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Pak bends over backwards for Beijing, offers oil backup


Jul 8, 2006
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Pak bends over backwards for Beijing, offers oil backup

Pledges Land To Build Reservoirs, Pipelines Across Border

Saibal Dasgupta | TNN

Beijing: Pakistan’s foreign minister, Khurshid Kasuri, on Monday offered to build oil reservoirs and lay gas pipelines in his country’s territory across the Chinese border to help Beijing prepare a contingency plan.
Kasuri, who is here on a four-day trip, is pushing Beijing to set up an energy corridor linking the Chinese-built Gwadar port in Pakistan to western China. The Gwadar port in Baluchistan, located at the entrance of the Gulf and about 460 km west of Karachi, is due to be opened on Tuesday. It will be operated by the Port of Singapore Authority, which has obtained a 40-year contract to run it.
“The most important thing is the trust that exists between China and Pakistan. The energy corridor will pass through a friendly country, which will be a big advantage for China,” Kasuri said in an interview to the official media in Beijing.
He also proposed closer collaboration between the two countries on research and space technology. He called for taking forward the cooperation between the two countries on Small Multi-Mission Satellite initiative.
Pakistan is trying to persuade Chinese leaders to build a rail link between the two countries and broaden the existing road, the Karakorum Highway, to three times its present width in order to carry heavy-duty cargo. If Beijing accepts the offer, it would give it an opportunity to directly access the Gulf countries through the Gwadar port.
Kasuri said that goods transportation through the proposed corridor would save a lot of time and money for China as it was one-fourth of the distance required for travel across the Malacca Straits. The “impact of the corridor is bound to be huge” for the economy of the two countries, he said.
On the peace talks with India, the Pakistani foreign minister said the recent agreement between New Delhi and Islamabad to cut risk of nuclear accidents was a “landmark” deal, which will have a “positive impact” on the relationship between the two countries.
New Delhi and Islamabad are also discussing a deal on pre-notification on the launching of cruise missiles along the lines of an agreement they have reaching concerning ballistic missiles, he said in an interview with a local TV channel.
Thats interesting. Now they are planning to setup pre-notifications for the cruise missile tests.

The development of Gawadar and other developments will flourish the countrys economy. Anyways, I liked the title, so where is the link?
Pak bends over backwards for Beijing, offers oil backup

Above is the link to the article. Funny I guess this deal really itched this journalist. To come up with an absurd title, if they did they this they would call it progress and now Pakistan did it, its' called bending down, now wonder those journalists ain't regarded highly (or some)
This is hardly bending over backwards, Pakistan is doing a simple thing, any ally will do, It has a capacity to help Bejing without making an concession on itself, what is the problem, Good going Pakistan.
Above is the link to the article. Funny I guess this deal really itched this journalist. To come up with an absurd title, if they did they this they would call it progress and now Pakistan did it, its' called bending down, now wonder those journalists ain't regarded highly (or some)

It is not bending downwards. It was titled bending backwards, means Pakistan OFFERS/SUGGESTS some thing good to the person over the table (In this case CHINA) !
LOL @ Bending over backwards.

Why is the Indian media spinning Pak related stories so much these days? I think it's developed a market/readership in India.

Pak is going to do the same that it's doing for India, become a transit route for oil. Just doing it on a much larger scale.

Lol I hope Sri reads this we had a debate on this over at WAB... I had predicted this two-three years back but I myself got a denial from the Pak embassy in China. But other sources suggested something else and so I just knew something was in the making.

Kashif, bending over backwards is kinda synonymous to being desperate. It's kinda used to suggest that Pak is ready to give bum to China for favors... :D Ah the Indian journos mind :).
Saibal Dasgupta bends over backwards.:toast:

Pledges To Build news.:rofl:
LOL @ Bending over backwards.

Why is the Indian media spinning Pak related stories so much these days? I think it's developed a market/readership in India.

Pak is going to do the same that it's doing for India, become a transit route for oil. Just doing it on a much larger scale.

