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PAK DA strategic bomber taking shape


Sep 20, 2009
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PAK DA strategic bomber taking shape

The development of the Russian Perspective Aviation Complex of Long-Range Aviation (PAK DA) which is to replace Tupolev-95MC and Tupolev-22M3 planes, except the latest Tupolev-160, in the 2020s-2030s is being discussed in the press again.
According to some reports, the Russian Air Force has already chosen the shape of the new plane. It is to be a small inconspicuous long-distance subsonic plane. The media reports that the development of the new plane is being carried out by the Tupolev Design Bureau.
Some information published by the media raises experts’ doubts. First of all, many experts do not believe that the Tupolev Design Bureau is capable of independently developing such a large-scale project. In this connection it is believed that one of the participants in the project, if not the chief developer, will be the Sukhoi Design Bureau. It has enough experience in designing heavy planes, though it has never designed long-distance bombers.
It is believed that the PAK DA project could be based on the results obtained while making the T-50 fifth-generation fighter.
It is not the ultimate truth either that the speed of the new plane would not exceed the speed of the sound. One should take it into consideration that the prospective bomber is not only to replace the strategic Tupolev-95 but also Tupolev-22M long-distance bombers one of whose tasks is fighting against the enemy’s Navy. In this case supersonic speeds are essential.
Russia has inherited the USSR’s huge experience in the development and operation of the Air Force long-distance supersonic aircraft and naval missile-carrying supersonic aircraft. A platform for long-distance flights at maximum supersonic speeds could also be useful for reconnaissance and targeting in the Russian Navy. The Navy always stakes on the fire power of rocket launchers and submarines. For these vessels an outside firing pointer is of paramount importance.
Hard to say how much this reasoning coincides with the train of thought of the Russian Defence Ministry or the United Aircraft-Building Corporation. However, it is not too long to wait now, as the new aircraft is to rise into the sky before the end of this decade.

PAK DA strategic bomber taking shape | Russia & India Report


perspective aviation complex long-range aircraft.

The main long-range aviation aircraft, a draft of subsonic bomber in a "flying wing" based on the operating time on the far anti-aircraft eighties Tu-202.

One compartment with dimensions 10h2h2 meter allows you to place a standard multi-position installation ejection of six cruise missiles H-101/102 or X-555, the weight of the load along with ISU - 16600 kg.

Radius - 7000 km, respectively ferry range 14000 - 16000 km.Thus the range of the missile complex X-101 up to 12,500 km.

Presumably, the power plant on the basis of four without afterborners "izd.117" from NPO "Saturn" traction 4 x 8870 - 9800 kgs.Air intakes under the front edge of the wing, like the U.S. attack aircraft A-12 .

Maximum takeoff weight in the class of TU-22M, 118000 - 130000 kg.

The project is being built prototype.


The appearance of a new long-range aviation aircraft of the Russian Federation

will be determined by the end of the year.

Research integrated development activities in the promising range of long-range aircraft of the Russian Federation is scheduled for completion in 2010, told reporters on Tuesday, a representative of the military-industrial complex.
According to him, are developing the second year, and it's unclear in what form the complex will be formed:

"We would like to receive and Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95", - told reporters on Tuesday Deputy Defense Minister for Armaments, Vladimir Popovkin.

"If there is a supersonic aircraft, it will not replace these two aircraft, if subsonic, then we lose something, but the aircraft will replace two aircraft at once. There is no simple answer," - he said.
Modernized strategic bombers Tu-160 can replace the long-term development of a new set of long-range aviation,
"The Americans have decided to extend the life of B-52 to 70 years. We are not richer than them," - he said, answering the question is whether the work on modernization of the Tu-160 or the development of promising new complex long-range aviation.


