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Pakistan, A new Honeymoon destination

Don't want to be that guy, but I doubt we have a genuine tourism policy to support this growth. Basically, we are asking for trouble if we hope for more. Pakistan needs to develop its own Cancun-type solution to 'funnel' foreign tourism. Basically, send folks to the right places and to the right hosts, and ensure that these folks are getting a AAA experience in line with their values and expectations. This isn't for the feint of heart and weak of effort.
The presenter is a bit annoying,
but the video is quite amusing, and a bit surprising that people are starting to choose Pakistan as a honeymoon destination already.

These dumb Ytubing presenters are becoming a nuisance. We need to have some laws and regulations on who can be a journalist on Youtube and represent Pakistan.
You can't just have any papu wake up one day and decide to be a journalist.
Don't want to be that guy, but I doubt we have a genuine tourism policy to support this growth. Basically, we are asking for trouble if we hope for more. Pakistan needs to develop its own Cancun-type solution to 'funnel' foreign tourism. Basically, send folks to the right places and to the right hosts, and ensure that these folks are getting a AAA experience in line with their values and expectations. This isn't for the feint of heart and weak of effort.

Yeah, don't blame you. But, you'll be surprised to learn that he gets a monthly 6 figure salary on that YouTube channel. Please someone call the doctor, think Bilal is about to faint lol

Well, what you said was probably right in the years gone by. But Imran is the first Prime Minister I have seen who actually talks about and is doing the right things, sadly we are still awaiting results on many issues, but things take time, and it takes longer still to bring about change in the mindset.

There is no one answer regarding tourism, you have to open multiple streams as you never know which stream will take off in your country/environment, as soon as one stream takes off, the other aspects of tourism follow by riding on the back of the success of the first stream. Tourism comes in different forms, and each form really depends on the conditions available within a particular country.

Luckily, Pakistan is blessed with a lot of variety, we can easily target city breaks, Rural retreats, winter sports, mountaineering, hiking, mountain scenery, beeches, religious, desert tourism, the options available to Pakistan are endless.

Relaxing the visa policies and reducing restrictions on areas where tourists can go, combined with reducing the requirements where people need to report to the police stations are steps towards achieving realistic tourism goals. Kartarpur corridor as well as being a peace gesture taking into account feelings of the Sikh communities is also a step towards building a positive image and a peaceful image where good stories flow, whereas as in the previous decades only bad stories existed.

The place I visited with the worse image was Laos, a little over 15 years ago, before I went I did not read anything good, and the UK foreign office website actually advised against travel, in Thailand I did not hear anything positive but I went anyway, it was really awesome I traveled through the country northwards and took an overnight river ferry towards Chiang Mai. Right now, it is supposed to be a popular destination and it is still growing. That's because of the positive stories from the visitors. That was before the age of social media.

For us, social media has been a Godsend, where before, the bigger powers could control the storyline, the message and the image, social media has allowed us to reach out to the world without the hindrances that existed before. Let us be hopeful, because, at least the right steps are being taken. The least we can do is recognized them, and adapt a little positivity.
These dumb Ytubing presenters are becoming a nuisance. We need to have some laws and regulations on who can be a journalist on Youtube and represent Pakistan.
You can't just have any papu wake up one day and decide to be a journalist.
Or a prankster.
Or a prankster.

they are a far bigger nuissance.
Recording random people and then uploading them and quite often without even their permission is way too common in Pakistan due to absence of privacy laws.
Same stands true with some papu journalists like the lady on the urdupoint channel. She goes and films every alleged criminal before they have even appeared in the court. Not to forget the police is always cooperating with her as if she is giving them a percentage in earnings.
Not to burst people's bubbles but a white person's idea of a honeymoon is clean sandy beach resort with all you can drink booze where they can completely relax for 5-7 days. Do you think Pakistan has even one such location?
Not to burst people's bubbles but a white person's idea of a honeymoon is clean sandy beach resort with all you can drink booze where they can completely relax for 5-7 days. Do you think Pakistan has even one such location?

Balochistan's Southern coastline has got excellent beaches, sadly the status quo has not paid any attention to tourism sector and due to thier criminal negligence Pakistan has missed out big time in tapping international tourism.
Nothing speaks more of love and romance than overpopulation.

True Story
Balochistan's Southern coastline has got excellent beaches, sadly the status quo has not paid any attention to tourism sector and due to thier criminal negligence Pakistan has missed out big time in tapping international tourism.

True. But it would just take one of these BLA filth to gun down a few tourists and the end of tourism there.
The region shouldn’t have any tourism for at least 10 years.
I say concentrate on the Northern Areas, AJK, Sind, cultural Lahore etc.
Not to burst people's bubbles but a white person's idea of a honeymoon is clean sandy beach resort with all you can drink booze where they can completely relax for 5-7 days. Do you think Pakistan has even one such location?
I'm sure there's a spot in the President's Palace or Prime Minister House (courtesy of past regimes), including the beach. I guess Bilawal House is a good bet too, grade A pawri boi right there.
Not to forget the police is always cooperating with her as if she is giving them a percentage in earnings.
Well she is a 'lendy". She got all the rights in Pakistan but they are still somehow oppressed by pig men of our soociety. Sad lyf.
Pakistan is focusing too much of on northern areas, for many people beaches are greater than mountains, people just want to relax in sun rather than doing strenous hikes.

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