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Pakistan, IMF discussing additional $1.4bn as coronavirus likely to dent economy: Hafeez Shaikh

Pakistan Space Agency

Apr 22, 2019
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Pakistan, IMF discussing additional $1.4bn as coronavirus likely to dent economy: Hafeez Shaikh
Wed, Mar 25, 2020


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were having discussions over an additional sum worth $1.4 billion to help mitigate a likely blow to the country's economy due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh said Wednesday.

"This sum [of additional money] is separate from the current programme", Dr Shaikh said, referring to the ongoing three-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF) worth $6 billion. Pakistan's economy was growing stronger but the COVID-19 pandemic was expected to dent it considerably, he added.

Remittances were likely to fall, as was the tax collection, and a slowdown in the economic activity throughout the country was imminent, the adviser said in a press conference here in the federal capital.

The government has, however, already announced a Rs1.2-trillion economic and financial relief package to ward off the negative impact of the coronavirus, he said. It has further earmarked Rs200 billion for the labourers who would face extraordinary difficulties in the wake of nationwide lockdowns to contain COVID-19.

"We have to save our own people first. If someone loses their job, they can be given more money than that," he said.

"We will immediately release tax refunds worth Rs100 billion to the export industry," Dr Shaikh added, noting that another Rs100 billion was set aside for the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and agricultural sector.

"There would a reduction in the prices of fertilisers and we will also help subsidise through other ways," he said, adding that smalls businesses would be granted loans and interest rate on loans cut down.

The government was going to provide financial assistance to almost 12 million people, whereas at the moment, the number is five million, he said. They would be given Rs3,000 a month.

In order to bring down the prices of food and beverages, Dr Shaikh said the Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan (USC) would be offered Rs50 billion. He also mentioned that the government intended to buy 8.2 million tonnes' worth of produce from the farmers, helping the money flow to them.

Petroleum prices have been slashed by Rs15 a litre, the adviser said, adding that they would be kept at the same level for the next three months.

"We're giving Rs25 billion to the NDMA [National Disaster Management Authority] and we will give them more should the need arise," he said. "We will also set up another fund of Rs100 billion."

Dr Shaikh noted that the SBP had cut the policy rate by 2.25% and said he wished for the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) to continue rapidly.

"We are also going to do away with the CVT [capital value tax]," he said. "Pakistan received $350 million from the ADB [Asian Development Bank] and we will take another $900 million in June," he added.

Separately, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile, Industries and Production and Investment, Abdul Razak Dawood, said there were many industries that would not shut down in just a day.

"Tomorrow, it will be clear as to who needs to be set straight," Dawood added. "There are at least 25 orders that cannot be cancelled. There was a case yesterday when rice exporters' [delivery] trucks were stopped."

It's now Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf's Baby Debtzilla vs Coronavirus.

Pakistani PM Imran Khan not so long ago said, "This is the last time Pakistan will go to the IMF." And, his followers believed him.

What a Shaikh Chilli.
It's now Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf's Baby Debtzilla vs Coronavirus.

Pakistani PM Imran Khan not so long ago said, "This is the last time Pakistan will go to the IMF." And, his followers believed him.

What a Shaikh Chilli.
For a reason, and it is still less than PMLN who went to IMF 4 times and PPP who went 10 times. What global pandemic were they facing?
I hope these noon league and ppp sychophant supporters get a good dose of coronavirus injected up their rectum, it pains me to see that Pakistan has to beg measly sums from IMF and world bank because the cvnts have robbed the country dry.

I look at a country like Britain and they are spending hundreds of billions of pounds to keep propping up peoples jobs and livelihoods and the economy running.

The mind boggles, i guess its Imrans fault for the last 30 years this country has been looted and plundered
It's now Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf's Baby Debtzilla vs Coronavirus.

Pakistani PM Imran Khan not so long ago said, "This is the last time Pakistan will go to the IMF." And, his followers believed him.

What a Shaikh Chilli.
I dont Support any Party but you should have the decency to accept if anything decent is being down for the population.
I wont say anything about past at this Moment all countries need to do something for their citizen.
Including Pakistan.
Lets Hope and unit for the betterment for everyone not just specific clan or group
Pakistan engages IMF for $1.4b additional grant over coronavirus
Associated Press of Pakistan
10:10 PM | 25 Mar, 2020


ISLAMABAD – Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh on Wednesday said in view of the evolving situation due to the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the government has initiated negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for an additional grant of $1.4 billion on fast-track basis.

The government’s financial team had made a comprehensive funds mobilization strategy for acquiring $1 billion from the World Bank (WB) and $3.5 million from the Asian Development Bank, besides early release of $900 million earmarked by the latter for different projects, he said while addressing a press conference.

He was flanked by Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Textile and Industry Abdul Razak Dawood, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Muhammad Hammad Azhar, Special Assistant to the PM on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan and Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Petroleum Nadeem Babar.

The adviser said the $1.4 billion grant would be in line with the previous programme Pakistan had with the fund, which would be disbursed at the earliest.

Minister Hammad Azhar said the government was fully focused and committed to facilitate the people in the critical situation.

The provision of medical facilities and food to the people was the topmost priority of the government and for that the government would pursue the WB and the ADB to release their aid amounting to $600 million on different counts on fast track basis, he added.

However, all the international financial institutions would be engaged for economic assistance when the coronavirus had been overcome, he said.

Hammad said,“We are also in coordination with Japan Intentional Cooperation Agency (JICA) to get assistance for providing facilities to the people in current situation.”

He said the government would provide facilities to the business community for continuing business activities sin the country.

Adviser on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood said it was the government’s priority government to save the domestic businesses, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), retailers and labour.

SAPM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan said the media had been playing an important role in the current crisis and the government would take all necessary safety measures to protect the lives of journalists.
Pakistan has no choice. These are extraordinary times that require extraordinary measures. I think there should be relief on debt payments by poor countries to free up resources to fight COVID-19.
It's now Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf's Baby Debtzilla vs Coronavirus.

Pakistani PM Imran Khan not so long ago said, "This is the last time Pakistan will go to the IMF." And, his followers believed him.

What a Shaikh Chilli.
From PTI and all of other patriotic Pakistanis, I sincerely apologize to you about the fact that PTI or IK didn't predict a catastrophic event such as coronavirus that would wreck the economy of the world.

Anyway Pakistan is still engaged with IMF program so nothing wrong here if it is in our interests. I know the one really matters to you is sitting in London in the flats he claimed he doesn't own, but there are 200 mil still back in Pakistan - and no Shahbaz Sharif is not going to fight coronavirus!
It's now Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf's Baby Debtzilla vs Coronavirus.

Pakistani PM Imran Khan not so long ago said, "This is the last time Pakistan will go to the IMF." And, his followers believed him.
What a Shaikh Chilli.
What other options Govt has got?
Resign and let Shahbaz steer Pakistan through these difficult times as Pakistan is unable to do so until Shahbaz takes the helm.
Thanks but no thanks,he ruled Punjab for ten years and left roads and metros as his legacy.Couldn't built a single hospital were his elder brother could be treated.
Thanks but no thanks,he ruled Punjab for ten years and left roads and metros as his legacy.Couldn't built a single hospital were his elder brother could be treated.
I was being sarcastic. I'm sure people would be cured just by traveling on the metro lines he built.
Resign and let Shahbaz steer Pakistan through these difficult times as Pakistan is unable to do so until Shahbaz takes the helm.
I rather have him shot in the jaw like model town victims
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