Russian aircraft designers, prepare bomber

5th Generation

Russian aircraft designers are developing a bomber of the 5th generation, the newspaper "Izvestia".On this, the journalists told the Strategic Air Command of the Russian Federation Igor Khvorov.
"There are about 10 different projects - said Khvorov. - But the final decision, how exactly will this plane is still pending. Nevertheless, we are inclined, based on the ratio of" cost-effective, "the creation of a new aircraft based on the Tu-160 ".
According Khvorova, the potential for the Tu-160 is only used by 60%."This suggests that the concept of this machine - it is far from being exhausted and it is necessary to develop - he stressed. - For example, an American bomber B-52, although the shape and out of date, but within him a brand new electronics, and therefore resource the aircraft, has been extended to 40 years. We think along the same path. "
Khvorov also said that the combat capabilities of strategic aviation aircraft, you can use them to fight the terrorist threat.
"Strategic aviation is considered by the country not only as an element of deterrence, but also as a preemptive - punishing blow to the terrorists in different parts of the world - he said. - These bombers like the Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers, were created by using cruise missiles, long-range nuclear warheads. But do not forget that we have to carry bombs bombers - Tu-22M3 bombers. "
"Now we are deep modernization of the Tu-160 under the possibility of using the usual - a non-nuclear weapons - also reported ailments. - For once he picks up 40 tonnes of bomb load. That is, can carry as many bombs as an entire squadron of Tu-22M3 . So if we received an order to fly out and "cover", the strength and resources we have. "
Khvorov also said that in 2004 adopted Russian missile, received brand new cruise missiles, long-range non-nuclear equipment.

22/12/04 - Tape


In the nineties more distant then Air Force Commander Deinekin dreamed of a new, low-cost bomber to replace the Tu-22M and Tu-160: "... versatile medium bomber (SME or MFSB), strategic aircraft with the big strike capabilities, lower visibility and value. .. ".

Perhaps he meant "the object of 54C," which, after suspending operations in 1991, again tried to start production in the harsh 1994.Although in fairness it should be noted that this revolutionary machine as a whole could not replace the Tu-160 because of the limited flight range.

In 1999 it was announced to start work on a project to replace the strategic bomber Tu-95MS and Tu-160, and the unreality of the establishment in the near future medium bomber.Under the plan the new machine would be ready by 2010.By this time, it became clear that to bring the 20-ton engine AL-41F (izd.20) is not possible and this fact is automatically closed the way to heaven "object 54C" and the MiG 1.42 and S-37.

What is a "medium bomber" in the current conditions are difficult to understand: the Su-34 and Tu-22M, or somewhere in between?At various times, fall into this category Sat, Tu-16 Tu-22, IL-54, B-58 "Hustler" and the Tu-22M, though the latter officially known as "distant" (practical range 7,000 km).

That is the concept of "strategic" means the range of at least 12,000 km, the Tu-160 - 14000 km.

Based on the forecast for the period 1992 - 2027's Russia can not afford:

5 strategic bombers Tu-160 with a total cost of 1.2 billion dollars.For 2007, delivered two newly-built aircraft (at the Kazan aviation plant still had 4 - 5 bombers in varying degrees of readiness).

And the 100 promising bomber cost about $ 100 million apiece.Price development of such a machine could reach 35 billion dollars.Also in the forecast is defined and the maximum takeoff weight PAKDA - no more than 125 tons, which puts it in the niche occupied by the Tu-22M now.The first flight of the newly designed machines to be expected in the period 2015 - 2021 year.Then for the program to build 100 bombers in 2027 the pace of delivery of new vehicles should be 10 - 12 pcs.per year or a month.

Obviously, the project PAK DA must resolve several issues, including:

- The answer to the development of "regional bomber" in the U.S.

- Replace the aging Tu-22M ,

- Addition, and perhaps in the future and the replacement of the Tu-160 .

As far as the promising American bomber will be supplied to the troops in 2018, which is consistent with plans to supply PAK DA (development program designed to 2015).American car is the "interim" until in 2030 the revolutionary aircraft (as far as "revolutionary" is not defined yet).

What is he, PAK DA?

Stated that the new aircraft continues to the ideology of the Tu-160 and will not be like an American stealth bomber B -2 .

Similar B -2 was suspended in the mid-90s.This is called the Tu-202 ,

I believe that a semblance of competition will take place."Dry" presumably will offer further development of the theme of "Bomber - 90" in which he was a principal developer of "MiG" can develop the idea of ​​a hypersonic aircraft, the good work in this area they have, and "Tupolev" will offer further development of the Tu-22M , 150 ton, twin-engine aircraft with variable sweep wing - "half" of Tu-160.

Great revolution in our time of formation of the economy, from the new machine should not be expected, the big money, high risk now or who do not need.Again, happy "Uncle Sam" has decided to postpone the "revolution" before 2030.Therefore, PAK DA will be a brilliant representative of an advanced fifth generation, the generation of "5 +" for him in the possibility of unmanned job.It is possible that the new bomber will be close to linking the "object 54C", only problem is that to date no suitable engine, twin-engine machines for this class is required motor with a thrust of 25 tons.

