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Pak-China Cultural Activities


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Pak-China Cultural Activities..

China’s cultural heritage exhibition is all set to be held tomorrow in Lahore​

December 5, 2022

As part of measures to enhance and enrich China-Pakistan cultural relations, China’s intangible cultural heritage exhibition is all set to be held on 6th December at Art Gallery, Alhamra Arts Council, Lahore.

The intangible cultural heritage exhibition is organized under the aegis of the Chinese Consulate Lahore. China’s Consul General Lahore Zhao Shiren said that the exhibition is an endeavour to offer an insight to the people of Lahore about the essence of Chinese intangible heritage.
In the Palace Museum in Beijing, China, on March 15, a display showcasing the cultural history of Gandhara, an ancient region that formerly included parts of modern-day Pakistan, China, and Afghanistan, is to be opened.

The ceremony will be presided over by Fareena Mazhar, Federal Secretary of Pakistan's Ministry of National Heritage & Cultural Division.

A wide range of antiquities, sculptures, and other items that illustrate Gandharan culture will be on display in the exhibition.

A multimedia display, art pieces, and interactive activities intended to shed light on the area's cultural history are also available to visitors. As part of this exhibition, The Palace Museum will display more than 170 works of art from various Pakistani museums.

10-years of CPEC: Role of Chinese companies in social development of Pakistan​

By Shakeel Ahmad Ramay
Jul 3, 2023

Chinese companies are an integral part of CPEC. They are the torch bearer of this flagship project of BRI. They are not only helping Pakistan overcome its infrastructure problems but also investing in social development, skills, and environmental protection in Pakistan. Unfortunately, their work could not get the attention of the media and society.

Propaganda played a major role to undermine the social development work of the Chinese companies. The propagandist kept the media and people busy with baseless theories and allegations against Chinese investment. Fortunately, the Chinese companies did not pay attention to allegations and propaganda and kept their focus on projects and social development, skill, and environmental protection programs.

All Chinese companies are investing in social development, but only a few have been selected for discussion. Sahiwal Coal Power and Port Qasim power plants. The Chinese companies not only helped to create thousands of jobs but also invested in building the capacity of hundreds of engineers and staff members.

According to available data, Huaneng Shandong Rui Group, which built the Sahiwal coal power invested in 622 employees for building their capacity and sharpen their skills. Further segregation of data shows that 245 engineers were trained following the need for required skills at plants. Moreover, Huaneng Shandong Rui Group plant administration also built a capacity of 377 general staff members i.e., administration, computer, etc.

Port Qasim also contributed to building the capacity of engineers and staff members. Data shows that 2600 employees benefited from the capacity-building and skill development opportunities offered by the Port Qasim plant. It trained 600 engineers and 2000 general staff members. It is a huge number, especially in the engineering category. It will help Pakistan; as Pakistan has a shortage of qualified and trained engineers. These companies also assisted Pakistan during floods and COVID-19.

Second, the Chinese Overseas Port Holding Company (COPHC) is another Chines company, which is investing in social development.

The major contribution of COPHC is in the sectors of education, waste management, environmental protection, and the provision of food. COPHC joined hands with the Chinese government to establish a good quality school in one of the most backward areas of the country. COPHC has donated books for the children and is also active in the day-to-day management of the school.

Besides, COPHC is also investing in environmental protection and making Gwadar beautiful. COPHC has committed to plant one million plants across Gwadar in addition to cleanness drives. It is good to note that COPHC planted 400000 plants across the port and Gwadar city within one year of commitment.

State Grid Cooperation is another Chinese company, which is investing in multiple initiatives. The company not only took care of employees but also contributed generously to support the government and community in the fight against COVID-19. It donated ventilators, monitors, protective clothing, masks, and other medical equipment or materials to the Pakistani government, communities, and hospitals. Moreover, State Grid Cooperation also distributed 40 tons of rice, flour, and other materials among the marginalized communities in the provinces of Punjab and Sindh. It helped many families avert the negative implications of lockdown during COVID-19.

However, the biggest contribution was on the environmental front. First, SGC adopted green planning and execution of plans in accordance with the green standard. It is helping to reduce emissions of gases. Second, SGC generously contributed to the green and clean program of Pakistan.

It is regularly planting trees. From March 2021 to November 2021, it planted 50000 trees of different varieties. SGC also invested in skill development programs. It was shared by SGC that it organized 416 training sessions, with 6,240 participants from the operation and maintenance team. SGC also trained more than 6,000 frontline employees, more than 500 local power engineers, college teachers, and students.

Huawei is another Chinese company that is implementing CPEC and Non-CPEC projects and also contributes to the skill development of Pakistani youth. Huawei has established ICT Academies in different universities in Pakistan. These academies are playing a transformative role in creating high-quality human capital for the fourth industrial revolution.

Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that on the one hand, Chinese companies are assisting Pakistan to tackle social and development issues. And on the other hand, these companies are also helping Pakistan create high-quality human capital for the future, especially in the fields of engineering and ICT. That's why CPEC is dubbed as win-win cooperation for all segments of society.

Thar Block-1 Project renovates cricket stadium in Islamkot​

By Khalid Aziz
Aug 18, 2023

Thar Block-1 Project renovates cricket stadium in Islamkot

ISLAMABAD - The Thar Block 1 Integrated Energy Project has completed the renovation of the Marvi Cricket Stadium in Islamkot, Thar. The inauguration took place on August 12, as announced by Sino Sindh Resources Ltd. (SSRL) on August 17.

The renovation, which spanned three months, was carried out at a cost of $200,000 as part of the company’s ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

Thar Block-1 Project renovates cricket stadium in Islamkot

Following the renovation, the stadium is open to the public. An exhibition match was held there between cricket teams from Islamkot and the Thar Block 1 Project in celebration of the Independence Day. The match and festivities attracted hundreds of local fans and were attended by numerous dignitaries. Top government officials, as well as SSRL and TCB-1 management led by Chairman Mr. Meng Donghai, graced the inauguration.

Thar Block-1 Project renovates cricket stadium in Islamkot

The Thar Block 1 Integrated Energy Project is an initiative executed by Shanghai Electric through its subsidiaries, SSRL and TCB-1.

"Cricket is undoubtedly the most popular sport in Pakistan. We want to provide the young talents of this area with an opportunity to refine their skills," Mr. Donghai commented.

Kamlesh Kumar, Chairman of the Town Committee in Taluka Islamkot, praised the Thar Block 1 Project for its commendable service for the local community.

China and Pakistan explore cooperation in cultural heritage​

By Saira Iqbal
Oct 25, 2023

BEIJING - Representatives from the EU-Asia Center, the Pakistan-China Institute, and Xingzhi Group convened a meeting at the Spring Meeting Center in Olympic Forest Park, Beijing, China on October 20th. Issues related to the development of cultural heritage were discussed.

The participants deliberated on the establishment of an international exchange platform under the Xuanzang Road brand. Xuanzang Road, initiated by Xingzhi Group in 2005, consists of a series of cultural activities that retrace Xuanzang's Silk Road journey for Buddhist scriptures 1,300 years ago, which passed through various regions of present-day Pakistan.

"As an important component of the Belt and Road Initiative, the future development of the international exchange platform is poised to facilitate greater collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mutual understanding among nations, fostering a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity and promoting economic growth," said Mustafa Hyder Sayed, executive director of Pakistan China Institute.

He further mentioned that the Belt and Road Initiative has not only created numerous employment opportunities for Pakistan but also brought about significant economic benefits. Pakistan eagerly looks forward to expanding cooperation with China.
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