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Pakistan FDI Reaches New High as CPEC Projects Get Underway

Figures look way off, here is the UNCTAD data for Pakistan:


How anyone arrived at 7.6 billion for 2014 is beyond me.

Look at these numbers as well:

Pakistan receives $119.3 million in FDI, higher by 7.5% - The Express Tribune

You are going to look quite the fool when 2018 arrives.

Why wait for 2018 for that to happen.
lol those estimates are so stupid that even nawaz shariff wont believe that.
Wow,the OP is probably mentally challenged to inflate a few million to billions

Well thats for 2 months. So for a year there is scope to get a cpl billion or so (we will have to wait for the fiscal year to finish). But I dunno what exactly the lax definition of this 7 billion FDI in 2014 (completed and logged at 1.5 billion by Pakistan banks and UNCTAD) was.
Good for Pakistan, but it seems that the major source of FDI into Pakistan is China. Pakistan need to attract FDI from other countries too if it plans to become sustainable investment destination.
Good for Pakistan, but it seems that the major source of FDI into Pakistan is China. Pakistan need to attract FDI from other countries too if it plans to become sustainable investment destination.

Be careful when you say these things, otherwise @Viper0011 will get upset and accuse Indians of being jealous.
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Civil nuclear deal helps #Pakistan overcome energy crisis: #China Daily. #loadshedding Civil nuclear deal helps Pakistan overcome energy crisis: China Daily | Pakistan Today via @ePakistanToday

China’s civil nuclear power support to Pakistan is meant to help the time-tested friend to overcome its energy crisis, said Chinese scholar in an article published in China Daily.

While setting aside the misperception and unfounded allegations in regard to Sino-Pak nuclear deal, an associate professor at Peking University’s School of International Studies said that some vested interest groups were pointing a finger at China over the two-country cooperation in nuclear field issue.

He clarified that the sale of nuclear reactors to Pakistan was part of their long-term nuclear cooperation agreements reached in the late 1980s. Chinese companies joined Pakistani side to build a nuclear plant at Chashma in 1991, he said. By 2000, the first reactor at Chashma was ready to generate electricity. Five years later, Chinese companies began building Chashma 2, which is scheduled to be operational next year.

China and Pakistan both assert that the proposed sale is not only in line with the Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG) rules, but it is also transparent and peaceful in nature. It has already been clarified officially that the “China-Pakistan cooperation on civilian nuclear energy is consistent with the two countries’ respective international obligations, and is for peaceful purposes and subject to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) safeguard and supervision”.

The article further said: “India, seen as a long-time foe of Pakistan, seems to be using diplomacy to block the Sino-Pakistani deal, even though it signed a similar deal with the US in 2006. Most China-baiters, particularly in the US, allege Chashma 3 and 4 violate NSG guidelines, which prohibit nuclear states from exporting nuclear technology and materials to non-nuclear states which, like Pakistan, are not signatories to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and have not adopted IAEA safeguards for nuclear establishments.”

Ever since China joined the NSG in 2004, some critics have been saying it has to fulfill its non-proliferation commitment and comply with the group’s rules and guidelines. And because Chashma 3 and 4 were initiated after 2004, they have to be approved by NSG, most probably by seeking an “exemption” solution from its 46 member states as the US-Indian nuclear deal did in 2008.

Non-proliferation proponents have expressed concern over the Sino-Pakistani nuclear deal. But some doubt whether it could be blocked like the 2006 US-Indian nuclear deal was for setting “a dangerous precedent”, because if Washington opposes it openly, it would face charges of exercising “hypocrisy” in non-proliferation.

Ashley Tellis, a senior associate at Carnegie Endowment, who as part of the George W Bush administration played a key role in negotiating the nuclear deal with India, draws a line between the US-Indian and Sino-Pakistani nuclear deals, saying the latter is not the outcome of a public debate in Washington or in NSG. But the fact is that “integrity” of the shattered global non-proliferation regime was already breached when India, which is outside NPT, NSG and other non-proliferation regimes, was “exempted” and the US-Indian nuclear deal was allowed to go ahead.