A few years ago there was talk of a draft of a new motor with 25 000 kg afterburning thrust ("Union"), but today on the subject dried up even rumors.Can deep modernization of the D-30F6 with an increase in thrust to that level, as well as a new stage in the life of the P-79.According to recent data on the basis of the last modification of the promise to create a thrust of about 22 tons.

In the case of a PAK DA is yet another important caveat - "superkruiz."Sverhzvukovaya cruising speed - one of the cornerstones of the "fifth generation".What to bring this option in a bomber with a maximum takeoff weight of 125 tons to acceptable values ​​of M = 1.5 - 2.0 (1600 - 2100 km / h) is necessary to have thrust of 0.5.In our case, this would require a total thrust of 62 tons (2 x 31 m).Today and in the near future occurrence of such engines should not wait.What do you do?

One of the areas to develop advanced multirole fighter (PAKFA, T-50, I-21) is to develop and launch into production a new engine AL-41F1, or "izd117S."Augmented power it is small, only 15 500 kg. Because of the take-off weight of the new fighter, but to date its construction has been used all the best of established domestic designers.It goes this engine is optimized for a long flight at supersonic speeds without afterburner turn.

So, in need of 62 tons of thrust "amazing" way, stacked 4 "izd.117S."The advantages of this solution are obvious, the unification of the PAK FA , Sukhoi Su-34 , and possibly with LMFS(currently in the project have the option of installing two RD-33 + instead of one of the AL-41F1.)

This motor, in order to misinformation which bears the name of AL-41F1, most likely in terms of fuel consumption is not much different from the AL-31F engine installed on the Su-27, where this parameter was equal to 1.25 kg / km.We assume that new technologies and improved aerodynamics bomber will bring a flow rate of the engine to 1 kg / km.Then, for strategic-range 12,500 km and four AL-41F1 need about 50000 kg of fuel that is 40% of the maximum takeoff weight - the current level.

According to the program PAKFA final version of the engine should be ready for serial production of the fighter in 2014 - 2015 years : "... he will get a fan with an increased flow of air into the combustion chamber and a new digital control system, which will increase traction, as well as systems and reverse vserakursnogo thrust vector control. "

Ochev bottom that vserakursnoe nozzle for the bomber is not necessary, but the reverse thrust is just consistent with the requirement based on short runways.

And yet .Based on the article "Aviation and the reincarnation of" begs the analogy of our valued PAK DA with an American B-1A.

On the sum of the factors mentioned above believe that doubts about the power plant of the four "articles 117S" for prospective bombers - are irrelevant.

Relative payload bombers reads as follows:

"... The advanced aircraft will be armed with strategic non-nuclear cruise missiles (CD) X-101,HPO " Rainbow "as well as their nuclear option X-102.
The first test-firing missiles X-101 were conducted several years ago.Product Weight - 2200-2400 kg warhead - 400 lbs.X-101 has a maximum range of 5000-5500 km, variable flight profile (height of 30-70 m to 6,000 m), cruising speed 190-200 km / s and a maximum speed of 250-270 m / sec.It can be considered quite subtle aircraft, because the effective surface scattering of X-101, only 0.01 sq. km.m. The missile is equipped with opto-electronic system of correcting the trajectory of the flight, as well as a television guidance system for the final leg of the flight.It provides target accuracy 12-20 m
Another program in the field of long-range missiles, according to British newspaper, is the development of nuclear CR on the basis of X-55cm of new missiles X-555.

Among other weapons intended for Russian strategic bombers and missile considered the X-range CD, in which you want to use some of the nodes X-101, in particular, the guidance system.Work on it at an early stage.
... Hovaya missile X-32, developed HPO "Rainbow" as the X-22 will be equipped with advanced engine and homing.

According to British experts, the Russian bombers for long-range aviation, a new version of the guided bombs KAB-1500 weighing 1500 kg.

