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Pak Airspace closure hits Indian Pockets: AI appeals to 'inactive' crew to immediately join work.

Pakistan's airspace ban costs Air India billions
Last Updated On 18 March,2019 11:38 pm

The non-stop service from Delhi to San Francisco which flies east, across the Pacific
NEW DELHI (Web Desk) – The airspace ban over Pakistan which began on the February, a day after India violated Pakistan’s airspace, is costing Air India, the national carrier, dearly, Indian media reported.

According to Indian news channel, as a result of longer flights, which have had to become one-stop operations, the airline has bled more than Rs600 million so far. And that number is going up every day - potentially disastrous news for the cash-strapped airline which is surviving on government bailouts.

Air India flights travelling west can no longer fly through Pakistani airspace and need to swing south across Gujarat and then cut across the Arabian sea to reach their destinations in Europe and North America. The most problematic flights for Air India are flights between India and the US East coast - Washington, New York, Newark and also Chicago.

These flights can no longer operate non-stop and have had to stop at either Sharjah or Vienna to refuel. Each refueling halt, mandatory on both the outbound and return legs, costs the airline Rs5 million on an average. With the airline having to position crew and engineers in Vienna, Air India has lost approximately Rs600 million till March 16.

The non-stop service from Delhi to San Francisco which flies east, across the Pacific, has not been affected.

With losses rising with every flight, Air India has now cut its Vienna stop-over to just two flights while other flights are being refueled in Mumbai. But this too is problematic since refueling flights bound for North America in Mumbai comes with payload penalties. Essentially, there are restrictions which are placed on the number of passengers each jet can carry. If an airliner carries less, the airline earns less as well on each affected sector.
Not allowing AI is self explainatory but whats the rationale for not allowing other international airlines? Can someone explain
hmmm burden on indian consumers .

From what I hear there been close misses of planes as a result. Not only financial burden but the gangus own incompetence will ensure this is a successful measure.
yup few day ago 2 flights had a narrow escape in indian airspace.
They need to keep the airspace closed for 6months, with a 6 month review based on security and if the Indians have learnt their lesson or not.
Air India suffers major losses after Pakistan's airspace closure
By News Desk
Published: March 19, 2019


The closure of Pakistan’s airspace on Feb 27 – after Pakistan Air Force (PAF) shot down two Indian jets – has affected international flights originating out of India and has caused major losses to the Indian national carrier, Hindustan Times reported

Reports state that around 400 flights originating out of India daily are affected. Air India, which operated 33 weekly flights to the United States and 66 to Europe had to cut-down on operations and the carrier had to club many Europe and US-bound flights.
Air India flights from the US had to take a longer flight path, which extended their already long duration and significantly increased operating expenses.

“The AI Mumbai-New York-Mumbai flight, launched in December 2018, has been combined with the Mumbai-Newark-Mumbai flight for the duration between March 16 and May 31”, the airline tweeted.

Air India’s flight to Najaf from Delhi was also cancelled, along with flights to Madrid and Birmingham.

Islamabad took the decision to shut its airspace on February 27, leaving thousands of travellers stranded and forcing carriers to reroute flights, after an aerial dogfight between Pakistan and Indian air forces.

Flights between Asia and Europe were also disrupted, stranding thousands of passengers.

Read more: Air India , airspace , india
lol :lol:

Not a big deal at all.
We can afford even if we totally shut down Pak dealings with India

GoI took a decision after they anticipated all kind of reactions .
This means nothing to us .
If we can increase the duty up to 200% this also nothing to us .
You do know that It was benefiting India Much more
Pakistan was exporting 200 M worth of Goodies while India was exporting more than 2 Billion
so With that Pakistan will divert more to local and Chinese market who will be hurt more with all that ?
I m pretty sure this whole Episode is bad for India
1 1 Plane and 1 Helicopter went down , 1 Pilot in Pakistani custody
2 Pakistani airspace being blocked costing India much more than they event dreamt off
3 Land Route being blocked no access to Iran & Afghinstan
4 Increased tariff where you were exporting 10 times the goodies what they were exporting you
5 Showed on International level that Indian military is outdated and got spanked by a 7 times smaller nation
its Just bad bad and more bad
Let's be real. India is trying every way possible to sabotage Pakistani interests and to isolate it, with some success. We see evidence of this all around, with attempting to sabotage CPEC, supporting terrorist groups in Pakistan, FATF, revoking MFN status, water wars, etc. Do we seriously think India would not have played the airspace card if it had a massive advantage vis-a-vis its airspace location like Pakistan currently does? I have zero doubt it would have banned flights to/from Pakistan from its airspace if it had that advantage. In fact, they likely would have done that years ago.

Pakistan should do the same in kind. They quickly reverted the ban around the time of Kargil after Pakistan banned their aircrafts. Now, there's a lot more at stake because of the number of NRIs living abroad. They cannot afford for this to go on much longer. Pakistan can open the airspace for all airlines except Indian. This way Indian airlines can bleed while Pakistan doesn't lose much since the airspace is open for all other airlines.
Pakistan's advice to India to maintain peace in the region fell on deaf ears of Hindu Zionists & now entire Indian population is suffering from consequences of Modi's misadventure against Pakistan. Now an excellent opportunity has presented itself for Pakistan to carve the consequences of this misadvanture permanently in Indian minds for all times to come by taking an honourable and bold stance (by keeping the air-space closed until Indian elections) until Indian govt apologizes for the surgical strikes drama & intentionally violating Pakistan's air-space & sovereignty.
Pakistan airspace closure fallout: AI appeals to 'inactive' crew to immediately join work

Nice article. Only with so many loopholes.

It is not like we cannot use any other means to reach the US.

There are so many other inefficiencies in AI that they need to use these ludicrous methods to save their behinds.

They can easily fly over Middle East by going through Gujarat and onward.

AI can die a natural death for all we care - it will save taxpayers' money.
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