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Pakistan: 1999 Pervez Musharraf airplane cockpit recording before Coup

And then the scene was set for the loser of Kargil to annoint -

  • himself as President for next 10 long years
  • sell our allies the Taliban for a few paltry billlion dollars allowing India to gain Kabul, the beating from which we still recieve. Listen to Amrullah Saleh barking and you will know.
  • gave Nawaz NRO and vacation to KSA for him to come back stronger and hungrier to loot the nation.
And let there be no doubt that Musharaf launched the coup to save his own skin. Had it been national interest he would have launched a coup in 1999 when our jawans of the NLI were fighting and dieing like heros atop Kargil heights.
And then the scene was set for the loser of Kargil to annoint -

  • himself as President for next 10 long years
  • sell our allies the Taliban for a few paltry billlion dollars allowing India to gain Kabul, the beating from which we still recieve. Listen to Amrullah Saleh barking and you will know.
  • gave Nawaz NRO and vacation to KSA for him to come back stronger and hungrier to loot the nation.
And let there be no doubt that Musharaf launched the coup to save his own skin. Had it been national interest he would have launched a coup in 1999 when our jawans of the NLI were fighting and dieing like heros atop Kargil heights.

Mushy was the great hope in 1999 but he f..cked it up pretty quickly But I give him cred apart from Imran Khan Mushy has better diplomatic passe than Noora or Zadari, he at least expanded ties with the PRC and Turkey I give him cred for that
And then the scene was set for the loser of Kargil to annoint -

  • himself as President for next 10 long years
  • sell our allies the Taliban for a few paltry billlion dollars allowing India to gain Kabul, the beating from which we still recieve. Listen to Amrullah Saleh barking and you will know.
  • gave Nawaz NRO and vacation to KSA for him to come back stronger and hungrier to loot the nation.
And let there be no doubt that Musharaf launched the coup to save his own skin. Had it been national interest he would have launched a coup in 1999 when our jawans of the NLI were fighting and dieing like heros atop Kargil heights.

I am not supporter of musharraf. Decision of NRO was alone nullified all his done for country. Because of him we are suffering right now and don't know how long we will suffer.
Nawaz Sharif was ousted in this coup for the Country faced bankruptcy and famine.

20 years is not a long time ago.

I remember sweets were distributed in the streets like something good has happened.
There was a lot more going on then people actually think. Nawaz Sharif wanted to become Amirul Momineen, he met Osama Bin Laden in Lahore. Pakistan was on the verge of a full extremist Taliban style take over something which the enemies of Pakistan have wanted to get rid of its nuclear weapons. Thankfully Musharaf and the sensible Generals must have realised and took action, I believe the coup was well planned long before Musharaf visited Sri Lanka but Nawaz Sharif must have found out and probably explains why Nawaz Sharif tried to get rid of Musharaf while he was abroad and replace him with his favourite General.

Shameful people fighting among themselves for power politics, while the poor Pakistanis die from hunger disease and poverty.
And then the scene was set for the loser of Kargil to annoint -

  • himself as President for next 10 long years
  • sell our allies the Taliban for a few paltry billlion dollars allowing India to gain Kabul, the beating from which we still recieve. Listen to Amrullah Saleh barking and you will know.
  • gave Nawaz NRO and vacation to KSA for him to come back stronger and hungrier to loot the nation.
And let there be no doubt that Musharaf launched the coup to save his own skin. Had it been national interest he would have launched a coup in 1999 when our jawans of the NLI were fighting and dieing like heros atop Kargil heights.
Oh dear....
All those expletives but why r u so angry?
Just one question.
What have you or I done for Pakistan that we can judge men who tried ?
All those expletives but why r u so angry?
I went through my post the only expletive I can find is "Amrullah Saleh barking" I would think that is good description of that animal?

why r u so angry?
And may I ask what makes you think. Holding a very low opinion of Mush does not equate to being angry.

What have you or I done for Pakistan
I have done plenty. Placing huge amount of money [in excess of £300k] in Pakistani banks for decades must have contributed fair bit to Pakistan considering I have never taken anything out of the country and Pakistan has not invested a rupee on me.

we can judge men who tried ?
Yes we can as citizens. Or else non of us could ever question Zardari, Nawaz, PM IK, Shebaz or any official of the country. Are leaders or officials of Pakistan holy and anointed by god that we can't question them?

And Musharaf was a self seeking, selfish coward. My heart goe to our warriors who died on the icy slopes of Kargil. Not a fat git who has had a life and lives in cushty UAE.

Worst general in our history during end days of his tenure our writ of govt was only limited to 60 percent of our territory and 40 percent of our land is out of our control
Well said !
I went through my post the only expletive I can find is "Amrullah Saleh barking" I would think that is good description of that animal?

And may I ask what makes you think. Holding a very low opinion of Mush does not equate to being angry.

I have done plenty. Placing huge amount of money [in excess of £300k] in Pakistani banks for decades must have contributed fair bit to Pakistan considering I have never taken anything out of the country and Pakistan has not invested a rupee on me.

Yes we can as citizens. Or else non of us could ever question Zardari, Nawaz, PM IK, Shebaz or any official of the country. Are leaders or officials of Pakistan holy and anointed by god that we can't question them?

And Musharaf was a self seeking, selfish coward. My heart goe to our warriors who died on the icy slopes of Kargil. Not a fat git who has had a life and lives in cushty UAE.

Well said !

When will our people ever learn to stop kissing "cult of personalities" like Bhutto,Mushy or Zadari or *** k..s foreign leaders like Erdogan probably not any time soon
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