Official Russian sources briefed on some of these projects, however, by tradition, abroad write about it in more detail.Analysis of publicly available information on long-range aviation development programs indicates that the command of Air Force committed itself to transforming the strategic and long-range bombers in the multipurpose aircraft capable of operating in both nuclear and non-nuclear conflicts of varying intensity.It should be noted that, as in the U.S. Strategic Air Command, the course taken by giving missile carriers the ability to strike with precision weapons without entering the zone of enemy air defenses.And in the case of the H101 and X-102, the point is that the submarines can launch missiles before they are discovered modern air defense systems, for example, such as the North American HORAD.Incidentally, this implies that under certain conditions, the rapid development of weapons modernization programs of long-range aircraft can be considered as an effective response to the deployment of so-called national missile defense system the United States. "

Anticipated performance specifications PAK DA CB "Dry"

4 * 15 500 engines kg (AL-41F1)

maximum takeoff weight of 124,000 kg

empty 50000 kg

fuel 50000 kg

load 24000 kg

ferry range 12000-15000 km

cruising speed of 2 M


In Russia have started to develop a new generation aircraft for long-range aviation in Russia, the deputy commander of 37th Air Army High Command Strategic Major-General Anatoly Zhikharev.
"At present, given the tactical and technical specifications for the development of new aviation complex for long-range aircraft, which will be unique in the world" - said Zhikharev.
Research and development work on this aircraft are included in the budget, the general added.
"The research and development of new generation aircraft for the current year budget the necessary resources," - he said.
Speaking about the new aviation complex, the deputy commander explained that "it would be an entirely new plane, which differs from currently available."
According to him, the aircraft will be able to take off from different types of airports, even underground and short runways, capable of carrying conventional and special precision-guided weapons (missiles and bombs), to overcome any air defense system, to act in any theater of military operations (ground and marine), in any weather and climatic conditions.
According to Zhikhareva in the production of new aircraft technology will be widely used "stealth", which reduce the effective reflective surface.
Commenting on the timing the appearance of new generation aircraft, Zhikharev said that "from experience - from the beginning of the financing before entering the army is ten years."
He added that all depends on the will of the leadership and stability of funding.
General reiterated that, in addition to creating a new generation aircraft, carried out deep modernization of the long-range aviation aircraft standing on the arms, such as the Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3.He explained that after the upgrade is installed on the aircraft completely new electronic equipment and control systems of air armament.

- To be honest, a little bit strange for the first source of information about supersamolete new generation - Chief Editor FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov.- Deputy Army Commander, Major General, and no general or at least the chief designer, not an official ministry or federal agency.Not even Air Force Commander, to whose statements exotic gradually had grown accustomed to even the press, and who, according to agencies, the new defense minister has suggested the release of "airspace".I do not preparing a general Zhikharev as the new commander in chief?
"Information is a bit strange - continued Anatoly Baranov. - The budget for the year 2007 marks a major project financing, and it is whatever one may have to be hundreds of millions of dollars, we have found. KiB able to carry out such work, not so much more accurate - only three Tupolev first, Mikoyan and dry. But the signs of the development of fundamentally new fifth-generation aircraft is also not yet been identified, and a top-secret development, after reports about them calmly zamkomanduyuschego army, too hard to believe. Not yet for a new car and engine, and even traces the development of fundamentally new engine. "
- Instill doubt and declared parameters of the new machine - complete Anatoly Baranov.- Apparently, it must be some very high-speed aircraft - and then suddenly claim to land on shorter, but still unpaved airfields?Why?Only the first Vice-Prime Minister Ivanov said that we even have a new passenger aircraft "Sukhoi" will not be able to sit on all of the existing runway in Russia because of their poor quality.And then long-range bomber of the fifth generation will sit on the ground?Well, a statement of the ability to act on maritime theaters of war - that he will sit on the deck of non-existent in our aircraft carriers?Or will it be a seaplane?All this is reminiscent of the terms of reference, which Zhukov gave rise to a system bezaerodromnogo MiG-15 - required to develop a system of "bezaerodromnoy landing."Naturally, this specification is not satisfied yet, and passed into the category of historical anecdotes.In general, it seems, can say with certainty only that the new car will get linked in a "duck" - today's most popular design in the Russian Air Force.


In Russia, working on a new strategist for the Air Force

Work on the promise of strategic aviation aircraft in Russia in the next 10 years will not end, said Russian Air Force Commander Gen. Vladimir Mikhailov.
"We are working on a promising long-range aircraft (strategic) aircraft, but I will say right - this machine is unlikely to emerge in the next ten years, it is more distant prospect", - said Mikhailov in an interview to "Interfax".
According to him, "rate in those years will be on the modernization of aircraft, the armament, especially since the major flaws in our policy - Tu-160, Tu-95MS and far - Tu-22M3 bombers - bombers over 20 years of operation is detected, they have a large margin of safety and modernization reserve. "
"These aircraft will serve not yet 20 years old and not even 50, and a few longer," - said the commander in chief.
He stressed that the modernization of the combat capabilities of aircraft have increased sharply."For example, during the bombing at the site of the Tu-22M3 bombers, which took place after the upgrade, the deviation of the bomb was just one meter, which indicates its ability to provide highly accurate target engagement," - said Vladimir Mikhailov.