Pakistan faces severe electricity shortage leading to economic difficulties. The BBC, citing Pakistani government sources, said Pakistan faced an energy shortfall of 3,668 MW per day. Expanding the nuclear energy industry is one way Pakistan can meet its electricity shortfall, which in turn causes social unrest and extremism. At present, nuclear power comprises just 2.34 per cent of Pakistan’s total energy generation, it said.
Then why India is still a poor country? Pakistan is at 52 while India is at 61 and China is at whopping 103. Not much difference between India and Pakistan. Pakistan has got reasons because we had terrorist attacks before every day and now we are partially on war to eliminate those terrorists.

The Poorest Countries in the World | Global Finance Magazine

FDI and Investment in general indicate future growth potential since it takes time for multiplier effect to kick in.

Before 1990, Indian PPP per capita was around half that of Pakistan. Now its more than 20% higher.

Thats what investment does over a long period of time....and thats why India will continue to pull away at a much faster rate in the coming years.....because Pakistan is finding it very difficult to get its GFCF past 13% for many years now. CPEC is not going to address that enough to bring Pakistan to a sustainable Tier A growth.
FDI and Investment in general indicate future growth potential since it takes time for multiplier effect to kick in.

Before 1990, Indian PPP per capita was around half that of Pakistan. Now its more than 20% higher.

Thats what investment does over a long period of time....and thats why India will continue to pull away at a much faster rate in the coming years.....because Pakistan is finding it very difficult to get its GFCF past 13% for many years now. CPEC is not going to address that enough to bring Pakistan to a sustainable Tier A growth.
You are going to look quite the fool in future.
I was born in India. Raised in US. I'm a US citizen and a proud one. So spare me your lecture about "Indians". You sound like a Trump supporter.

I am a Trump supporter (not really, I gave up on this hate spreading fool). But I am a BIG supporter of "Let's make America great again". But, not by the rhetoric and division, but by actions and coming together even stronger as one nation!!!!

I'd still correct our trade imbalance with China (nicely, no need to fight with anyone and scare the world, unless the Chinese want to fight and they want to disturb the Japs and the Viets and the Phillipinos, and the SCS obviously), I'd take our jobs back from India (again, nicely, and by reducing H1B's to minimum and use American graduates as we now produce plenty for tech stuff), and put limits on NAFTA, not end it, but restructure it so it benefits the US also.

Also I'd tell India to get rid of the Indian ownership law, I'd tell the Chinese, guys, its time we did a fair evaluation of the Yuan. The American businesses giving India dollars, should be able to manage their business the way they want to. After all, without the US's help, India of 1995....wouldn't have moved much on the economic global scale......

I'd strengthen our military, we'll build permanent bases in Afghanistan, in the Philippines (and even in Taiwan if we have to). At least, three more aircraft carrier groups, and multiple programs on Hypersonic Attack munitions, more -22's, back to 500. I don't want to wait for a war to start and then position the US military. I want the US military to take out the enemy's offense before the first attack can even begin by an enemy. The best enemy is the one without her offensive forces :lol: :cheers:!!!!

I'd build a respectful society for ALL Americans, whether they are from Mexico, India, China, Malaysia, Pakistan, France, or Canada. America is a fabric knit tightly together with all different colors, religions and threads. And THAT's how you make America great. By preserving our culture, social environment, capitalism and our military muscle. Not by dividing people.

Now will you vote for me in 2020 because I might be the best chance the Republican leadership would have. Just read my agenda above :enjoy: :tup: :tup: :lol:
Unlike India's fudged GDP data, the source of the data in my post is not Pakistani government or its institutions. It's fDI Markets, a Financial Times data service.

When you have time, please do look what the same source says about FDI into India for the year 2015.

I have a feeling you already did.

Karma Beach

Karma beach? Where is it?
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