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Pakistan has emerged as Geopolitical Pivot of the World - Indian writer

Things changing at rapid pace. Specially after recent Ind-China border skirmish. US doesn't seem too keen to get involved directly. Modi is under extreme pressure both domestically as well as internationally. However domestic politics is what Indian leadership usually cares more about. Modi and Co are increasingly becoming a threat to India's security but there is no better option for establishment. When you bet too much money on one horse, you have no choice but to support him even if you know you are destined to fail.
Modi is surely gambling on India's prospects with hopes of a firm and continued backing from the West. The list of India's alienated allies is growing long but India knows how many hundreds of billions of $ are tied with the West and how many more billions might come in the future. I think this route is not without merits.

But it is still a gamble! Rewards can be big. And punishment can be even bigger.

Despite all talks of Indian 'democracy' of value to the West, the West couldn't care less: They have been hugging the Saudis, who have been the most repressive country in the world! What India should REALLY fear is some grand bargain is reached between the West and China and India gets dumped. Great powers have done that throughout human history. In that scenario, India would have only one potential UNSC Veto help from Russia and that may not be assured even India buying a lot of Russian hardware. So imagine a UNSC Resolution passed about Kashmir?!!

India is a hedge against China. As long as China stays opaque (read Communist) no one will alienate India.

What makes you think USA, UK or France will lift a finger for Kashmir ? They had 7 decades to do that.

A grand bargain between the West and China would end the need for Pakistan. India still has a huge market to play.
Zia ul haq - when asked by a spiritual advisor on where Pakistan is going said he smells Koh-Kaaf(Caucuses) in the air.

An Indian doesn’t need to validate anything - Pakistan has long had a strategic goal of being a trade and energy link to Central Asia.
  1. Alienated Russia, Iran.
  2. Provoking China over sensitive issues.
  3. Rejected IK's olive branch in 2018.
  4. Embargoed Nepal after earthquake.
Why are Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan exactly friends of India ?
there is no question the coming cold war between China and its western adversaries will be played out in strategic areas around the world. Pakistan will once again be at the center of perhaps the most significant focus point. China will build up Pakistan as a bulwark against India and other regional US allies. One hopes that Pakistan will continue to leverage that strategic need of China to our own benefit.
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