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Pakistan | Counterterrorism funds spent on 'luxury gifts' - Report.


Jan 28, 2008
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Pakistani counter-terror funds spent on luxury gifts: report

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani officials used a secret counter-terrorism fund to buy wedding gifts, luxury carpets and gold jewellery for relatives of ministers and visiting dignitaries, according to documents seen by AFP.

The revelations cast a spotlight on high-level corruption in Pakistan as the impoverished but nuclear-armed country battles a surge in Taliban violence.

They concern the National Crisis Management Cell (NCMC) of Pakistan's interior ministry, formed in 2000 to coordinate between the country's intelligence agencies and federal and provincial governments on national security matters.

The US and other Western countries have poured billions of dollars into Pakistan since the 9/11 attacks of 2001 to help in its fight against Taliban and al Qaeda linked militants.

The NCMC received some 425 million rupees ($4.3 million) from Pakistani government coffers from 2009-2013, according to files obtained by Umar Cheema, an investigative journalist for Pakistani daily The News, and seen by AFP.

During that time the interior ministry was headed by Rehman Malik, a flamboyant loyalist of former president Asif Ali Zardari's Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

Watches, carpets, gold, goats

Many of the documents deal with payments to intelligence sources, routine maintenance of vehicles and overtime for employees.

But the files also include receipts for gifts for US and British embassy officials, as well as flowers and sweets for journalists.

One receipt for 70,000 rupees ($700) is itemised as a “Pair of wrist watches for marriage of nephew of minister for interior”.

The documents show that on a trip to Rome for an Interpol conference in November 2012, Malik took a necklace, wooden tables and a TouchMate tablet computer as gifts.

The counter-terror fund was also used to buy three rugs as wedding gifts for the son of former prime minister Raja Pervez Ashraf early last year.

A set of 21-carat gold jewellery worth $3,000 was bought for one unnamed individual, while another was the recipient of a $1,500 set.

A handicrafts store in Islamabad was paid some $23,000 in December 2012 for carpets and crafts given to local officials and delegations from the EU, Iran and India.

Among the more bizarre items paid for from the fund was the $800 cost of four sacrificial goats, plus butchery costs, listed as “stabbing charges”, for the festival of Eid-ul-Azha.

Alms to the poor and donations of sweets, flowers, and cash to a local Sufi saint were also made from the fund in 2012, the documents show.

'You know how Pakistan works'

Pakistan's present government, led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, has ordered an audit of the interior ministry accounts from 2010-2013.

Ministry spokesman Danyal Gilani confirmed the audit was ongoing but declined to indicate a timeframe for its completion.

The director general of the NCMC, Tariq Lodhi, did not respond to repeated attempts to seek comment. Upon coming to power in June last year, Sharif's government abolished secret funds in 16 ministries in an effort to curb corruption and rein in spending.

Malik, who as minister was famed for his expensive ties and purple hair-dye, mounted a firm defence of his conduct on Twitter, denying he had used the fund and saying it was “never under the control of the minister”.

Asked why some receipts contained hand-written instructions saying they were the minister's directives, Malik told AFP: “You know how Pakistan works.

Just because it mentions me does not mean I personally authorised the payments.”In a tweet, he said using funds to entertain dignitaries and offer gifts was “routine for 15 yrs”.

But Moinuddin Haider, who served as interior minister from 1999 to 2002, said the NCMC fund was not set up to pay for “gifts abroad”.

“The purpose of these funds was to establish offices in the provinces, primarily to be spent on communications equipment and data analysis,” he told AFP.

Cheema, who won the Daniel Pearl journalism fellowship in 2008, said the affair was indicative of how officials had turned the national terror crisis, which has killed thousands of people across the country since 2007, to their own benefit.

“This abuse clearly explains how our leaders convert a tragedy into an opportunity for personal gains,” he said.

“If history is any guide it's not going to be resolved nor will the abolition of secret funds lead to any corrective measures.” Ayesha Siddiqa, a security analyst, termed the use of the funds “sad”, but said a lack of clear counter-terrorism policy direction by successive governments was also to blame, as well as the way Pakistan's bureaucracy works.

