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Pakistan and India must restart bilateral talks, in a new paradigm


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Pakistan and India must restart bilateral talks, in a new paradigm
Instead of scaling down diplomatic missions, we need to let the diplomats do their jobs

Published: September 02, 2020 09:37Shivam Vij, Special to Gulf News

20200814 India Pakistan
Notwithstanding their many disagreements, India and Pakistan should not stop talkingImage Credit: EPA
  • For a while now India-Pakistan relations have been so cold as to make you think the ice never melts. The two countries would be wise to open the windows and look out. The summer has given way to the monsoon humidity, and we will soon be talking about a nip in the air.

This time, we have to be clear that talks will have to be held in a very new paradigm. A lot has changed in the span of a year. It is clear that both sides can benefit from talks.
Engaged with a military confrontation with China, New Delhi could benefit by ratcheting down tensions on one front. Pakistan has gone nowhere with its sabre-rattling over New Delhi’s abrogation of Constitutional autonomy for the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

Both countries could do with a thaw so they may have one headache less while focusing on myriad domestic and foreign policy challenges.

It would also help them both send out positive messages about themselves to the international community, which has been upset with Modi’s Hindu nationalist aggression and Pakistan’s issues before the Financial Action Task Force to combat terrorism.
A fresh new round of bilateral negotiations between India and Pakistan must take place, but in a new paradigm that sets new goals and expectations, and clear achievable goals.
There’s anxiety in India about a “two-front” joint military escalation by China and Pakistan. In Pakistan there’s been anxiety about India getting aggressive on the Pakistan border to divert public attention from its troubles on the China border
- Shivam Vij
Peace by any other name
Firstly, they shouldn’t be called peace talks. Peace is not a word that’s appreciated much in a global order dominated by nationalist hawks. They should be called bilateral talks, period.
This would recognise the limited aim of these talks, namely conflict management. We have come so far away from any possibility of conflict resolution that right now we need to focus on managing hostility.

There’s anxiety in India about a “two-front” joint military escalation by China and Pakistan. In Pakistan there’s been anxiety about India getting aggressive on the Pakistan border to divert public attention from its troubles on the China border.

In both countries, those who don’t like the word peace would agree that India-Pakistan talks make sense at this juncture.

Diplomacy is war by other means, it is said. India and China, engaged in a military confrontation of a scale not seen since they fought a war in 1962, the two countries are still talking at all levels. They are not necessarily talking peace, but talking to prevent further escalation.
They’re trying to figure out how they can get the better of each other on the negotiating table, just as they are doing the same on the borders.

War by any other name
It is strange for India to say it wants to fight Pakistan only on the borders and international diplomacy, but not through direct diplomacy. It is like not exercising a strategic option.
Pakistan shows the limits of such abandonment when it pulled off the Kartarpur ‘googly’, catching India by surprise when it announced visa-free access to an important Siklh shrine on the border. Despite its coldness, New Delhi had to play along to respect Sikh sentiments.
The old fear that led to the abandonment of this option was of a terrors attack on Indian soil by those who don’t want ‘peace’.
Such attacks make it difficult for the Indian government to justify before Indian public opinion how it could reasonably talk peace with Pakistan when it alleged the terrorist attacks happened with the Pakistani government’s backing. By now we have a good answer to this problem: “surgical strikes”.
Limited military action against Pakistan by India in response to any major terrorist attack have proved to be very effective in soothing Indian public opinion and raising Narendra Modi’s political standing.

In other words, we could have a sustained bilateral process with terrorist attacks and Indian military counter-attacks taking place in the background. “Talks and terror can’t go hand in hand,” was the old Indian line, but now they can because terror is replied with surgical strikes, and talks with talks. No need to suspend talks at all.
Let diplomats do diplomacy
This time round, Narendra Modi need not put his political capital on these talks. Modi’s ostentatious summitry with Xi Jinping backfired just as his visit to Pakistan to meet Nawaz Sharif had resulted in a terrorist attack in Indian Punjab, suspending talks.
If Joe Biden wins in the United States, Modi’s over-personalised summitry with Donald Trump will also have gone in vain.
Talks are left best to people trained for them, namely diplomats. India-Pakistan talks need to become routine, low-profile business. Diplomats on both sides have the ability to do this. Instead of scaling down diplomatic missions, we need to let diplomats do their jobs.

