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Mar 5, 2009
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Petraeus: Pakistan could fall as state

(AP Photo) Gen. David Petraeus (L), Michelle Flournoy (C) and Navy Adm. Eric T. Olson (R), face the panel's questions, Wednesday, April 1, 2009.

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 05:37:02 GMT
The commander of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and a top Pentagon official have voiced concern over the region's growing militancy.

General Gen. David H. Petraeus admitted to a Senate panel on Wednesday that from a military point of view, the United States saw Pakistan and Afghanistan as a single theater.

"Although the additional resources will be applied in different ways on either side of (their mutual border), Afghanistan and Pakistan comprise a single theater that requires comprehensive 'whole-of governments' approaches that are closely coordinated," Petraeus said.

The top general went on to repeat Washington's criticism of Islamabad's handling of the insurgency on its soil, warning that the threat could dismantle Pakistan as a 'state', should it remain 'unchallenged' and that the possibilty of it happening is much more than in the past few months.

"It is in Pakistan that al-Qaeda senior leadership and other transnational extremist elements are located," he added.

He added that the country needed support in operations aimed at eradicating militants hiding in tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, a problem that surged following the 2001 US-led invasion of the neighboring country.

Petraeus urged US assistance, adding that, “extremists…pose a truly existential threat to their country [Pakistan]."

Michele A. Flournoy, a top Defense Department official, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the US troops in Afghanistan would suffer 'higher human' losses this year after braving record casualties in 2008 since the start of the war.

The military's Special Operations commandos, Adm. Eric T. Olson, also painted a grim picture of the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The panel pressed the officials for the first time to answer questions on President Obama's recently announced plans for the region, publicly questioning the advising trio for their part in formulating the new strategy.

The Senate Armed Services Committee mainly focused on the means by which the advisors would 'assess' the threats in Pakistan and the strategies that would be drawn up to tackle such threats.

The meeting followed a statement by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which said that the group was planning a terrorist attack on the US to 'amaze' the world.

"Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world," TTP leader Baitullah Mehsud said Tuesday.

Obama, who admitted on Wednesday that such threats exist, has pledged more aid to Pakistan, pressing Islamabad to crack down on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces active within the country's borders.

Petraeus: Pakistan could fall as state
Every second day we read these -comments - and their predictions. lol We discussed them throiughly that- this is just an assumption by somebody based on their own rationale and holds no ground. in reality.
Its more like believing the world will end on 2012. b.s please refrain from posting same topic again and again.
"...this is just an assumption by somebody based on their own rationale and holds no ground."

There is no prediction of such "assumption" by these officials. To that end, their credibility already exceeds yours.:agree:

There IS, however, deep concern. Underscoring the deep concern of these particular officials from CENTCOM, SOCOM and an undersecretary for defense are the intelligence collection resources of our government.

Hardly an assumption but certainly based upon more than singular rationale by those far more informed than you.

Thus the grounded traction is great indeed. It is a warning and expression of concern.
Every second day we read these -comments - and their predictions. lol We discussed them throiughly that- this is just an assumption by somebody based on their own rationale and holds no ground. in reality.
Its more like believing the world will end on 2012. b.s please refrain from posting same topic again and again.

The threat is much serious than it looks. We dont know because we are having a jolly good time in India. All fanboys out here, are gonna come out and say this is crap because its against their nation. But even they know and fear that the future is uncertain.

And as far as credibility is concerned, it is as much credible as India becoming the next superpower, maybe a little more. It is talked about a lot in US/Europe, boasted about in India, but BS-itted on PDF.
Point taken Mr clinical ! (It is a warning and expression of concern)
But on the other hand deep concern is too much exaggerated here @ "fall of a state". pakistan is failing state. There is no denying that.
But it will fall as a state is too big a statement for now, Yes concerns are there - whether Pakistani agree or not that pakistan is heading in totally wrong direction.
Its based on singular rationale (as an american point of view). who tend to go too positivist about them selves and totally pessimist about Pakistanis in this case.
pakistans biggest problem is US of A. where ever US goes there is blood and suffering

Govt of pakistan should leave this vempire
"Its based on singular rationale (as an american point of view). who tend to go too positivist about them selves"

Yes, they are Americans with Americans likely manning the intelligence collection and other resources available to them. That's how it works. Further, their comments were made in testimony before our congress exercising it's oversight responsibilities.