Lol I hope Sri reads this we had a debate on this over at WAB... I had predicted this two-three years back but I myself got a denial from the Pak embassy in China. But other sources suggested something else and so I just knew something was in the making.

Kashif, bending over backwards is kinda synonymous to being desperate. It's kinda used to suggest that Pak is ready to give bum to China for favors... :D Ah the Indian journos mind :).

Well said Asim. lol :lol:

These are tough times of Indian journo's. They had their golden years in the nineties when nothing was going right in Pakistan.

Today the picture is totally different. Despite having big issues back home we're back at the world arena and we're gaing in power, both economically as politically.

This is quite a bitter pill to swallow for our neignbors. ;)
LOL @ Bending over backwards.

Kashif, bending over backwards is kinda synonymous to being desperate. It's kinda used to suggest that Pak is ready to give bum to China for favors... :D Ah the Indian journos mind :).

Thanks Asim. I got it now!
Although I am not a big fan of indian journalism but i think i will be devils advocate here. If this is so important to china shouldn't china aproach pakistan in this regard. Why is pakistan being such a nice little ally so i think i do smell a small hint of desparation there although i do think there is nothing wrong in pakistan doing this. This will give pakistan Massive amounts of importance in chinese strategic think if it hasnt had it already. This is also making America very uncomfortable so in that regard it also very good
Ok i i apologise if this is off topic but i was reading this as a project for international relations and i thouhgt this would explain both sides of the arguments why the INDIANS dont like this and why the PAKISTANI and CHINESE do.

Four months after the U.S. ordered its troops into Afghanistan to remove the Taliban regime, China and Pakistan joined hands to break ground in building a Deep Sea Port on the Arabian Sea. The project was sited in an obscure fishing village of Gwadar in Pakistan's western province of Baluchistan, bordering Afghanistan to the northwest and Iran to the southwest. Gwadar is nautically bounded by the Persian Gulf in the west and the Gulf of Oman in the southwest.

Although the Gwadar Port project has been under study since May 2001, the U.S. entrée into Kabul provided an added impetus for its speedy execution. Having set up its bases in Central, South, and West Asian countries, the U.S. virtually brought its military forces at the doorstep of China. Beijing was already wary of the strong U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf, which supplies 60% of its energy needs. It was now alarmed to see the U.S. extend its reach into Asian nations that ring western China. Having no blue water navy to speak of, China feels defenseless in the Persian Gulf against any hostile action to choke off its energy supplies. This vulnerability set Beijing scrambling for alternative safe supply routes for its energy shipments. The planned Gwadar Deep Sea Port was one such alternative for which China had flown its Vice Premier, Wu Bangguo, to Gwadar to lay its foundation on March 22, 2002.

Pakistan was interested in the project to seek strategic depth further to the southwest from its major naval base in Karachi that has long been vulnerable to the dominant Indian Navy. In the past, it endured prolonged economic and naval blockades imposed by the Indian Navy. To diversify the site of its naval and commercial assets, Pakistan has already built a naval base at Ormara, the Jinnah Naval Base, which has been in operation since June 2000. It can berth about a dozen ships, submarines and similar harbor craft. The Gwadar port project, however, is billed to crown the Pakistan Navy into a force that can rival regional navies. The government of Pakistan has designated the port area as a "sensitive defense zone." Once completed, the Gwadar port will rank among the world's largest deep-sea ports.

The convergence of Sino-Pakistani strategic interests has put the port project onto a fast track to its early completion. In three years since its inauguration, the first phase of the project is already complete with three functioning berths. The Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will be on hand to mark the completion of this phase in March this year. Although the total cost of the project is estimated at $1.16 billion USD, China pitched in $198 million and Pakistan $50 million to finance the first phase. China also has invested another $200 million into building a coastal highway that will connect the Gwadar port with Karachi. The second phase, which will cost $526 million, will feature the construction of 9 more berths and terminals and will also be financed by China. To connect western China with Central Asia by land routes, Pakistan is working on building road links to Afghanistan from its border town of Chaman in Baluchistan to Qandahar in Afghanistan. In the northwest, it is building similar road links between Torkham in Pakhtunkhaw (officially known as the Northwest Frontier Province) and Jalalabad in Afghanistan. Eventually, the Gwadar port will be accessible for Chinese imports and exports through overland links that will stretch to and from Karakoram Highway in Pakistan's Northern Areas that border China's Muslim-majority Autonomous Region of Xinjiang. In addition, the port will be complemented with a modern air defense unit, a garrison, and a first-rate international airport capable of handling airbus service.