Until 2015 in Russia will create long-term strategic bombers - expert

Prior to 2015, in Russia there will be new strategic bombers, said to "Interfax-AVN," Head of the military-industrial complex of the Ministry of Industry and Energy Minister Yuri Koptev.

"Spread the work of promising long-range aviation aircraft complex will hardly be possible before 2015", - said Yuri Koptev, when asked about the prospects for the emergence of new Russian strategic bombers.

According to him, aviation complex program to create long-range aircraft by 2015 will be mainly exploratory.

"This program will be conceptual, exploratory nature.Perhaps some will be carried forward looking research on the look of the aircraft ", - said Yuri Koptev.

According to him, in this area will create a technological advance, and the challenges in service aircraft will be modernized.

"The same as the U.S. retain the existing fleet of strategic aviation, spending his ongoing modernization", - he said.

"For Russia, this work involves the extension of the resource, the three main types of strategic aviation airplanes (long-range bombers Tu-22M3 strategic Tu-95 and Tu-160 -" IF-AVN ") deep and their modernization, ensuring compatibility with new weapons" - said the head of the department.

According to him, Russia has today upgraded the unit designs.

"We work, in particular, to combine the systems of planes with new weapons.These papers must be turned into a program of bringing the entire fleet of strategic aircraft upgraded to the level of individual samples, "- he said.


Strategic bombers of the XXI century
Independent Military Review

What should be a promising long-range aviation aircraft complex Russia .

In recent time in the pages of specialized periodicals and actively discuss issues related to the creation in the developed world aircraft of the 5th generation of advanced air and space attack (SVKN) and deal with them.At the same topics discussed problems of creating in Russia a promising aviation complex tactical aircraft (PAK FA), mainly concerning the ways to achieve tactical and technical characteristics and performance of combat capabilities of this complex leads to sad thoughts that create a complex mainly by the solution is very important but not the only problem the front (operational-tactical) aviation in future wars.To achieve success in any war other than defensive means of warfare must be effective and percussion tools.

That is why at present and in future one of the most important weapons systems, the Russian Air Force will be long and strategic long-range aviation aircraft systems, which is December 23, 2004 marked its 90th anniversary.Until recently she was the only aviation component of the strategic nuclear forces of the country - aviation strategic nuclear forces (ASYAS).Such ASYAS in the world have only the United States.However, with decreasing threat of a general or large-scale nuclear war in both countries, a trend extending the list of problems solved by strategic (long-range) bombers in a conventional war.This trend is realized through the modernization program challenges in service systems and should be taken into account in substantiating the claims for prospective aviation complex strategic (long-range) aircraft.


To determine the operational and tactical requirements for prospective aviation complex long-range aircraft (PAK DA) Russian Air Force, which no doubt should be developed and years 20-25 to replace the existing aviation complex, primarily useful to analyze the use of strategic air warfare in the U.S. last decades, and views of the Air Force United States on its use in the wars of the first half of the XXI century.

The main areas of strategic bomber aircraft the United States during the forecast period are: modernization of aircraft B-52H and B-1B, the deployment of new B-2A, made on a "Stelc"; equipping bombers of all types of precision non-nuclear weapons.

Following the announcement of the prospective plan for the development of strategic aviation, starting in 2004 will remain in the ASYAS 76 (other reports - 71) of upgraded aircraft B-52H and 21-2A.The number of B-2A is projected to reach 42 units.Aircraft B-1B in the amount of 95 units withdrawn from the ASYAS U.S., although some experts believe that returning them to the ASYAS is not technically difficult.

Dominant trend of improving U.S. strategic bombers, who remain the foundation ASYAS is to increase their ability to use precision weapons (HPW) with conventional warheads and the means to give them the status of "dual use".

B-52H has a special role, as they eventually will be the only means of delivering the Air Force's strategic cruise missiles, air (ALCM) with nuclear and conventional warheads, missiles (SD) of "air-land" and medium-range anti-ship missiles " Harpoon. "In addition, the B-52H upgraded to new systems of WTO, including guided bombs (ASD), a family of JDAM, cassettes WCMD, JSOW SD and JASSM.B-52H aircraft expected to continue in service until 2025-2030 years.