Those called to testimony are expected to render their expert opinions and analysis. Indeed, it is for that which they are paid among their other responsibilities.

Your comment about "too positivist about them selves[sic]" reveals your own particular bias as in no part of the offered article do any of the mentioned American officials highlight their personal or national actions as example to be held against or anything remotely related.

Indeed, the article itself is poorly written and too reliant on paraphrasing the comments of these key officials instead of providing exact quotes from the offered testimony. Rather sloppy journalism allowing for some editorial bias in the writing-

"The top general went on to repeat Washington's criticism of Islamabad's handling of the insurgency on its soil..."

And what did the top general criticize? More to the point, what EXACTLY did this important man say? Easy to get from the transcripts of testimony in open hearing...

Poorly done would best describe this work. No doubt the work of Persians. That's my assumption...:D
"...this is just an assumption by somebody based on their own rationale and holds no ground."

There is no prediction of such "assumption" by these officials. To that end, their credibility already exceeds yours.:agree:

There IS, however, deep concern. Underscoring the deep concern of these particular officials from CENTCOM, SOCOM and an undersecretary for defense are the intelligence collection resources of our government.

Hardly an assumption but certainly based upon more than singular rationale by those far more informed than you.

Thus the grounded traction is great indeed. It is a warning and expression of concern.
Is this really a concern or a desire?
based on what, intelligence??? what intelligence USA has, this intelligence should have caught Osama, & others, or work with pakistan authorities to help them steer out of this problem but on the other hand when even tipped about Batihl ul mashud, and the captors of John Soliky(the links being in Afghnaistan), the amerciancan authority and intelligence did not act on it, the two things we can drive out, either Americans r with us or against us. this is propaganda, nothing more, Americans want us to follow their Agenda, and this statement is just another push to their tactical, political pressure.

if they want prosperous Pakistan, the statements of this kind would never come out public, rather dealt politically, going public will only raise concerns for investors, and financial institutions within and outside of Pakistan, which will further add to the existing financial, and economical problems

if USA wants to solve Pakistan`s problem, solve it Pakistan way, not USA way
"...if USA wants to solve Pakistan`s problem, solve it Pakistan way..."

No. We can afford a lot in this world but not the cost of your politicians. Too expensive for too little performance.

We like our ways better and really wish that you'd listen to others a bit more. If you did, perhaps making deals like SWAT would never have happened. It's not like your leadership wasn't warned what would happen on a SWAT deal nor like you hadn't precedence of previous deals in SWAT going to sh!t.

Nope. In your wisdom...:crazy:

Take our money with our conditions and adhere faithfully to those standards or lose it. Or don't take it at all.

I could care less.
"...if USA wants to solve Pakistan`s problem, solve it Pakistan way..."

No. We can afford a lot in this world but not the cost of your politicians. Too expensive for too little performance.

We like our ways better and really wish that you'd listen to others a bit more. If you did, perhaps making deals like SWAT would never have happened. It's not like your leadership wasn't warned what would happen on a SWAT deal nor like you hadn't precedence of previous deals in SWAT going to sh!t.

Nope. In your wisdom...:crazy:

Take our money with our conditions and adhere faithfully to those standards or lose it. Or don't take it at all.

I could care less.

ah now S-2 without the money GoP will be gone in week, not even few months as per US estimates

better have them on longer
Pakistan was made for purpose, except being an islamic state, what purpose will it serve only God knows. there was enough blood spilt to keep the country soil num to this date by wars(my uncle fell in 1971 war), and during the birth of this country a lot of mothers lost their lives.

we havet done justice to our mother land, and we admit it, but if its any body wet dream that it will break or fall, so be it. Pakistan will never get to this stage. we had same situation in the past and we kept going and Inshallah we will keep going. but this time direction would not be in line with American wants

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