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PAF's Proud Airspace Violators !

Guys, please stop this!
Guys, please stop this!
You have a point. Got a little carried away.

Deleted mine.
Request denied.
I will be around and keeping a track of your threads with no value.
LOL. People should remember their Auqat before they end up with a rude awakening.
Last time someone was crying to the mods. And that was not me.
Don't need Mods to put any one in their place however sometimes your table manners need a culling.
And how do you plan to implement it?
You are here to learn boy, not ask questions, so make most of your contact with civilisation.
Then stop crying to them.
Wonder who is The Cry Baby in most of my threads.
You are here to learn boy
Yes, I am. But not from you. Only reason is low quality of your posts.

Next time, when you get cornered, don’t go to mods. Stand up for yourself.

Even better. Improve the quality of your posts. I have no issues praising good effort.
I guess Pakistan doesn't even need to send spy drones over to India.
Last time the Indians attempted to send one over to spy on Pakistan, the genius Indians left the recording button on even before it was launched.....resulting, after it was shot down, Pakistan was able to recover it's memory chip and the Data from it revealed all the details. :lol:

I think in all this conversation we are forgetting that Pakistan taught first lesson back in 1959 by shooting IAF ally plane over Kashmir.

After Mumbai Attacks in 2008, PAF launched Ops Vigilance in response to Indian Threats. To keep check on IA activities, PAF Falco UAVs performed extensive ISR sorties. Some of the sorties involved ingress into Indian airspace. IAF was unable to detect or intercept the PAF UAVs.
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These missions earned No.1 UAV Flt of PAF the nickname "Airspace Violators".

The unit wears this title with pride and hangs FLIR snaps of Indian Targets in their history room.

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There was a time when they were alerted by ground crew somewhere, who heard noises but couldn't see in the dark. They kept referring to it as "their JF-17's went inside our airspace to attack our bases". That hoopla calmed down after a couple of days worth of media run and associated embarrassment.
And India never launched any UAVs into Pak airspace?

Another thread created to pat on one’s own back.

“Thread for Fun” these are. 😂

Since thread for fun has started, let’s look at what Indian MiG-25s did over Pak Airspace?

Can't compare an event when one side had no comparable solution. I am sure you know the story behind Foxbats, the West was terrified of them and their interceptor missile loadout! AND, what's interesting is that KNOWING ALL WELL the PAF can't take out an 80,000 service ceiling jet flying at Mach 2+, it STILL sent a Sabre to intercept it!

The Pilot flew over 40,000 feet but the Foxbat had exited the Pakistani airspace. Not that Sabre could shoot it down anyway, but hey, there was never any cowardice or "excuses" of "my Radar doesn't work" or "I couldn't hear the GC telling me to turn left towards Pakistan, so I turned right towards Delhi to get some fresh Biryani" :lol:. Our boys go eye to eye with death and majority cheat it for their country!
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Agli traf se kuch hai nhi to measuring kesi ? When was last time iaf shot down paf ? 1971 right ?
No sarrrr abhinondone shot down F16 with a vedic mijjile in 2019. You have such a short memory.
Where was this brave air force during the Salala attack or OBL raid?
What, toying with bhaRAT mathas ejaat again....Bad bad Pakis and Chinese too... :D
Where was this brave air force during the Salala attack or OBL raid?
Air force is not Ertugrul Bey key jahan dil chahy jahaz utha ker pohunch jain. They need orders.
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