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Pak-Afghan circles dismiss qualms about Abdullah’s Tajik background



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May 3, 2014
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ISLAMABAD: As Dr Abdullah Abdullah’s chances of becoming the next president of Afghanistan increase, politicians on both sides of the Durand Line are dismissing concerns that relations of the two neighbours will deteriorate under a non-Pukhtun head of state.

Some circles in Pakistan are upset that ethnic Pukhtun Hamid Karzai will likely be replaced by the half-Tajik Abdullah, who was closely associated with the Northern Alliance. However, concerned Pakistani officials have a different approach and insist they would not have any problems with a non-Pukhtun leader, highlighting the country’s tense relationship with Karzai during his nearly 13-year rule.


With Abdullah garnering the most votes in the April 5 elections, he will face runner-up Dr Ashraf Ghani in the second and decisive round of polls in about a month’s time.

Senior Afghan and Pakistani political leaders also disagree with the perception and insist some quarters continue to live in the past and have not seen a tangible change in the public mindset on both sides.

Former Afghan defence minister, Shahnawaz Tanai, does not agree with the notion that Abdullah will oppose Pakistan solely on the basis of his ethnicity and whoever thinks so probably has personal interests at heart.

“Afghanistan has gone through a critical transformation over the past decade where no ethnic group in general is opposed to good relations with Pakistan.

Whoever is defining the relationship on an ethnic basis is doing so for vested interests,” Tanai told The Express Tribune by phone from Kabul on Friday.

Tanai, who also served as the army chief during the communist regime of Dr Najibullah and now leads a political movement, said opponents of better bilateral relations exist both in Pukhtun and Tajik communities but they do not represent the majority’s sentiments.

The same sentiments were echoed by Pakistani Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, who insisted that ‘concerns’ about Abdullah were not well-founded.

“Abdullah is somebody with whom Pakistan can do business with by opening a new chapter, should he be elected president,” Mushahid, who is also chairman of the Senate Defence Committee, told The Express Tribune on Friday.

“Let us approach Afghanistan with an open mind and not be hostage to the mindset and assumptions of the past, which, in any case, have been proven wrong,” he said.

Recalling his past meetings with Abdullah, Mushahid said, “We have had detailed sessions on relations between the two countries and I found him to be a good, sincere person who feels Pakistan’s friendship is indispensable for Afghanistan.”

Just a few months after then Ambassador Muhammad Sadiq was appointed Pakistan’s envoy to Afghanistan in 2009, he travelled to Panjshir Valley in Northern Afghanistan to offer condolences for slain Northern Alliance leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, who had been known for his anti-Pakistan stance. The visit to Massoud’s mausoleum was seen as a clear indication of Pakistan’s quest to have a broad-based relationship with non-Pukhtun communities in Afghanistan.

Similarly, Northern Alliance leaders, who had been critical of Pakistan in the past, now have a different approach and Abdullah himself promised cordial relations with Pakistan when he recently received Islamabad’s new ambassador Abrar Hussain at his residence.

Pakistan’s two major concerns are the Durand Line and access to the Central Asian states through Afghanistan for greater trade.

As Pakistan deals with the Afghan government over transit trade with Central Asia, it needs to have working relations with all the communities in Afghanistan, especially non-Pukhtun ones that are located on the country’s northern region bordering several Central Asian states.

It will be challenging for Pakistani authorities to deal with all the political and ethnic sides of Afghanistan, keeping in mind past relations between the two neighbours and the role of non-state actors.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 3rd, 2014
If Abdullah Abdullah does come to power in Afghanistan, it will be bad news for Pakistan. Hamid Karzai despite slight India leaning, did bow to Pakistan on important matters.

However Abdullah Abdullah is hard core, old school NA, was Ahmed Shah Massoud's right hand man, hates Taliban to the core and by extension, Pakistan, for its unequivocal support to Taliban.

There is no love lost b/w AA and Pakistan and why should there be after all Pakistan played key role and getting him sacked from Karzai regime.
If Abdullah Abdullah does come to power in Afghanistan, it will be bad news for Pakistan. Hamid Karzai despite slight India leaning, did bow to Pakistan on important matters.

However Abdullah Abdullah is hard core, old school NA, was Ahmed Shah Massoud's right hand man, hates Taliban to the core and by extension, Pakistan, for its unequivocal support to Taliban.

There is no love lost b/w AA and Pakistan and why should there be after all Pakistan played key role and getting him sacked from Karzai regime.

Looks like pashtun influence in Afghanistan has been reduced to great extent, i know Pakistan will rather want pashtun president. But with declining pashtun population in Afghanistan, not to forget taleban rule in pashtun areas. Pakistan should accept the fact Tajiks from now on will rule Afghanistan.

Though they shouldnt be stupid enough to go against Pakistan and they will not. Anyway lets wait for election proper results. Anyway bad news in what sense? Remember at the end of the day both are brotherly muslim countries, we can move forward unlike with India.

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If Abdullah Abdullah does come to power in Afghanistan, it will be bad news for Pakistan. Hamid Karzai despite slight India leaning, did bow to Pakistan on important matters.

However Abdullah Abdullah is hard core, old school NA, was Ahmed Shah Massoud's right hand man, hates Taliban to the core and by extension, Pakistan, for its unequivocal support to Taliban.

There is no love lost b/w AA and Pakistan and why should there be after all Pakistan played key role and getting him sacked from Karzai regime.

lol your tune is so threatening that for a while i thought you were talking about US VS South Sudan.:lol:
Any ways carry on.