It was only a matter of time before Indians would try to get Gulf or western countries to push Pakistan for "dialogue" on Kashmir, now that it faces the specter of a two front war.

I'm sure Gulf and western diplomats will be heading to Islamabad for back channel discussions. That boat has sailed. If the shooting starts.........we stand with China.
There is no scope. It's a waste of everyone's time. Let the status quo be. India is waiting for Pak to implode internally. Pak is doing the same, waiting for India to implode. Let's see what happened first.
There is no scope. It's a waste of everyone's time. Let the status quo be. India is waiting for Pak to implode internally. Pak is doing the same, waiting for India to implode. Let's see what happened first.
Who says Pakistan is waiting?
Pakistan and India must restart bilateral talks, in a new paradigm
Instead of scaling down diplomatic missions, we need to let the diplomats do their jobs

Published: September 02, 2020 09:37Shivam Vij, Special to Gulf News

20200814 India Pakistan
Notwithstanding their many disagreements, India and Pakistan should not stop talkingImage Credit: EPA
  • For a while now India-Pakistan relations have been so cold as to make you think the ice never melts. The two countries would be wise to open the windows and look out. The summer has given way to the monsoon humidity, and we will soon be talking about a nip in the air.

This time, we have to be clear that talks will have to be held in a very new paradigm. A lot has changed in the span of a year. It is clear that both sides can benefit from talks.
Engaged with a military confrontation with China, New Delhi could benefit by ratcheting down tensions on one front. Pakistan has gone nowhere with its sabre-rattling over New Delhi’s abrogation of Constitutional autonomy for the state of Jammu & Kashmir.

Both countries could do with a thaw so they may have one headache less while focusing on myriad domestic and foreign policy challenges.

It would also help them both send out positive messages about themselves to the international community, which has been upset with Modi’s Hindu nationalist aggression and Pakistan’s issues before the Financial Action Task Force to combat terrorism.
A fresh new round of bilateral negotiations between India and Pakistan must take place, but in a new paradigm that sets new goals and expectations, and clear achievable goals.

Peace by any other name
Firstly, they shouldn’t be called peace talks. Peace is not a word that’s appreciated much in a global order dominated by nationalist hawks. They should be called bilateral talks, period.
This would recognise the limited aim of these talks, namely conflict management. We have come so far away from any possibility of conflict resolution that right now we need to focus on managing hostility.

There’s anxiety in India about a “two-front” joint military escalation by China and Pakistan. In Pakistan there’s been anxiety about India getting aggressive on the Pakistan border to divert public attention from its troubles on the China border.

In both countries, those who don’t like the word peace would agree that India-Pakistan talks make sense at this juncture.

Diplomacy is war by other means, it is said. India and China, engaged in a military confrontation of a scale not seen since they fought a war in 1962, the two countries are still talking at all levels. They are not necessarily talking peace, but talking to prevent further escalation.
They’re trying to figure out how they can get the better of each other on the negotiating table, just as they are doing the same on the borders.

War by any other name
It is strange for India to say it wants to fight Pakistan only on the borders and international diplomacy, but not through direct diplomacy. It is like not exercising a strategic option.
Pakistan shows the limits of such abandonment when it pulled off the Kartarpur ‘googly’, catching India by surprise when it announced visa-free access to an important Siklh shrine on the border. Despite its coldness, New Delhi had to play along to respect Sikh sentiments.
The old fear that led to the abandonment of this option was of a terrors attack on Indian soil by those who don’t want ‘peace’.
Such attacks make it difficult for the Indian government to justify before Indian public opinion how it could reasonably talk peace with Pakistan when it alleged the terrorist attacks happened with the Pakistani government’s backing. By now we have a good answer to this problem: “surgical strikes”.
Limited military action against Pakistan by India in response to any major terrorist attack have proved to be very effective in soothing Indian public opinion and raising Narendra Modi’s political standing.

