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Pakistan became 25% poorer under PTI: PML-N

These noonies think everyone eats donkey like them
they were saying PMLN became poor 25% under PTI . :lol:
منشی ساقا کنجر عرف ساقا ڈالر تو اپنی حکومت کے ہوتے ہوئے کٹ لیا تھا لندن ۔ مال اتنا بنا لیا تھا کہ بھروسہ نہیں الیکشن کے بعد بھاگا جائے یا نہیں ۔:D:rofl:
Why not say 50%
If we are going to invent numbers we should make it more fleshy

Any idiot knows that real gdp never contracted in last 2 years

If we are going to play the nominal gdp numbers and currency manipulation numbers then comparing even 129(day PTI took Over) with 151 (current exchnage rate) will give you higher gdp today

So lets stick with 50%

No its like saying o have 20 inch **ck. Obviously thats impossible..if you ask how? They show you a photoshop image

Making up stuff out of thin air is easy..

We are beyond taking things out of context..now its just plain lying with straight face

Pardon my language
Everyone knows that GDP grew by 4.5% this yr and GNP by almost 7%..GNP is relevant for pakistan since remittences out pace exports in pakistan..
(GNP=GDP if we count remittences as exports)

If we add 8-10% inflation this goes up to 15% expansion in real terms..

This means a massive debt drop is coming along with GDP (nominal/even in $$$) expansion to levels higher then august 2018.

Look at trade deficit of May. We are again heading towards disaster because remittances may not grow like they did this FY. Need to increase taxes on petrol, increase electric tariff etc Go after big fish and elite sitting in parliament who barely pay any tax. Bring reform to manage loss making public entities. Otherwise we will end up in IMF lap after 2023, once again.
Look at trade deficit of May. We are again heading towards disaster because remittances may not grow like they did this FY. Need to increase taxes on petrol, increase electric tariff etc Go after big fish and elite sitting in parliament who barely pay any tax. Bring reform to manage loss making public entities. Otherwise we will end up in IMF lap after 2023, once again.
You took one data point and formed a horror story around it. Did you know there were 10 less working days in May due to lockdown type situation for Eid and to curb third wave, this led to a sharp decline in exports.

Also having a trade deficit isn't the worst thing in the world provide it is for productive segments and not french bottled water and dutch diapers.

Imports of textile machinery are hitting levels last seen during Musharraf boom era

Look at trade deficit of May. We are again heading towards disaster because remittances may not grow like they did this FY. Need to increase taxes on petrol, increase electric tariff etc Go after big fish and elite sitting in parliament who barely pay any tax. Bring reform to manage loss making public entities. Otherwise we will end up in IMF lap after 2023, once again.
Trade deficit has nothing to do with external deficit
Every one knows that...
Its currwnt account deficit that is important..
And that too within 2% if fine..
Bemgaldesh had a CAD of 2% and they are booming
We had CAD of 8% in 2018

With growth expect CAD.. The key is if u can afford it..i.e streamlining your foreign inflows

Let say you are building a dam you import 4b of machinery as long as you have foreign inflows you should be fine

We have one great economist who says the same thing
A few questions, just as a layman, without any bias or anything:

1. How was the PMLN keeping the value of Rupee high?
2. What is the effect of higher imports than exports on our foreign exchange reserves?
3. What effect on the rupee does these imports and their payments have?
4. How does that effect on the Rupee affect inflation, cost of raw materials (even for exports etc.), and on payments that have to be made to IPPs?
5. What can the govt do to finance the said import bill (from where do we get the dollars to pay for imports)?
6. Under what conditions did IPPs invest in Pakistan (rate of return, interest etc.)?
7. How will we re-pay those loans, interests and rate of returns?
8. How PMLN would have dealt with Covid?
9. Is there any way to control the spread of Covid other than lockdowns?
10. What effect does the said lockdown have on the economy?
11. PMLN achieved good growth in its tenure, which sector led the growth? was there any increase in exports or export based industries?

