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'Pakistan has 100,000MW electricity capacity for 200 years'


Feb 21, 2014
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KARACHI: Pakistan has the capacity to produce 100,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity for the next 200 years as the country has reserves of coal comparing to combined oil reserves in energy equivalent terms of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Chief Executive Officer Shamsuddin Shaikh of Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) said government of Sindh and Engro Powergen Limited has a Joint Venture (JV) in this regard. Khurshid Jamali Chairman Board of Directors (BoD) of SECMC was also present.

Shaikh said there was an estimated 170 billion tones coal reserves to satisfy the energy needs of Pakistan. The reserves are buried deep under the desert sands and are separated by the reservoirs of fossilised aquifers. While there is high moisture, the sulphur content of Thar Coal is low, making it more environmentally attractive.

Thar Coalfield with a resource potential of 175 billion tonnes of coal covers an area of over 9,000 square kilometers (km) in the Thar Desert in Tharparkar district in southeastern part of Sindh.

At the optimum capacity of 4,000 MW, power produced from Thar Coal can yield a tariff of approximately 6.0 cents per kilowatt (kwt). This is the cheapest option currently available to our decision makers. Additionally, it is approximately 50 percent cheaper than RFO based power generation.

SECMC has been working on the project for the past 4-5years. Engro as managers of the project has been working on the technical and commercial aspects whereas government of Sindh is developing the requisite infrastructure for the project.

As developer of Thar Block-II, SECMC plans to expand the mine in phases and reach a sustainable capacity of coal output for the production of 4,000 MW for more than 50 years.

Phase-I of the project envisages mining operation of 3.8 million tonnes per annum of coal to be utilised by mine-mouth 660 MW power plants for 30 years.

A wholly owned subsidiary Thar Power Company (THARCO) was incorporated in 2013 with an objective developing the power plant designed to operate on Thar Coal.

The total investment for the integrated project is estimated to be $1.7 billion where China will fuel the project with investment, labour and machineries.

Subsequent to government of Pakistan's consent to provide Sovereign Guarantee for Debt portion of mining subject to government of Sindh being the majority shareholder in SECMC, the JV agreement has been amended to increase shareholding of Centre to 51 percent. However, management control of the project will remain with Engro.

Company has achieved substantial progress on the mining and power project during the year. Firm EPC bids have been received from leading Chinese firms and final announcement is expected by end of this month. Around 6,000 acres of land has been acquired for which no resettlement was required.

A public hearing of Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) was held last month apprised the stakeholders on environmental and socio-economic impacts of the Power Plant project and approval was expected by the next month.

Environment approval for mining project was received last year. Finally on April 30, 2014, the work for 113 million cubic meter overburden removal in Thar Block-II started.

Furthermore, infrastructure requirements including water, transportation and power transmission line from Thar to Matiari are being pursued actively with relevant authorities/agencies. The integrated project is expected to come online by December 2017.

A number of local industrial groups and investors are going to join hands with SECMC to make this project a reality.

The project will also bring socio-economic benefits for the poor people of Thar as the project will catalyse the creation of social assets, medical facilities, educational institutions and infrastructural development and job opportunities.
KARACHI: Pakistan has the capacity to produce 100,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity for the next 200 years as the country has reserves of coal comparing to combined oil reserves in energy equivalent terms of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

'Pakistan has 100,000MW electricity capacity for 200 years' - PakTribune
is it not true that most of your coal has high ash content?
Coal fired power plants dont take too long to come up... we had similar problem in India (atleast Maharashtra) in early 2000's.....2-4 years is all it took to establish coal fired PP....a lot of these were a private sector undertakings....some of these were built by the chinese and the rest by indian companies
With the right intention Pakistan can solve these problem in no time...no load shedding in my city as of now

P:S. My first post
Coal fired power plants dont take too long to come up... we had similar problem in India (atleast Maharashtra) in early 2000's.....2-4 years is all it took to establish coal fired PP....a lot of these were a private sector undertakings....some of these were built by the chinese and the rest by indian companies
With the right intention Pakistan can solve these problem in no time...no load shedding in my city as of now

P:S. My first post

That about sums it all up!
is it not true that most of your coal has high ash content?
Yes. Majority of the coal in Pakistan is of the Lignite variety- like the one found in Tamil Nadu.
High ash content, very problematic for electricity generation.
Even if coal from Pakistan is high in ash content......PK can import coal from Indonesia....most plants use blended coal, a mix of domestic and imported coal that strikes a balance between GCV and % ash content ....