In other words, we could have a sustained bilateral process with terrorist attacks and Indian military counter-attacks taking place in the background. “Talks and terror can’t go hand in hand,” was the old Indian line, but now they can because terror is replied with surgical strikes, and talks with talks. No need to suspend talks at all.
Let diplomats do diplomacy
This time round, Narendra Modi need not put his political capital on these talks. Modi’s ostentatious summitry with Xi Jinping backfired just as his visit to Pakistan to meet Nawaz Sharif had resulted in a terrorist attack in Indian Punjab, suspending talks.
If Joe Biden wins in the United States, Modi’s over-personalised summitry with Donald Trump will also have gone in vain.
Talks are left best to people trained for them, namely diplomats. India-Pakistan talks need to become routine, low-profile business. Diplomats on both sides have the ability to do this. Instead of scaling down diplomatic missions, we need to let diplomats do their jobs.

There will NEVER EVER be peace between Pakistan and india. None of what is written in the above will happen.

The spectre of a two front war is really giving the Indian strategic planners a hard time. The Indians have created for themselves this problem by not harmonising their ambitions with strategic planning.

The Indian ambitions have put them on a collision course with China. However, they chose Pakistan as an enemy to focus their abilities on. Kashmir kept them distracted and bled India for so long. It could've been a true competitor for China given it's potential. However, that isn't the case. They prepared with Pakistan in mind and consequently are now ill prepared to deal with China.

However, China finds itself with a perfect ally in Pakistan. Pakistan is to China in relation to India what the US wishes India could be for it in relation to China. Pakistan is both motivated and geared towards dealing with India.

India and Pakistan can hold any level of diplomatic talks now, fact is the moment Pakistan sees its opportunity, it will try to take advantage of it.

As far as Pakistan is concerned, this thought of improving ties from India comes a day late and a dollar short.
There is no scope. It's a waste of everyone's time. Let the status quo be. India is waiting for Pak to implode internally. Pak is doing the same, waiting for India to implode. Let's see what happened first.
Its just an Indian ploy. It would be political suicide for Modi to make any concessions in Kashmir.

Reality is Kashmir makes the Gulf, Americans, and other western countries nervous because it could lead to a nuclear exchange. They have long preferred a peace settlement between India and Pakistan. They can't do much because India is disinterested. Now add this new specter of China entering the fray and two front war.

I'm sure the hawks in India/USA/Japan/Australia are foaming at the mouth for a big war in Asia but cooler heads (Russia, GCC, and EU) are getting nervous. Back channel diplomacy is in full swing, no doubts.
There is no scope. It's a waste of everyone's time. Let the status quo be. India is waiting for Pak to implode internally. Pak is doing the same, waiting for India to implode. Let's see what happened first.

india is the eternal enemy, as long as their are human beings, the indian state will be the enemy.

to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.
Its just an Indian ploy. It would be political suicide for Modi to make any concessions in Kashmir.

Reality is Kashmir makes the Gulf, Americans, and other western countries nervous because it could lead to a nuclear exchange. They have long preferred a peace settlement between India and Pakistan. They can't do much because India is disinterested. Now add this new specter of China entering the fray and two front war.

I'm sure the hawks in India/USA/Japan/Australia are foaming at the mouth for a big war in Asia but cooler heads (Russia, GCC, and EU) are getting nervous. Back channel diplomacy is in full swing, no doubts.

That why talks are useless. The average Pakistani thinks it is India which will make concessions. India's narrative is about getting Pak Kashmir. If they talk, they will have some nice food and return to their camps.
We have made peace with Pakistan, but it’s the eastern half of Pakistan that now calls itself Bangladesh.

only in a similar way can we have peace with western Pakistan.

Now think about it and you will understand what I mean...!!!
IK's interview response:

The tragedy of India hardship, India is being ruled by extremist. It's extremist government, it's Hindu supremacy government. Inspired by the, inspired the ideology, inspired by the Nazis.

What I am saying the Nazi Germany, what you have to do is look at the history of RSS, which basically ruling India now. It's extremist organization, RSS trailed 3 times as terrorist group. They now control 1.3 billion people. Nuclear armed. That's tragedy what's happening in India.

It's not what's they are doing in Kashmir. It's for people in India, the normal people of India. It's tragedy for them what's happening in India.
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