To enhance the combat capabilities of aircraft B-1B program equipping them with ASD family JDAM, cassettes, WCMD, JSOW, and SD JASSM, unguided cluster with self-guided anti-tank submunitions.It is assumed upgrading of navigation and communication systems, installing an advanced automated planning of combat missions, as well as modernization of the complex electronic warfare (EW), which should provide overcoming enemy air defense systems at medium and high altitudes.

Some results of the use of precision weapons with conventional warheads U.S. aircraft and their allies in several transactions last decade of last century and the beginning of XXI century, based on the media listed in the table.

As you can see, the percentage used during the hostilities of precision aircraft weapons has grown over the years, more than 7 times, but their total number and average number of applications per day declined.Although the intensity of use in the first air offensive operations (UPE) increased significantly.For example, for 73 hours operation "Desert Fox" (1998) on targets in Iraq were produced cruise missiles, almost 1.5 times more than the 43 days the operation "Desert Storm" (1991).According to representatives of the Pentagon all the bombs and rockets that have been applied in Afghanistan, about 60% were equipped with laser systems and satellite guidance systems.

An important role in Afghan operations have played high-precision airborne munitions new generation JDAM, equipped with a guidance system using space-based navigation and locating the GPS.Results were dropped over 6,600 of these weapons, and U.S. Air Force, according to some reports, plans to buy more in the coming years 236,000 of such munitions.

What should be the PAK DA

To determine the operational and tactical requirements for PAK DA advisable to clarify its role in future wars, as well as place in the Russian Armed Forces.It appears that the main purpose of the PAC YES: firstly, the strategic (nuclear) deterrence and combat operations as part of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia, and secondly, control (not strategic, not nuclear) and the conduct of hostilities in the conflict, local and regional wars with conventional weapons in the troops (forces) on the continental and marine (ocean), theaters (TMD).

The task of strategic deterrence associated with the threat of destruction in the event of hostilities with the use of nuclear weapons of the important administrative and political centers, economic, and military facilities in countries that define the strategic balance in the world.

Based on the solution of this problem, the basic requirements for PAK DA, in our opinion, may be next.This intercontinental reach of "aircraft-missile weapons", and the high probability guarantee the use of weapons by strategic objective, which is provided primarily high survival of "aircraft-missile weapons" in overcoming enemy air defense systems and the use of precision weapons of long-range, high combat readiness and survivability complex on the ground.

Intercontinental aircraft reach the Russian strategic systems is achieved by a system of "Bomber - a strategic cruise missile air (ALCM)."Given that the basing of air regiments YES in the middle of Russia remove 75-80% of its possible objects, such as the North American continent is about 12,000 km, the requirement for a tactical radius of the forward-looking long-range bomber capabilities will be determined by range ALCM promising start.

High probability of use of weapons on the strategic objectives by improving the survival of the system in flight "aircraft-ALCM" can be achieved through a missile launch without entering aircraft carriers in the area of ​​the fire ground-based enemy air defense systems.

Requirement for high survival PAK DA on the ground due to the opportunity of drawing the enemy pre-emptive nuclear strike.In the present conditions and projected future sudden general nuclear war in the absence of acute international crisis is unlikely.

In the relatively long growing international crisis, acute survival PAK DA on the ground can be provided by their dispersal to a large number of airports (including civil, in which there is a lot of heavy-duty aircraft for various purposes).To implement this requirement, promising heavy bomber bases must be able and autonomous duty at the airfield dispersal is not higher than Class 1.Perhaps this is the main reason for the need to increase the country's number of permanent unified airports (ie airports, capable of simultaneous basing aircraft of any type).In this PAK DA should have reduced the visibility of space reconnaissance to the enemy or do not have distinctive features compared with the surrounding civilian aircraft.

In the achievement of strategic surprise by the enemy long-range bomber is the only strategic weapon system, which is in the mode of duty on land potentially has the ability to survive through the exit from the blow with a timely warning system early warning (EWS).It is obvious that this is only possible to perform at a high level of combat training and readiness of the crew of the aviation system as a whole, relatively little time, the needs for emergency take-off, a sufficient stability aircraft and its systems to the effects of a nuclear explosion.It is therefore to ensure a high level of combat (flight) training of crews long-range bombers today to be one of the most important tasks of the High Command of Russian Air Force.

When basing parts of the long-range aviation in the coastal areas the main threat to bombers are submarine launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), the enemy, especially when shooting on flat trajectory.Missile flight time may be up to 10 minutes, so airbases and dispersal of bombers should be beyond the borders of the reach of the enemy by firing an SLBM of flat trajectory.