Sincere questions, hope you will take out the time to provide well researched answers, without trolling. Thanks in advance.
1. By simply paying for it.
Its just like saying this pen is 1000rs..obviously its just 100 rs pen? But govt started to buy it 1000rs (by taking loans/using reserves)..
We were buying a 0.7cent rupee at 1cent by paying extra $$$ by using foreign reserves..

2/3/4Nothing if your remittences can make up for it..a drop if it cant. Its about demand ans supply. Rupee instrincly has no value. Its just a paper that is backed upon your productivity
If you stop imports or make them expensive and dont have enough producitivity just a demand supply issue will create inflation. solution just let unimpeded imports? Or increase your productivity
Second decrease note printing aka state bank lending
W-r-t to IPPs just hope u can boast ypur exports and productivity and import subsitition..revenue generation as there is no simple solution
5. Loans-smart loans for development projects like dams and substiute the $$$ for rupees for most of civil work; exports; remittences & more Foreign direct investment
6.20-25% Return rate..2002 IPPs was 12%.
Average regional return is 15%. Wapda will pay 7% on loans its raised
7. Just elect maryum nawaz she will pay off it
8.by giving us shabash
11. Infrastutre led growth due to heavy PSDP spending created by just printing fake notes that has no come tp bite us and consumption.
Some growth in services as well

Exports dropped
1. How was the PMLN keeping the value of Rupee high?

PTI was criticising the PMLN government for keeping the dollar rate high when it was in the opposition but it is criticising the PMLN government for keeping the PKR rate high when it is in the government!! How they maintain the double standards.

جب ڈالر ایک روپیہ بڑھتا ہے تو ......... : عمران خان

2. What is the effect of higher imports than exports on our foreign exchange reserves?

PMLN was doing mass infrastructure overhaul so machinery imports were natural , PTI is importing more food items due to primarily sheer mismanagement and incompetence.

3. What effect on the rupee does these imports and their payments have?

Country was more competitive in term of energy requirements road infrastructure and peaceful environment.

4. How does that effect on the Rupee affect inflation, cost of raw materials (even for exports etc.), and on payments that have to be made to IPPs?

PMLN was paying less capacity charges because country was producing less electricity, as LESS as we have to do 18 hours of load-shedding. Now we are producing more electricity so we have to pay more capacity charges, but PMLN diversified the energy output methods from hydro, FO to deisle they shifted the energy mix towards hydro, coal, nuclear, LNG, wind, solar etc. The major beneficiary of capacity payments was government itself as most power plants were setup by government itself during PMLN last tenure. HUBCo and KAPCo were also government owned plants which were later privatised during Mushhraf rule.

5. What can the govt do to finance the said import bill (from where do we get the dollars to pay for imports)?

Most imports were under CPEC projects which were financed by Chinese banks so the import bill was to not to be paid in the same year and as most CPEC projects were completed so it was natural that imports bill will be far less than that it was in the FY18.

6. Under what conditions did IPPs invest in Pakistan (rate of return, interest etc.)?

There were two policies for IPPs, one is 1994 policy and other is 2002 policy which was later amended in 2005.here are screen shots for tariff policy in both policies.

1994 Policy
View attachment 750464

2002 policy
View attachment 750465

View attachment 750467

View attachment 750469

7. How will we re-pay those loans, interests and rate of returns?

PMLN obtained loans on low interest rates at 6% but PTI government ballooned it till 13%. If they would have maintained the same policy rate left by PMLN Pakistan would easily pay the loan by its own resources with little help of foreign loans. What PTI did they plugged the imports even the raw material were also stopped and industry was in shock so it could not collect as much revenue as was collected by PMLN in its last year in next two years.

