thought he was big enough the wag the dog),India would have continued soft support which in the end would have certainly turned into a Tamil separatist issue for the country.Any country which supports terrorist better be ready for blowback after some time.
Nice Read! Thanx Growler

People of Pakistan should be ashamed of this, Still Tamil people are not allowed to go back to their homes and forced to stay under government watch in the camps. The same government which praised Pakistan reported UN not taking care of Tamilians who are forced to live in the camps arranged by "Srilankan Government" and this is the first time I hear about some government blaming UN for not taking care of its own people.

India China and Pakistan ,all three countries are the reason behind these poor "internally migrated" poor people of Srilanka.
People of Pakistan should be ashamed of this, Still Tamil people are not allowed to go back to their homes and forced to stay under government watch in the camps. The same government which praised Pakistan reported UN not taking care of Tamilians who are forced to live in the camps arranged by "Srilankan Government" and this is the first time I hear about some government blaming UN for not taking care of its own people.

India China and Pakistan ,all three countries are the reason behind these poor "internally migrated" poor people of Srilanka.

If Sri Lankans dont behave and learn from their past mistakes there will be another Prabhakaran, another LTTE and a damn 25 year civil war.

Pakistan is one of the handful of countries to support us (Sri lanka)

What support Pakistan provided during Tsunami? If it was not Indian Navy half the lankan population was dead due to shortage of many things.

India provides cheap fuel to Lanka through Indian Oil's subsidary Indian Oil - Lanka.

The entire Lankan transport (again cheap due to neighbor India) is on Bajaj Autos, Indian two wheelers, Tata and AL buses etc.

India should never have supported the LTTE to begin with

It was Indira's revenge for Lanka's behaviour pre-1971 such as re-fueling facilities for Pak naval vessels travelling from east to west or vice versa.

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