Pakistan already gives China most favored nation (MFN) status and is now establishing a bilateral Free Trade Area (FTA), which will bring tariffs between the two countries to zero. Over the past two years, the trade volume between the two countries has jumped to $2.5 billion a year, accounting for 20% of China's total trade with South Asia. Informal trade, a euphemism for smuggling, however, is several times the formal trade. The proposed FTA is an implicit acceptance of the unstoppable "informal" trade as a "formal" one. More importantly, Chinese investment in Pakistan has increased to $4 billion, registering a 30% increase just over the past two years since 2003. Chinese companies make up 12% (60) of the foreign firms (500) operating in Pakistan, which employ over 3,000 Chinese nationals.

The growing economic cooperation between Beijing and Islamabad is also solidifying their strategic partnership. Before leaving for his visit to Beijing this past December, Pakistani Prime Minister Aziz told reporters in Islamabad: "Pakistan and China are strategic partners and our relations span many areas." The rhetoric of strategic alignment is duly matched by reality. Last year, China and Pakistan conducted their first-ever joint naval exercises near the Shanghai coast. These exercises, among others, included simulation of an emergency rescue operation. Last December, Pakistan opened a consulate in Shanghai. The Gwadar Port project is the summit of such partnership that will bring the two countries closer in maritime defense as well.

Initially, China was reluctant to finance the Gwadar port project because Pakistan offered the U.S. exclusive access to two of its critical airbases in Jacobabad (Sind) and Pasni (Baluchisntan) during the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. According to a Times of India report on February 19, 2002, Gen. Musharraf had to do a lot of explaining for leasing these bases to America. China, the Times of India reported, was also upset with Pakistan for allowing the U.S. to establish listening posts in Pakistan's Northern Areas, which border Xinjiang and Tibet. When China finally agreed to offer financial and technical assistance for the project, it asked for "sovereign guarantees" to use the Port facilities to which Pakistan agreed, despite U.S. unease over it.

In particular, the port project set off alarm bells in India which already feels encircled by China from three sides: Myanmar, Tibet, and Pakistan. To counter Sino-Pak collaboration, India has brought Afghanistan and Iran into an economic and strategic alliance. Iranians are already working on Chabahar port in Sistan-Baluchistan, which will be accessible for Indian imports and exports with road links to Afghanistan and Central Asia. India is helping build a 200-kilometer road that will connect Chabahar with Afghanistan. Once completed, Indians will use this access road to the port for their imports and exports to and from Central Asia. Presently, India is in urgent need of a shorter transit route to quickly get its trade goods to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

These external concerns are stoking internal challenges to the port project. Baluchistan, where the project is located, is once again up in arms against the federal government. The most important reason for armed resistance against the Gwadar port is that Baluch nationalists see it as an attempt to colonize them and their natural resources. Several insurgent groups have sprung up to nip the project in the bud. The three most popular are: the Baluchistan Liberation Army, Baluchistan Liberation Front, and People's Liberation Army. On May 3, 2004, the BLA killed three Chinese engineers working on the port project that employs close to 500 Chinese nationals. On October 9, 2004, two Chinese engineers were kidnapped in South Waziristan in the northwest of Pakistan, one of whom was killed later on October 14 in a botched rescue operation. Pakistan blamed India and Iran for fanning insurgency in Baluchistan.