8. How PMLN would have dealt with Covid?

PTI benefited by COVID, economy was collapsed even before arrival of COVID. COVID provided a face saving to PTI and PTI managed to reschedule loans and obtained new loans in the name of COVID (Rs.1200 billion from IMF which was reportedly not spent on COVID).

9. Is there any way to control the spread of Covid other than lockdowns?

Yes, vaccination. Pakistan is far behind the regional countries in terms of ratio of population vaccinated.

10. What effect does the said lockdown have on the economy?

Pakistan had partial lockdown for just two weeks, how much would have affected that lock-down.

11. PMLN achieved good growth in its tenure, which sector led the growth? was there any increase in exports or export based industries?

Local consumption was increased, every sector be it Cement, Fertiliser, Sugar, textile, auto, oil and gas, energy generation means every sector started doubling its capacity, LSM, services and agri sector led the growth, energy and security crises was over and country was in a takeoff mode all was to be done was to maintain the momentum.

Sincere questions, hope you will take out the time to provide well researched answers, without trolling. Thanks in advance.
How MUCH is the "current rate" patwaris giving to its web warriors...? IT seems it is increased I meant this is "hard work" what you are doing...NO :what:
What a waste of time.

PML n cannot fool people any more. The leadership is on run and the workers are divided. The party will disappear in next election. most will either join PTI or PPP even before next elections.
This was clearly mentioned in the headline. Every thing stated in the article can be verified with government record. Here is an other:

View attachment 750501
...still the question is why r u hyping up PML-N and always PML-N?...u clearly have an agenda as evident by the numerous threads u have opened.

Count all the years PML-N had in government...what exactly did they accomplish? Was Pakistan a beggar throughout that whole time? Yes...was Pakistan a beggar when they lost the election to PTI? Yes they left Pakistan broke. So why this fanboy attitude?

Let's assume for a second that PTI is disastrous...the difference is...when they continually prove to be disastrous and are then eventually kicked out(bcuz ppl had enough), I wouldn't be opening threads left and right maligning the new non PTI government and showing PTI as if they were the best thing that happened to Pak.
...u r nothing but a traitor to ur country. Ur allegiance is to a party...and I can only assume it's bcuz of some personal benefit...which is disgusting to say the least.
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If we think about it fairly, PTI has done an excellent job dealing with the coronavirus and internal difficulties, but when it comes to the economy, Imran Khan has clearly failed badly and lacks fundamental knowledge of economy.

Just look at our economy in 2018 and compare it with 2021, it looks like we have not attained any growth
If we think about it fairly, PTI has done an excellent job dealing with the coronavirus and internal difficulties, but when it comes to the economy, Imran Khan has clearly failed badly and lacks fundamental knowledge of economy.

Just look at our economy in 2018 and compare it with 2021, it looks like we have not attained any growth
I hope this was a sarcastic post because 2018 growth was like somebody working on minimum wage but taking a loan to lease out a Ferrari which they clearly could not afford. How do you suggest PTI government would have paid the $20b current account deficit left by PML-N?

So IK lacks fundamental knowledge and that is why his government has achieved current account surplus but those with lots and lots of knowledge were taking the country to default Mashallah.
So IK lacks fundamental knowledge and that is why his government has achieved current account surplus but those with lots and lots of knowledge were taking the country to default Mashallah.

Sir ji ... some on this forum are failed to realize due to collective recurring amnesia that IK predominant difficulties in fixing the mess in various institutions is due to ingrained nepotism in our bureaucracy...
Sir ji ... some on this forum are failed to realize due to collective recurring amnesia that IK predominant difficulties in fixing the mess in various institutions is due to ingrained nepotism in our bureaucracy...
Its funny how even "senior moderators" think PML-N growth filled with $20b of current account deficit was somehow leading the country to progress. No wonder India and Bangladesh have left Pakistan far behind in the economic sphere. Pakistanis are happy when shown fake growth number but the things that show actual growth such as exports or industry are pretty much at the same level where Musharaff left them.

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