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Featured Pakistan Armed Forces have been placed on Red Alert in view of Indian military preparations

India planning false flag operation to divert attention from farmers protest, Kashmir issue
Published On 09 December,2020 12:57 pm

Pakistani armed forces have been put on high alert.
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – India is once again planning a false flag operation against Pakistan to divert international attention from the ongoing farmers protest, New Delhi’s atrocities in Indian Illegal Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the Khalistan movement.
It has on Wednesday been learnt through credible sources that Pakistani armed forces have been put on high alert as New Delhi – despite facing humiliation at the hands of Islamabad time and again – is once again trying to destroy the regional peace by resorting to unprovoked border action or surgical strike.
India had made false claims of conducting surgical strike in Pakistan in 2016 and attempted an unsuccessful aerial operation on February 26, 2019. In reply, Pakistan had shot down two Indian jets on February 27and also captured the enemy’s pilot.
On the other hand, Indian media has finally spoken against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and started a campaign against his government. The media is demanding Modi regime not to hide facts.

Ok this Article is published in express news Urdu few hours back which states Pakistan army has been placed on Red Alert (Highest level of alert) to thwart any aggression from Indian side. Apparently the article claims Pakistani Intelligence received confirmed reports of possible Indian Aggression on context on false flag operation similar to last year in 2019. The link of the article is below.

India trying to divert attention from Farmers protest?
Very much expected given farmer's protest getting out of hand, economy rock bottom, Modi and Shah down and out, trump lost.

India is under severe criticism, Kashmir is boiling, secularism is dead, people are questioning Indian government.

India's current hinduvata driven government will do anything to divert attention and fool public, like they did after Pulwama to win an election.

The beating they got from Chinese still hurts but they want an other adventure which is destined to fail.
RSS Govt in India is fucking up India and looking for someone to blame for their non functional brain farts.

Bhartis look what gobar festivals do to humans. Modi worships golwalker and Golwalker was anti India, RSS Govt goal is to destroy India, as Golwalker never supported Independent India.
There is joint Pak China military drill going on ,on India pakistan border as we speak. There are definitely some solid intelligence reports of a possible attack by India.
Karachi alone has more ammunition than the Indian army
And dara adam khel alone can produce more arms and ammunition than all indian ordinance factories combined.
Going to be very very difficult for them to do anything by surprise now. The idiots have decided to take on China in an area not far from Pakistan. You can now imagine the number of Chinese SIGINT, EW and Sats pouring over the area as well as HUMINT. This is all in addition to (and most likely shared with) Pak assets too.

Be amazed if an Indian 3 Star could take a leak without Beijing/GHQ knowing about it now.....
Going to be very very difficult for them to do anything by surprise now. The idiots have decided to take on China in an area not far from Pakistan. You can now imagine the number of Chinese SIGINT, EW and Sats pouring over the area as well as HUMINT. This is all in addition to (and most likely shared with) Pak assets too.

Be amazed if an Indian 3 Star could take a leak without Beijing/GHQ knowing about it now.....

The recent signing of the China-Pakistan defence MOU was regarding Intel sharing, it may be little coincidence that in the past few months, the Indians have begun to publicise more casualties along the LOC and in Kashmir than they usually admit to.
India would be a fool to attack at this time when Chinese forces are also inside Pakistan but as they say dont interrupt an enemy while its making a mistake. We are counting for one.

The logistical challenges of just maintaining LAC and LOC fronts with heavy Chinese and Pak presence are just too much for India.

Not even taking into account the massive costs of supplying both fronts, you have to remember that a lot of the logistics tail is creaking at the seams and very old (they are still using Alouttes in Kashmir that Pak has phased out).

Only have 11 modern heavy C-17s and 15 Chinooks, MI-17s will be doing good job but are not heavy.

To put in perspective US Army is half the size of Indian Army and US has 220 C-17s and 450 Chinooks.

No wonder all of their senior brass are mouthing off, they have nothing to back it up with. If China attacks across LAC you can very well expect Pakistan to go ahead and finally settle Kashmir issue. This is probably why India is running around to US, Japan, Aus or anyone for help....
The logistical challenges of just maintaining LAC and LOC fronts with heavy Chinese and Pak presence are just too much for India.

Not even taking into account the massive costs of supplying both fronts, you have to remember that a lot of the logistics tail is creaking at the seams and very old (they are still using Alouttes in Kashmir that Pak has phased out).

Only have 11 modern heavy C-17s and 15 Chinooks, MI-17s will be doing good job but are not heavy.

To put in perspective US Army is half the size of Indian Army and US has 220 C-17s and 450 Chinooks.

No wonder all of their senior brass are mouthing off, they have nothing to back it up with. If China attacks across LAC you can very well expect Pakistan to go ahead and finally settle Kashmir issue. This is probably why India is running around to US, Japan, Aus or anyone for help....
Honestly, I think India won't attempt an attack. They might've planned it earlier, but we got the intel and we're ready.
The time is near when we will repeat the history of our ancestors in the land of India. Mr Modi !!!!! This time Ghaznavi and Ghauri will not come on horses but riding on Pakistani missiles.

Now, once again, our centuries-long reign over India is about to begin . . . .
I truly hope they attack so we can finish them off once in for all.
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