Solving problems in the conflict, local and regional wars in continental theaters of operation may be associated with application of the first missile and air strikes with precision conventional (not nuclear) weapons on the most important objects in the depth of enemy territory or KTVD in conditions of strong air defense and theater missile defense (NMD ) as well as the application of air strikes during the conflict relatively cheap and effective conventional precision-guided weapons on the most important objects in the depth of enemy territory (TMD) in a weak, focal or suppressed its air defense system.

Opportunity (potential threat) application in the event of hostilities effective missile and air strikes with precision conventional (not nuclear) weapons on the most important objects in the depth of enemy territory (TMD) is one of the main factors of war non-nuclear deterrence of the enemy from aggression against Russia.

When fighting in a weak, focal or suppressed enemy air defense systems (fighter aircraft, air defense missile systems large and medium-range), when provided a high survival rate of the aircraft under the influence of high altitudes, PAK DA is optimal by the criterion of "efficiency-cost" weapon system for the application air strikes.This is due to a high payload, reach a large complex and high precision delivery of munitions to targets (including precision guided bombs and short range missiles), the relative cheapness of prospective controlled (self-guided) bombs, the possibility of solutions in a single flight number of diverse fire missions ; reliability PAK YES as a system.

Russia's geopolitical position is that decision-range aviation tasks in a conventional war is limited to the Euro-Asian continent.The North American continent as an area of ​​combat operations of strategic systems with conventional warheads would hardly be expedient to consider the threat of a retaliatory nuclear strike.Therefore, if armed with precision-PAK DA will be non-nuclear ALCM medium and long range, then use it in a conventional war does not impose high demands for him to reach.In the application of long-range missiles at targets on the Eurasian continent in the air defense system unsuppressed their reach will be provided during start-up with Russia.And the use of "cheap" WTO-type guided JDAM bombs family will provide tactical bomber radius 6000-7000 km in basing out of conventional precision weapons defeat our potential enemies.


However, the use of PAK DA in armed conflicts, local and regional wars can be associated with another class of the WTO - promising high-precision ballistic tactical missiles in the air launch operational and strategic reconnaissance-strike complexes OS (HANDS).The basis of the OS HAND can be complex aircraft reconnaissance and targeting of ground targets and PAK DA with the hammer, for example, based on rocket and missile control systems perspective of the complex of the Land Forces, "Iskander", modified for air launch.Based deep in their territory, mobile air elements of the operating system will HAND malouyazvimy of strikes high-precision long-range damage.

It should be noted a fundamental difference between the aircraft operating from the complex HAND with the same shock by means of ground-launched.Aircraft operating arms, and it's two aircraft reconnaissance (targeting) and the aircraft carrier air launch OTR (PAK DA), if necessary, you can move to any area at a speed of 850-900 km / h, including over water areas.And in terms of, for example, Far Eastern Strategic Direction (CH), which has three separate operating peninsular and island areas (Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Chukchi seas), or the South CH - similar to aircraft operating in the future HAND simply vital.

In addition, Adopting a similar OS HANDS, which according to its performance characteristics are not contrary to the Treaty on the Reduction of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (respectively 1000-5500, 500-1000 km), in fact, will lead this strike missile system at the expense of aviation platforms beyond PAK DA of the treaty.And just in this range of distances from the border of Russia and are most important to her in respect of operational and strategic regions and districts.That they may cause conflicts, the emergence of a real threat to Russia's military security.Relatively inexpensive, fully autonomous, having on-board defense system (including the SD-class "air-radar" and "air-air") Aviation OS-based hand PAK DA will be effective in deterring some of the countries with high-precision weapons of long-range, from aggression against Russia.The actions of the OS HAND ballistic OTR, under certain conditions for them to acquire strategic importance.In addition, at a considerable distance from the territory of Russia, they have to build a missile defense system on the OTR low flight time and flat trajectory.

And in special operations, this complex can be a means of applying effective prevention of sudden precision missile strikes in any area within reach.

And the last in the order listed, but not the least important area of ​​application of such aircraft operating HANDS.In future wars, it can be an effective tool for fighting PAK DA equipped with cruise missiles, strategic air bases, especially over the vast Central Asian and East Asian strategic continental regions, where the use of tactical (operational-tactical) aviation (even 5th generation) is extremely difficult because the Russian air bases abroad, from which tactical aviation could solve their problems, very few, and were themselves vulnerable to enemy attacks from land and air.