Today most private power plants in India are making losses... the truth is once India enforces power sector reforms (the first phase of which have already been launched)...these power plants would be making tons of money...thats what is keeping the Tata's and Adani's interested
Good, Get working on power plants and load shedding in Pakistan will be a thing of the past.

Years ago Goa used to have frequent power cuts especially during the summers and monsoons, but over the last couple of years, its uninterrupted power, with practically no power cuts, except for maintenance (announced in newspapers 4 days in advance). It might be a good idea to also move overhead cables underground. That has been done in most of Goa, so no problems in the monsoon as well.

Just calls for a little work and advance planning by the Government.
Good, Get working on power plants and load shedding in Pakistan will be a thing of the past.

Years ago Goa used to have frequent power cuts especially during the summers and monsoons, but over the last couple of years, its uninterrupted power, with practically no power cuts, except for maintenance (announced in newspapers 4 days in advance). It might be a good idea to also move overhead cables underground. That has been done in most of Goa, so no problems in the monsoon as well.

Just calls for a little work and advance planning by the Government.

You telling me that most cables in the villages are now underground? which part of goa are you from?
Pakistan has the capacity to produce 100,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity for the next 200 years as the country has reserves of coal comparing to combined oil reserves in energy equivalent terms of Iran and Saudi Arabia.

That is only a claim. Where is the reality to match it? How about even 1,000 MW for 10 years?
Forget about coal, Pakistan have Hydropower potential of 100,000 megawatts which will last longer and its cheaper. But so far Pakistan have only taken advantage of 6-7%! Not many countries have hydropower potential of 100,000MW, probably less then 5?

That is only a claim. Where is the reality to match it? How about even 1,000 MW for 10 years?

At the moment work on 2 coal power plants of 1320MW has started. While government is also looking to build 10 power plants of 6600MW in Gadani Balochistan.
Forget about coal, Pakistan have Hydropower potential of 100,000 megawatts which will last longer and its cheaper. But so far Pakistan have only taken advantage of 6-7%! Not many countries have hydropower potential of 100,000MW, probably less then 5?

At the moment work on 2 coal power plants of 1320MW has started. While government is also looking to build 10 power plants of 6600MW in Gadani Balochistan.

So where are the megadams?

The power plants that you mention will run off imported coal, not Thar coal.
So where are the megadams?

The power plants that you mention will run off imported coal, not Thar coal.

Initially imported but in coming years it will use local coal. Wapda vision of 2025 include.

Basha Dam 4500mw
Bunji dam 7100mw
Dasu dam 4320mw

These 3 are gigantic dams, then there also smaller ones between 1000-2800mw. Work on Tarbela dam extension IV and V will finish around 2017-18 which will increase generation capacity of Tarbela dam to 6208MW from current 3478mw. Also Neelum-Jhelum dam 969MW will be completed next year which will save Pakistan $500 million every year.
Initially imported but in coming years it will use local coal. Wapda vision of 2025 include.

Basha Dam 4500mw
Bunji dam 7100mw
Dasu dam 4320mw

These 3 are gigantic dams, then there also smaller ones between 1000-2800mw. Work on Tarbela dam extension IV and V will finish around 2017-18 which will increase generation capacity of Tarbela dam to 6208MW from current 3478mw.

Let's see when funding for the three megadams is available, and when the plants switch over to Thar coal.
Good, Get working on power plants and load shedding in Pakistan will be a thing of the past.

Years ago Goa used to have frequent power cuts especially during the summers and monsoons, but over the last couple of years, its uninterrupted power, with practically no power cuts, except for maintenance (announced in newspapers 4 days in advance). It might be a good idea to also move overhead cables underground. That has been done in most of Goa, so no problems in the monsoon as well.

Just calls for a little work and advance planning by the Government.
Wow. If true, very impressive job by Goa Government then!
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