@Topic Whoever comes to power Pakistan's first priority should be to force him to build/erect a wall on Pak-Afghan border or otherwise face cross border raids from Pakistan if TTP terrorists flee into Afghanistan.

Afghanistan & Pakistan are two brothers who keep on fighting & wasting their energy...whole world has took advantage of it. Imagine if both countries start supporting each other & develop close brotherly relations.
@Topic Whoever comes to power Pakistan's first priority should be to force him to build/erect a wall on Pak-Afghan border or otherwise face cross border raids from Pakistan if TTP terrorists flee into Afghanistan.

And you will get cross border raids up in your *** again!
Actually it is believed by Pakistani authorities that only a Non pashtun out of Afghanistan will solve the durrandline dispute once for all.Now some sources even indicates that Abdullah has some sort of relations with Hamid gul though i am not sure how much true is this.

For the People of Afghanistan,Ashraf Ghani will be better And For Pakistan.Abudllah Abdullah will be better.Mark my words now if you don't believe me.
If Abdullah Abdullah does come to power in Afghanistan, it will be bad news for Pakistan. Hamid Karzai despite slight India leaning, did bow to Pakistan on important matters.

However Abdullah Abdullah is hard core, old school NA, was Ahmed Shah Massoud's right hand man, hates Taliban to the core and by extension, Pakistan, for its unequivocal support to Taliban.

There is no love lost b/w AA and Pakistan and why should there be after all Pakistan played key role and getting him sacked from Karzai regime.
Lol, i don't know why you as a indian would be telling us what's good for us or bad for us. And i certainly don't think we would even bother with your opinion.

Just because someone is from a particular faction doesn't automatically mean he will be anti-something (in this case "anti"-Pakistan). Lets just wait and see of this dude comes to power first and what he does.
Abdullah Abdullah has no choice but to work with Pakistan. Pakistan can easily live without Afghanistan, not the other way around.
And you will get cross border raids up in your *** again!

Afghanistan will conduct raids in Pakistan? :lol:

Your "dad" India couldn't do any raid in Pakistan despite all the talking. They backed down repeatedly.

Last year, on border, they killed one of our soldier and an innocent woman. We conducted a raid inside their border, killed bunch of their soldiers, and beheaded their two soldiers.

They do same things too...the point is, if we become "serious" about your shitland, we will make it a LIVING HELL! We don't go hard on Afghanistan as we do on India. You guys need to calm your tits down..Otherwise, we will choke you into submission.


It is mind-boggling to see Afghans. In Pakistan, everyone talks about "Afghan brothers" and how we should always help Afghans, and that Afghan and Pakistan are of same blood and we have so much respect for you. Helped your millions of people without any charge..never has such help happened in history.

YET Afghans on the other hand HATE Pakistan, and work against the interests of Pakistan. How pathetically disgusting.
Pakistan must deal appropriately with the Government of Afghanistan no matter who is the President of Afghanistan. If Afghan People choose Abdullah as their President we will deal with him because he will be representing the will of Afghan People.

Let us give Abdullah Abdullah time to organize his Government and then we should try to develop cordial relation with him.
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If Abdullah Abdullah does come to power in Afghanistan, it will be bad news for Pakistan. Hamid Karzai despite slight India leaning, did bow to Pakistan on important matters.

However Abdullah Abdullah is hard core, old school NA, was Ahmed Shah Massoud's right hand man, hates Taliban to the core and by extension, Pakistan, for its unequivocal support to Taliban.

There is no love lost b/w AA and Pakistan and why should there be after all Pakistan played key role and getting him sacked from Karzai regime.

Your correct, he might hate Pakistan but he has no choice but to work with Pakistan.

Your forgetting something very important, Pakistan holds most of the cards. Pakistan can successfully choke all of Afghanistan's trade and starve it by simply cutting of all trade links. How are the Afghans going to survive when there is no food and fuel. Pakistan can expel all of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan creating absolute chaos in Afghanistan as these returning refugees will need resources. Millions of Afghans live in Pakistan, earn a living and send their salaries back to Afghanistan where there families live. What are those families going to do when the money stops flowing in. Most importantly, peace and stability cannot be achieved in Afghanistan without the blessing of Pakistan.

So it does not matter what Abdullah Abdullah's personal opinion is about Pakistan, the only thing that will define this relationship are strategic interests. Pakistan can live without Afghanistan, but not the other way around my friend.
Afghanistan will conduct raids in Pakistan? :lol:

Your "dad" India couldn't do any raid in Pakistan despite all the talking. They backed down repeatedly.

Last year, on border, they killed one of our soldier and an innocent woman. We conducted a raid inside their border, killed bunch of their soldiers, and beheaded their two soldiers.

They do same things too...the point is, if we become "serious" about your shitland, we will make it a LIVING HELL! We don't go hard on Afghanistan as we do on India. You guys need to calm your tits down..Otherwise, we will choke you into submission.


No need to get aggressive because you don't know if this Troller is an Indian False Flagger as many on PDF are. Let us not offend the good Afghan People because of what an Indian False Flagger said.
And you will get cross border raids up in your *** again!

And what will you conduct the raids with? Sure you can catch us by surprise and attack a couple of border posts, but whats gonna happen when the Pakistan Army mobilizes and counter attacks. Whats going to happen when we send an F16 loaded with JDAM's over your ANA Positions?
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