“There is also this problem with the government where if a department gets funds you're in a hurry to spend them, because if the funds lapse they will be deducted the next year and the department will be reprimanded,” she said
What the heck? Since when was Pakistani funds giving gifts to everyone around the world but Pakistan? Gave our peace and justice as a gift to someone? Shameless Idiots!
These bastards even did Eid-ul-Adha's goat sacrifice from that money. :hitwall:

And then NS said, don't worry Mr. Zardari we won't let anyone derail your govt for full 5 years.. :pissed:
What the heck? Since when was Pakistani funds giving gifts to everyone around the world but Pakistan? Gave our peace and justice as a gift to someone? Shameless Idiots!
stop supporting damocrazy, stop voting for media made angels?
anty jee? lolzz
Theek hua ha who told them to give them in secret.
chaloo kal aggaar app key koi azziz bomb blast mein shaheed hoo jien tu , phir bhi yehi bolna ? lolzzz

Uncleeee...What are you talking about? :unsure:
its all are the gifts of damocrazy?
which was stupidtly supported by, icons like foolish khans ?lolzzz

These bastards even did Eid-ul-Adha's goat sacrifice from that money. :hitwall:

And then NS said, don't worry Mr. Zardari we won't let anyone derail your govt for full 5 years.. :pissed:
thts the naked truth!
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chaloo kal aggaar app key koi azziz bomb blast mein shaheed hoo jien tu , phir nhi yeji bolna ? lolzzz
That was plain rude...All he said was it was the fault of the funders because they didnt "advertise" the way they do when they give aid...Soo all this "secret" money was easier to pocket by kaam chor people ....

As for supporting...How on earth do you know who I support? It seems like you just love to associate anything with anyone :unsure:

These bastards even did Eid-ul-Adha's goat sacrifice from that money. :hitwall:
Now that was disgusting....goat sacrafice bhi qaum day in "ghareeb" politicians kay liyea ...I mean bhikhari shakal tou thee hi Zardari but itna maal kiya qabar mein lay ker jai ga? Mout bata ker thori aai gi...Aglas saans akhri saans ho sakta hai!
Finally money well spent! Counter terror funds are useless for us.
That was plain rude...All he said was it was the fault of the funders because they didnt "advertise" the way they do when they give aid...Soo all this "secret" money was easier to pocket by kaam chor people ....

As for supporting...How on earth do you know who I support? It seems like you just love to associate anything with anyone :unsure:
yes fault of funders was , tht they supported & conspirated to push a fake governing system called damocrazy in pakistan , cause they didnt wanted the strong militry in control , which was making pakistan strong enough to become a nightmare for them?
if any one becomes rude , on my threads he ill get get his pice S cakes ?
its my history? check this out?
funder gave tht funds, cause they knew it ill all end up, in the pockets of crouptors?
well, i guss ?
im sorry if you are not the supporter s, of FOOLISH khans arent you?lolzz
yes fault of funders was , tht they supported & conspirated to push a fake governing system called damocrazy in pakistan , cause they didnt wanted the strong militry in control , which was making pakistan strong enough to become a nightmare for them?
if any one becomes rude , on my threads he ill get get his pice S cakes ?
its my history? check this out?
funder gave tht funds, cause they knew it ill all end up, in the pockets of crouptors?
well, i guss ?
im sorry if you are not the supporter s, of FOOLISH khans arent you?lolzz
I support anyone who is for Pakistan's healing process not for its looting...
So how is this wrong and "rude"?
Theek hua ha who told them to give them in secret.
Sahi tou kaha hai kisnay kaha tha secrete mein dayna?
Secret ka paisa gift hi samjha jata hai by unpar govt!
I support anyone who is for Pakistan's healing process not for its looting...
So how is this wrong and "rude"?

Sahi tou kaha hai kisnay kaha tha secrete mein dayna?
Secret ka paisa gift hi samjha jata hai by unpar govt!
in other words you support, taliban khan thus supports TTp indirectly then yes sure, all the blame should be gone to the funder, even why they were giving us the funds? right?
should hve banned all, the aid & this & tht?
really genious, as expected by all of our great foolish khan supporters?
in other words you support, taliban khan thus supports TTp indirectly then yes sure, all the blame should be gone to the funder, even why they were giving us the funds? right?
should hve banned all, the aid & this & tht?
really genious, as expected by all of our great foolish khan supporters?
Very constructive and narrow minded thinking!

Very disappointed! Why look at it from only 1 point of view? I used to think you were smarter than that! Seriously what is wrong with everybody now a days...Bus dhonay ko paray hain ....

@batmannow Read this slowly

Theek hua ha who told them to give them in secret.

I dont get which twisted mindset would read that as Khan supporter? Ever utilized what is known as thinking?

Kisko theek hoa?

Who told them ...who is the them?

to give in secret? Secret mein kiyun funding di gi? Kisko di gi? Jisko di gi unko theek kub kahay jata hai jub kay yeh khullum khulla ghalat hai?

Galti donoun ki hai...Jisnay di "chupa chupa ker" and jisnay li chup chup ker and aysi kharchi ki!

Seriously? Anger and hatred can really turn you blind!
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