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Pakistan army chief rejects world nuclear fears


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan army chief rejects world nuclear fears

ISLAMABAD (AFP) — The chief of Pakistan's powerful army dismissed "unrealistic" fears that Al-Qaeda could seize the country's nuclear weapons, as the military test-fired a ballistic missile.

In a rare foray into politics, the normally reclusive General Ashfaq Kiyani rejected speculation that Pakistan's warheads could be at risk amid the turmoil sparked by the assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto.

The United States and other Western allies have showed mounting concern about the security of Islamabad's estimated 50 warheads, with Pakistani forces battling a growing insurgency by Al-Qaeda-linked militants.

Kiyani however told troops after the training launch of the medium-range Shaheen-1 (Hatf IV) that the military was "capable of safeguarding and securing nuclear assets against all categories of threat."

"Referring to international concerns regarding speculative scenarios, he dismissed such concerns as unrealistic and based on a lack of understanding of Pakistan's command and control mechanisms," an army statement said.

The statement added: "He stressed that creating irresponsible alarm by certain quarters would be counter-productive."

Former intelligence chief Kiyani has kept a low profile since taking over as chief of army staff from President Pervez Musharraf in November last year. Musharraf seized power in a coup in 1999.

Kiyani is reported to have ordered the army to stay out of politics, but in Pakistan, which has spent more than half its existence under military rule, eyes are always on the head of the 500,000-strong armed forces.

His statement closely follows the line of Musharraf's comments on Pakistan's nuclear weapons during a week-long tour of European countries.

Musharraf said Tuesday that militants could only gain access to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal if Al-Qaeda or the Taliban "defeated the Pakistani army entirely" or if Islamist groups won the country's general elections next month.

"There is a zero percent chance of either one of them," Musharraf said in Paris. "They (the weapons) cannot fall into any wrong hands."

Friday's missile test-launch came at the end of an annual training session by the army's strategic force command.

The locally developed Shaheen-1 missile, which has a range of 700 kilometres (440 miles) and is capable of carrying nuclear weapons, is routinely fired during training exercises by the troops.

Pakistan and its regional rival India make frequent missile test launches. The two countries have fought three wars since 1947 and carried out tit-for-tat nuclear test detonations in 1998.

Kiyani said that Pakistan "did not have any aggressive designs against anyone and Pakistan's nuclear capability was solely for the purpose of deterring all types of aggression."
I think we should stop defending ourselves now. The world knows that our weapons are safe but since we are the sole Muslim country with Nuclear weapons they want to take it away from us. If they want our weapons that badly I say let them come. If we were ready to eat grass for a thousand years, then for the same weapons we can fight a war for thousand years.
I think we should stop defending ourselves now. The world knows that our weapons are safe but since we are the sole Muslim country with Nuclear weapons they want to take it away from us. If they want our weapons that badly I say let them come. If we were ready to eat grass for a thousand years, then for the same weapons we can fight a war for thousand years.

Please do correct me if I am wrong, but if the case was as stated above, would pakistan be fighting America's war on terror?
Please do correct me if I am wrong, but if the case was as stated above, would pakistan be fighting America's war on terror?

We are not fighting for the U.S, if such was the case then we would of allowed U.S. troops to operate inside Pakistan a long time ago.
do you realy think american troops would have never entered pakistan? thats im possible theres a 100% chance that there are america spec ops teams present in swat.All this is said for political reason that pakistan will not toletrate american presence in pakistan.
do you realy think american troops would have never entered pakistan? thats im possible theres a 100% chance that there are america spec ops teams present in swat.All this is said for political reason that pakistan will not toletrate american presence in pakistan.

What you have said could be true. The fact is you and I dont know what is really going on. But I personally think and you might not agree that only Pakistani troops operated in Swat otherwise this information would of gotten out. One thing is for sure I dont know about you guy but if the government of Pakistan allows foreign troops to operate inside Pakistan, the people of Pakistan will surely overthrow the government.
do you realy think american troops would have never entered pakistan? thats im possible theres a 100% chance that there are america spec ops teams present in swat.All this is said for political reason that pakistan will not toletrate american presence in pakistan.

I disagree. We definitely know that there are CIA teams with individuals from USSOC associated with these teams, however there is no US advisers on the ground with the Pakistani units currently. The CIA assets are chaperoned around by their Pakistani counterparts.

What does the public have that they can overthrow the govt if american troops are with the pakistani troops. PPP won't be against it and niether does Nawaz Sharif have any courage at this time to stand upto the u s. There is so much intrigue and misinformation in what is happening in and around pakistan, why Musharraf is saying things so openly and white house is very very quiet---truly there is an extreme amount of deception and deceit in the making. The air is so thick of it---that you can slice it on knifes edge.

What does the public have that they can overthrow the govt if american troops are with the pakistani troops. PPP won't be against it and niether does Nawaz Sharif have any courage at this time to stand upto the u s. There is so much intrigue and misinformation in what is happening in and around pakistan, why Musharraf is saying things so openly and white house is very very quiet---truly there is an extreme amount of deception and deceit in the making. The air is so thick of it---that you can slice it on knifes edge.

When I say the people of Pakistan the Pakistan Army is a part of this too. It is true the Army is loyal, but I think they will question their loyalty once they see a foreign power in their house. Even right now if you go and talk to some Army personnel they are anti-American, but still they are loyal, but having foreign troops in Pakistan that is a different story. It is we the people of Pakistan that have created the Army, it is we the people of Pakistan that they have sworn to protect, and it is we the people of Pakistan that created this Army. If foreign troops enter Pakistan, a declaration of war will be declared by the people of Pakistan first. Now many might say we have nothing to fight against a superpower, but the fact is you and I and every civilian has no idea what the Army has in store. The Pakistan Army is a very secretive organization, they have codes for everything. They are trained not to answer to public. I have many relatives in high military positions but when I ask them about operations, they pretend they are ignoring me. The Pakistan people are very lean and hardy, if we have to wok for Pakistan we will and if we must fight for its integrity we will. The people who say we cant get though the current situation, I tell them go read our history. We were created in blood, at the time of independence we had no federal or local government, we had to deal with 8 million refugees, we didn't get our equal assets, and on top of that we were forced into a war. And the rest we all know about, my point is we have been through many tough situations like the Partition and its first year, then from the assassination of Laiquat Ali till the Revolution, then again we went into war in 1965, then in 1971 the country split in two, then we were forced to fight the Russian and absorb millions of refugees who are the main reason for the distruction of Pakistan, then we had a horrible decade of democracy and now this war on terror. If anyone thinks that foreign troop will operate inside Pakistan they are wrong they will only be coming to fight a war with us and if say President Musharraf allows foreign troops on our territory he will be overthrown. I consider myself a big supporter of President Musharraf but their are boundries which even he must not cross. The people of Pakistan wont let anyone cross those boundries.
well maybe pakistan has secretly informed them that if caught they stand alon and only on these bases they do covert operations in northern pakistan.i might be wrong but there is a great deal of chance that there are green berret,delta force or some other spe ops team functioning in nwfp.
Its enough now be justify again again by our selfes, we have to keep quite now its too much again and again
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