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Pak strategy in FATA


Dec 5, 2009
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Pakistan has a very rugged FATA area, that borders Afghanistan. These areas are infested with the anti-state forces since 2005. These anti-state Forces are full of foreign mercenaries and have avoided the Pakistan Army Offensive by moving between areas quickly. Since it is difficult to move in the terrain and with the likelihood that NATO and US forces will leave Afghanistan for good in 2014, the Pakistan Army have to start thinking of a new strategy to counter this infestation.

One strategy can be investing in a specialized Commando unit, specially trained for this terrain, with detail knowledge of the areas. This unit will be trained to work alone or in pairs, with quick air support. These units can roam the FATA area, looking for suspicious activities and laser targeting anti-state forces for quick air attacks. This unit will be a long term strategy for the entire area. All the units can be connected via GPS and Strategic placed Telecommunication towers, to a centralized Command center, which directs some quick air support units.

Also the Army should understand that they need drones or UAVs especially UAVs that can stay in the air for weeks (Iran has developed one of them and so has Spain, France, US) and have Night and Day cameras with sensors for viewing for Heat signatures, Light sources etc. The US is using similar Civilian UAVs for patrolling their borders with Mexico.

All UAVs are connected via some Telecom tower, so the Army would need to invest in such a network as well in the FATA region, but I bet it would be still much much cheaper then having whole Battalions patrolling the regions. The Army can also invest in local development of UAV’s by offering a prize for any company, or person who can provide a working model, design and software, just like ‘The X Prize’ was used to jump start the Private Space Travel industry in the USA.


Pak strategy in FATA
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