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Pakistan economy can double to $700 billion by following 'Bangladesh model'

Yup thats what we have 7 times the population yet perform better , still we are shit in the ranking
Iran is at 60 with all the sanctions

Iran is a police state. Nobody knows what happens in there anyhow so why bring them here.

On the flip side, a handful of capitalists are getting richer in India by the second so you can always use them as a sign of great economic gains of a common Indian.
So an average Pakistani lives better thn bengali,,while his so called beloved country goes around for loans,, the avg. ghairtmand pakistani lives handsomely,, doesn't pay proper taxes,, doesn't mind whether his country rents itself or begs,,,,,basically shows a middle finger to his motherland.
Not surprised,,bhaiyya behavior

Pakistan takes loans because of it's imports are more than it's exports it has nothing to do with standard of living of Pakistanis
Bangladesh model = make workers work like donkeys in unsafe building for 18 hours.

Pakistan should send 7-8 crores poor to India like Bangladesh. That will work well.
where will the billions of the dirt poor in India go then?, Pakistanis in general are way way better off than Indians economicaly and please dont start throwing the dehli elite like ambanis in my face, talk about the real Indian people, the 1.5 billion of them.
Iran is a police state. Nobody knows what happens in there anyhow so why bring them here.

On the flip side, a handful of capitalists are getting richer in India by the second so you can always use them as a sign of great economic gains of a common Indian.
Well you are not an Indian , i am one. I know the ground reality , still we have long way to go , India is still piss poor in standard of living and well behind that Eastern Asian countries but i believe in acknowledging the reality instead of fake bravado
First Pakistan govt should deport 3 million illegal bengalis to benefit "from BD model".

BD was never part of regional mess as much as Pakistan, Bangladesh never faced enemy let alone regional and super powers at its doors and their side effects, insurgencies. Those who compare bangladesh with Pakistan are peice of shit, Bangladesh should be compared with Myanmar and Nepal no matter if Pakistan's GDP per capita is 1/4th of Bangladesh and GDP in recession.

BD took advantage of the cheap textile labor work that was moving away from the west to Asia in the 90s and 2000s the thing is with a protectionists like Trump in office,growing populism in Europe plus skepticism towards free trade everywhere BD could be at risk Trump is not only going against China on this he is tariffing all types of emerging economies to stymie American decline in global economic influence besides all these factories were built by cutthroat Pakistani mill owners with their Bengali partners because the Pak Govt well is incompentent and filled with traitor trash

You can compare data produced by Dhaka intellectuals and Delhi intellectuals while farmers plunge to suicides and mass exodus is brimming in both India and Bangladesh.

You have complete freedom of expression and thought and you can exercise it. No harm in that.

I tell these trolls in Delhi and Dhaka are like upper middle class folks who have no time do they spend time here to talk trash about us
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where will the billions of the dirt poor in India go then?, Pakistanis in general are way way better off than Indians economicaly and please dont start throwing the dehli elite like ambanis in my face, talk about the real Indian people, the 1.5 billion of them.
Human development index says something else , please back your statements with facts
India rank is 130 while Pakistans 150
If Pakistani better off than an Indian then why is life expectancy lower than indias whil Bangladeshs is higher than India
Well you are not an Indian , i am one. I know the ground reality , still we have long way to go , India is still piss poor in standard of living and well behind that Eastern Asian countries but i believe in acknowledging the reality instead of fake bravado

The ground reality is that farmers are committing mass suicides in India while the populace is being 'sold' the Kashmiri/Pakistani boogeyman. State of affairs is likely to worsen for an average Indian the coming decade.
You know seeing the images of the current govts attacks against Shantytowns,and spot zoned buildings made me smile cause seeing old part of Karachi cleaned up like that showed that we dont have to live like slum dwellers being Muslim its Fard to be clean and tidy yet our own people ignore this

You can thank Pakistani Rangers (and Police) for cleaning up Karachi of the militant wings and gangs of MQM, PPP, and ANP.

Other credit should go to PTI for freeing the mindset of Muhajirs, Sindhis, Pukhtoons, and others of Karachi of ethnic racist leaders of the above mentioned parties.
I tell these trolls in Delhi and Dhaka are like upper middle class folks who have no time do they spend time here to talk trash about us

All fascist governments employ mass diversion tactics and this comes not as a surprise to anyone on the forum.

The ideologue behind this economic model presented in the OP is disturbingly similar to Aalo Gosht syndrome.
The ground reality is that farmers are committing mass suicides in India while the populace is being 'sold' the Kashmiri/Pakistani boogeyman. State of affairs is likely to worsen for an average Indian the coming decade.
Same can be said off yours , as i said we are still long way to go and i acknowledge that but dont indulge fake superiority like you are doing
Even Pak deep state engages in fake Indian security threat to hide their own failures , this is what 13th IMF bailout right?
Same can be said off yours , as i said we are still long way to go and i acknowledge that but dont indulge fake superiority like you are doing
Even Pak deep state engages in fake Indian security threat to hide their own failures , this is what 13th IMF bailout right?

We were not aggressors in February. It was your general elections which flared up the recent tensions between the countries.
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