Pakistan should just go ahead and murder Kulbhashan. I mean you kidnapped him, tortured him and trialed him in a kangaroo court without proper representation or counselor access. Let him see his wife and mother and then murder him to hide your own crimes on him.
He was a spy; under the "Agreement on consular access between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Government of the Republic of India" 6th clause, Pakistan is perfectly within its right to try and sentence him. Basically, spies don't have any rights.
You can pretend otherwise, but we both know that he was a spy. India has claimed he was kidnapped, and says it has proof, yet no one has seen it.
What we do know is that Yadhav was caught with fake documentations, and Iran has not complained about any sort of Pakistani activity in Iran, which Iran has said that it would investigate Indian activity against Pakistan.
There is also no evidence that he was tortured, that's total garbage accusation.
The fact that Pakistan is even letting him see his wife and mother is something that India should be thankful for, as even that is a major security issue.
How can Pakistan trial Hafiz Saeed. When all he was doing is following ISI orders. He's a strategic asset who will be used as long as he follows orders and is useful.
Give Pakistan evidence, that India keeps claiming to have, but refuses to hand over.
These excuses by India are lame, their purpose to divert attention from their own incompetence.
We all know Hafiz Saeed is guilty, which is why he's been constantly detained, but unless India can prove their claims, Pakistan has little choice but to release him. Why expect Pakistan to do, what even Indian courts would find hard to do itself?