Thus, the use of PAK DA in conventional warfare dictate to him the requirements, mainly related with the complex avionics, ensuring the application of advanced non-nuclear cruise missiles of various ranges starting, ASD and other advanced aircraft weapons, ballistic OTR air launch, as well as onboard complex Defense.

Decision-range aviation problems on sea (ocean) theater may be related: in peacetime - the creation of security zones along the maritime borders of Russia and the presence in the sea (ocean) areas of our national interests in time of war - the destruction of the fighting ship shock , aircraft carriers and other groups, large marine landing forces in the areas of concentration, and crossing the sea and the landing area, the destruction of naval bases, ports, blocking the strait zones and the need for the landing of amphibious assault operations.

The most difficult long-range aviation in combat operations at sea or ocean theater has always been a challenge destroy surface targets from the multi-purpose aircraft carrier group (AMG).This is due to strong zonal-point air defense system, the depth of which at present reaches 800 km from the center of AMG.In addition, the use of aircraft anti-ship weapon is due to two main stages: detection of targets, target designation and release of its aircraft in the area of ​​missile launches or use other weapons.Range detection and targeting by airborne strike aircraft are limited by their performance characteristics and range of radio horizon, which depends on the altitude.Simple calculations show that by targeting airborne aircraft missile due to its entry into the zone defense AMG, and it puts exceptional demands on the aircraft in-flight survival.

A promising direction to solve this problem may be the use of intelligence and targeting maritime space-based facilities that can provide continuous reconnaissance, detection of sea targets and classify them in terms of enemy electronic warfare, the formation and delivery of consumer information about the objectives, including attacking antiship missiles.Receiving information from space exploration systems, PAK DA will use anti-long-range missiles (including start-horizon) without entering the zone defense AMG enemy.

Maritime Security Zone and the national interests of Russia in the Russian sector largely limited to the Arctic ocean strategic area, the Mediterranean (Azov, Mediterranean and Black Seas) and northern (Barents, Greenland, Norwegian and North Sea) and Baltic (Baltic Sea), Atlantic sea areas strategic area of ​​ocean (the Atlantic SRF) northwest zone of the ocean, North (Bering Sea) and the Far East (the Okhotsk and Sea of ​​Japan), Pacific sea areas SRF.Removing all of the distant frontiers of ocean and marine zones (except for the northwestern Pacific ocean-going ODA) is not more than three thousand kilometers from the Russian regions, efficiently equipped for aircraft.Removal of the far north-western border zone of the Pacific ocean from the SRF-Amur, Sakhalin and Kamchatka, Chukotka regions - up to 5 thousand miles.Thus, the use of PAK DA in short sea (ocean) zones dictate to him the requirement to reach - some 5,000 km.

However, units and PAK DA can conduct combat operations in the operations of the fleet and in the distant ocean (marine) areas: the northwestern and northeast Atlantic ocean areas OCP, northwest and northeast areas of the Indian Ocean OCP, Northeast and South Asia area of ​​ocean sea zone Pacific SRF.Removal of the centers of these zones from the coastal regions of Russia - from 6000 to 9000 km.Apparently, the requirement for PAK DA in range when operating in distant marine (ocean) areas appropriate to limit these ranges.

Thus, the use of PAK DA in marine (ocean) theater dictates to him the requirements, mainly related to weapons systems that allow strike surface ships (including aircraft carriers) without entering the zone of destruction of their air defense facilities, including start-up at the horizon PKR large (global) distance in these close and distant sea (ocean) areas, and airborne defense complex.

Alexander G. Tsymbalov - Major General reserve

Candidate of Military Sciences, professor.


Hope someday India gets its hands on one these machines!

Russians have so many legendary bombers in their fleet and one of such brute missile carrier would be a massive force multiplier in any airforce's arsenal.
Hope someday India gets its hands on one these machines!

Russians have so many legendary bombers in their fleet and one of such brute missile carrier would be a massive force multiplier in any airforce's arsenal.

Nope, not going to happen, IAF doctrine doesn't support Strategic Bombers, as they now require multi role/omni role ac as there enemies are just few hundred kms away.

While Russia operates these bombers b'coz of there Long ranges which & heavy payload capacity, to take the war to the enemy as they are 1000s of kms away.

Had similar doubt earlier & started a thread:


PAK-DA (ПАК-ДА) As I understand it, the drawing is made without taking into account the scale.
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