Moreover, the Chinese in Pakistan are vulnerable because of their tense relationship with the Uighur Muslim majority of Xinjiang. Stretched over an area of 635,833 square miles, Xinjiang is more than twice the size of Pakistan, and one-sixth of China's landmass. However, it dwarfs in demographic size with a population of 19 million people. Beijing is investing 730 billion yuan (roughly $88 billion USD) in western China, including Xinjiang, which opens it up to the six Muslim countries of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. Despite this massive investment, displacement of Uighers from Urumqi, Xinjiang's capital, is drawing fire, where the population of mainland Chinese of Han descent has grown from 10% in 1949 to 41% in 2004. In direct proportion, the population of native Uighurs has declined from 90% in 1949 to 47% in 2004. Tens of thousands of displaced Uighurs have found refuge in Pakistan where the majority of them live in its two most populous cities: Lahore and Karachi.

The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is fighting against Chinese attempts at so-called "Hanification" of Xinjiang. Pakistan, which along with China and the U.S. lists the ETIM as a terrorist organization, killed the ETIM's head, Hasan Mahsum, in South Waziristan on October 2, 2004. Seven days after, two Chinese were kidnapped from the area, one of whom was killed in a rescue operation. The thousands of Chinese working in Pakistan make tempting targets for violent reprisals by the ETIM or Baluch nationalists.

The realization of economic and strategic objectives of the Gwadar port is largely dependent upon the reduction of separatist violence in Baluchistan and Xinjiang. Chinese response to secessionism is aggressive economic development, which is driving the Gwadar port project also. The port is intended to serve China's threefold economic objective:

First, to integrate Pakistan into the Chinese economy by outsourcing low-tech, labor-absorbing, resource-intensive industrial production to Islamabad, which will transform Pakistan into a giant factory floor for China; Second, to seek access to Central Asian markets for energy imports and Chinese exports by developing road networks and rail links through Afghanistan and Pakistan into Central Asia; Third, to appease restive parts of western China, especially the Muslim-majority autonomous region of Xinjiang, through a massive infusion of development funds and increased economic links with the Central Asian Islamic nations of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

The port, by design or by default, also provides China a strategic foothold in the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean, although to the alarm of India and the unease of the U.S. sitting opposite the Strait of Hurmoz, through which 80% of the world's energy exports flow, the Gwadar port will enable China to monitor its energy shipments from the Persian Gulf, and offer it, in the case of any hostile interruption in such shipments, a safer alternative passage for its energy imports from Central Asia. Its presence on the Indian Ocean will further increase its strategic influence with major South Asian nations, particularly Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, which would prompt the Indians in turn to re-strengthen their Navy.

Tarique Niazi teaches Environmental Sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. He specializes in Resource-based Conflicts. He may be reached via email: niazit@uwec.edu
Lets pray it continues and we emerge economically, politically, diplomatically self reliant till the time Afghanistan stabilizes and America is out.

Gwadar is also to serve for Pakistan's produce and extaction in Balochistan. With the development of a port and road link via Iran India's exprots will still be more expensive than Pakistan. It is not about Pakistan's desperation, Pak China both think alike on this proposal, it's only that Islamabad thinks its the right time to go ahead with it. The Baloch insurgency is more or less over after N A Bugti's death. The Balochis reservation for Gwadar were related to their jobs. Their reservation was that after Gwadar becomes a free port outsider will become masters and they will become second grade citizens in their own area. This was removed by giving them Jobs quota and technical assistance in shipping, port and administration. They are also to benefit the most as their land prices have inflated as much as 25 times. Their demography is few and that does not make it a big issue.
The major logistics support Pak gave to USA was Jacobabad airport which the Americans used as an airbase. Despite major persuation and demands Pak did not give Chacklala Airbase.The airport is now emptied by the Americans.
In my opnion, if this deal ever seals, it will tremendously bind Pak and China further. No doubt that in peaseful time, both countries will benefit from it greatly. However, there may be some concern on Chinese side during eventfull (war) time: should it ever trust its life line (oil) to Pak, it may be necessary to send troops on Pak's ground to protect it, as it was for Korea War, which China is very reluctantly to do.
I think we are very capable of defending our country we dont need chinese support.

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