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Pak traders urge Obama for market access not aid or grant


Sep 12, 2008
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LAHORE, Sept 23 (APP): The elected body of Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) Wednesday urged US President Barack Obama for direct free market access and not aid or grant as Pakistan suffered tremendous irreparable loss of one and half trillion dollars since 9/11.

FPCCI chief, Sultan Ahmad Chawla, all federation VPs Mian Adress, Hameed Akhtar Chadda, Mansha Churra, Aftab Barlas, Daru khan, Zakaria Usman and founder chairman Pak-US Business Council and former federation chief, Iftikhar Ali Malik and several other top private sector business leaders in a joint statement called upon Obama to provide direct free market access in the US to our traditional and non traditional products on the terms and condition applicable to Least Developed Countries (LDCs) as Pakistan had faced huge losses in terms of billions of dollar expenditures in the war against terror, absence of foreign investment, sharp decline in export, inordinate delay in development projects, destruction of millions of houses in Swat, NWPF, tribal areas and loss of hundreds of human lives in war against terror in the region besides camping of millions of Afghan refugees in addition to millions of internally displaced people.

Sultan Ahmad said that “In principal we badly needed market access in US and other European countries and not aid or grant at all to counter balance our losses in the aftermath of 9/11 debacle and war against terror. He said that market access will definitely help rebuild our bleak national economy.

Founder Chairman Pak-US Business Council Iftikhar Ali Malik said to effectively counter terror with better results, durable peace is pre-requisite in Swat, NWPF and tribal areas coupled with better economic condition. He said on certain occasions, US administration promised to develop Reconstruction Opportunity Zones (ROZ) to help alleviate poverty and unemployment especially in the trouble hit areas of Pakistan, which, he observed , not even after the lapse of several years has materialised.

He said US program of ROZ must be implemented instantly and ensure cent per cent buy back as 550 textile weaving, spinning, textile make-up and garments units with full infrastructure needs immediately rehabilitation and direct US market for stabilizing the national economy on war footings.

USA also must transfer technology to develop agro based industry because Pakistan has emerged as the 4th largest milk producer in the world as we have abundant milk and livestock.

He said nearly over 20% of our agricultural products are consumed by our Muslim brother country Afghanistan which causes food shortage in Pakistan.

Iftikhar Ali Malik emphasised the urgent need for assisting Pakistan to overcome its economic crisis by restoring quota system at par with all other under developing countries besides market access on zero rate duty.

Iftikhar Ali Malik said that Pak economy has been suffering a net loss of $ 7 billion annually.
US congress will not entertain any such idea, especially since it remains to be seen if Pakistan is committed to riding the nation of Islamism and of course there is Afghanistan - so long as suspicions continue to exist that Pakistan harbors the Afghans Talib and Mullah Omar and his Quetta Shura are a open secret, it will be very difficult to obtain market access to the US - perhaps, Pakistani industry should change it's focus to EU -- but wait, it would face the same problems there as it does in the US - well maybe the great Wahabi benefactor or is it no rafiqs allowed there as well.

Pakistan best and in reality only, hope, actually the best course of action, is to create internal market, to create goods and services for the internal market.

On world tourism day, Mr. Zardari would do well, not so much to invite foreigner to Pakistan, but to invite Pakistanis to see their own country, every part of it, spend their money in Pakistan and among Pakistanis -- but wait, that would require that the country be safe no odd suicide bomber, truck bomber, car bomber or raging Islamicans creating law and order disruptions and such.
United States is Pakistan’s largest trading partner

The United States is Pakistan’s largest trading partner. Pakistan’s total exports in FY 2007–2008 totaled $19 billion, of which 20%, or $3.7 billion, went to the United States.

Trade between the United States and Pakistan has increased significantly in recent years. U.S. goods exports
to Pakistan rose from $462 million in 2000 to nearly $2 billion in 2008. U.S. imports of goods from Pakistan surged from $2.1 billion in 2000 to more than $3.6 billion in 2008. Total bilateral trade
grew to $5.6 billion in 2008, from $2.6 billion in 2001.

Pakistan achieved impressive economic gains from 2002 to 2007, and during that period, annual GDP growth averaged nearly 7%.

Note that Pakistan has a favorable balance of trade with the USA. Pakistan is a member of the WTO so I don't understand what USA rules have to be "opened up" in order for Pakistan to achieve increased USA market penetration? If it is for agricultural goods, then USA farm State politics will most likely prevent increased importation of Pakistani farm goods unless Pakistan reciprocates for USA farm goods.

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