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Pakistan – China joint satellite to monitor CPEC route


Jan 6, 2015
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Pakistan – China joint satellite to monitor CPEC route
Posted By: News Desk on: October 08, 2016


KARACHI: (APP) Pakistan and China are developing a satellite to monitor the routes of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

This was stated by the Sindh Minister for Transport, Syed Nasir Hussain Shah.

He was speaking at the inaugural session of the national conference on space science and technology on Saturday.

Shah was of the view that the space technology has produced massive changes in every field of life. It is contributing in many sectors including defense, communication even medicines.

The space technology is also being used to monitor the road system and port management as well.

The Fourth National Conference on Space Science and Technology was organized by the Institute of Space & Planetary Astrophysics (ISPA), University of Karachi.

KU’s Geography Department Professor Dr. Jamil Hasan Kazmi said that Space Science has done wonders in many sectors of life.

He was of the view that Karachi has become heat island. Difference of temperature reaches up to 5 degrees from Malir to Defense or Clifton.

Institute of Space & Planetary Astrophysics (ISPA) KU Prof. Dr. Shahid Qureshi said “pre-calculated lunar calendars are in use for centuries by Jews and Hindus. Muslims on the basis of their faith do not use such pre-calculated lunar calendars for the religious purposes. Global lunar calendar is not practically scientifically, socially and from perspective of religious aspects.”

KU Geography Department Faculty members Prof. Dr. Jamil Kazmi, Dr. Salman Zubair and Dr. Lubna Ghazal presented their research papers.

Punjab University and Institute of Space Technology Islamabad faculty members Iqra Basit, Khalid Mahmood, Rida Hafiza Qimrah and Samrah Rubab presented their research paper and lamented upon the fact that modern living style, urbanization, pollutants from industries, inappropriate sewerage system are diminishing quality of the drinking water resources that are Ravi River and Canal.

Institute of Space & Planetary Astrophysics (ISPA) KU Director M. Javed Iqbal and Faculty member Syed Faisal-ur-Rehman in their research paper said that Galaxy surveys provide some of the most important clues in understanding dark energy, especially in combination with cosmic microwave background surveys.

Badar Munir Khan Ghauri from Institute of Space Technology Karachi presented his paper on Climate Change and Droughts in Pakistan and added that Pakistan is one of the countries the most hit by climate change in recent years

This has led to short and long term of droughts. Satellite data can significantly contribute to monitoring drought.

It has been noticed that the dry weather moved towards northeast from southwest of Sindh during last few decades.

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