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Pak blocks two key SAARC pacts


Jun 6, 2009
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Pak blocks two key SAARC pacts​

THIMPHU, April 26, 2010

Pakistan has played a spoiler in SAARC efforts to firm up agreements on developing intra-regional connectivity and establishing a common response to disasters.

A Motor Vehicles Agreement, providing for connectivity between Kabul and Dhaka criss-crossing the region, and a pact on Rapid Response to Natural Disasters were proposed to be signed during the upcoming 16th SAARC summit in Thimphu on April 28-29.

However, Pakistan has refused to come on board even though it had given its consent earlier, sources said.

SAARC comprises India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives.

The Summit, to be attended by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and leaders of all other member countries of SAARC, will have climate change as the main theme and a convention is expected to be signed on cooperation in protection of environment.

The summit will also unveil rules and regulations for the ambitious SAARC University which is in the process of being set up in Delhi.

During negotiations, Pakistan had given its consent to the agreement on connectivity and a draft had been proposed accordingly.

However, Pakistan surprised other member countries just before the upcoming summit when it changed its mind and said it did not want to associate with the pact, the sources said.

The agreement was being prepared in pursuance of the declaration of the last summit which said, “The Heads of State or Government recognised the importance of connectivity for realising the objectives of SAARC.

“They accordingly directed the SAARC mechanisms to continue to embody in their programs and projects a strong focus on better connectivity not only within South Asia, but also between the region and the rest of the world.

“They further stressed the necessity of fast-tracking projects for improving intra-regional connectivity and facilitating economic, social and people-to-people contacts.”

Pakistan made a similar about-turn on the proposed agreement on response to disasters. The agreement proposed that the member countries would pool in their resources to meet exigencies in any of the member countries.

Sources said Pakistan had no objections during preparation of the text of the agreement but after it was finalised for signing, it said it needs “further consideration”.

On the other hand, Bangladesh had some objections to certain aspects of the agreement but it later withdrew them.
Giving a route to India to cross through is not a good idea, our respected countries dont trust each other to the level as of yet. And till the time the trust deficit is not dealt with. Sorry.
Giving a route to India to cross through is not a good idea, our respected countries dont trust each other to the level as of yet. And till the time the trust deficit is not dealt with. Sorry.

So why is Pakistan in SAARC? What borders does it share with 6 members of that organisation? Easy to be a spoiler, what is it that Pakistan actually brings to the table in this organisation? Karan is probably right about it not being big enough for both India & Pakistan. India will probably just bypass SAARC and deal with free trade agreements on a bilateral basis like it has done with Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, no other way seems possible.
So why is Pakistan in SAARC? What borders does it share with 6 members of that organisation? Easy to be a spoiler, what is it that Pakistan actually brings to the table in this organisation? Karan is probably right about it not being big enough for both India & Pakistan. India will probably just bypass SAARC and deal with free trade agreements on a bilateral basis like it has done with Sri Lanka. Unfortunately, no other way seems possible.

Well sir there are always 2 sides of the coin and as much as you guys like to claim victim and show the world that its always Pakistan's fault. The reality is that your country have its own share of issues and cannot be trusted with its intentions towards Pakistan. :pakistan:
And may be its best for both the countries to walk out, but if your country intend to do that then it should be purely based on its own reason and not because of Pakistan.
well u can call it a bargaining chip of pakistan. we will use it when it will serve our interests at best.

and india trying to get its long time demand using SAARC umbrella while giving nothing substantial is a nobel but not a very clever move ;)
^^^we do have a border with Afghanistan. Though the area currently is under illegal occupation by Pakistan...

Wat? :rofl::rofl::rofl: lets ask the KASHMIRIS?
and by the way Baltistan is now unofficialy apart of Pakistan with its governor and political parties etc.even PPP took baltistan by storm..So stop ranting and crying like a crocodile.
Jo karna hai kar lay....Forget baltistan and think about indian occupied kashmir .coz in the end maybe even 100 odd years it will either be FREE OR A PART OF PAKISTANEVEN IF IT TAKE MORE YEARS AND MORE BLOOD.
Wat? :rofl::rofl::rofl: lets ask the KASHMIRIS?
and by the way Baltistan is now unofficialy apart of Pakistan with its governor and political parties etc.even PPP took baltistan by storm..So stop ranting and crying like a crocodile.
Jo karna hai kar lay....Forget baltistan and think about indian occupied kashmir .coz in the end maybe even 100 odd years it will either be FREE OR A PART OF PAKISTANEVEN IF IT TAKE MORE YEARS AND MORE BLOOD.

It is very interesting to see Indians still have the gall to consider Gilgit Baltistan as there territory. Wake up boys it's morning time. Gilgit is the integral part of pakistan and people there don't even want to hear the name of India.

So India can drag on an important project related to transfer of gas through a crucial pipeline for years. And we block a couple of worthless projects that would not mean much unless we have our core issues resolved, we are being demonised yet again.

The problem is related to security and finances :;):.
OK Gentlemen, Back to topic.

It is important to understand the concerns of Pakistan. If resolving Kashmir is the central idea around which Pakistan revolves, then we can expect little progress in SAARC. Some people had a vision of SAARC becoming a block that can deliver prosperity as the economic block of Europe does to its members.

India and Pakistan are both responsible for the current state of affairs but Pakistan should move on beyond Kashmir and India should resolve issues that are more easily resolvable even if Pakistan acts like a naughty kid brother.

What is the worst thing that Pakistan fear ? Indian invasion ! Does Pakistan not have WMD ? Why does Pakistan strangle its own benefit if it also benefits India. If Europe can resolve its differences and work as an economic block in spite of differences, why not SAARC.

Current state is not just senseless, it is sad.
So India can drag on an important project related to transfer of gas through a crucial pipeline for years. And we block a couple of worthless projects that would not mean much unless we have our core issues resolved, we are being demonised yet again.

The problem is related to security and finances :;):.

Hang on buddy...May i ask how are you comparing two??? Don't you understand how important is oil for the survival of a nation??? Tell me in your honest assesment if a similar pipeline was coming from BD what would be your natural reaction??? All india is asking from IRAN is obligation to have the transit at India-Pak border apart from cost issues...

And these are two worthless projects???? Turning SAARC into a European kind of model is worthless???

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