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PAF's fifth generation fighter would be

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Pakistan would be out of this bad patch pretty soon.. we have trillions of dollars of Natural resources and 70% of population that is under the age of 30. We are a "Young Nation" and 6th largest country on the face of the earth. Our present situation is because of WAR of Terror and also because Musharaf and Zardari came together in a row but both WAR of Terror and era of corruption are both ending together.

I still don't think J-20 is something which we actually need. Yes we need a platform that can make deep strikes and is stealth but J-10b's stealth would be enough for that.
Only if the young gen consumes their energy in constructive manner.
Musharaf and zardari rules because pakistanis let them rule.
The leaders are merely a reflection of society and I dont see any change over a night in psycho of society.
Are you really sure what you are saying?? Pakistan is 6th Largest Country on the Face of Earth??:blink: , Your Population is 6th largest but the Country is not, Population is never an advantage if it overflows the Territorial Advantages.....

So what is that India and China are en-cashing on? It is their human resource which eventually transformed into an economic potential and turning these countries into large economies. We are 6th largest country of the world nevertheless.
to 29#

this so called free aircraft carrier costs india 2.2 Billion $....
So what is that India and China are en-cashing on? It is their human resource which eventually transformed into an economic potential and turning these countries into large economies. We are 6th largest country of the world nevertheless.

Human resource can Only be capitalized if You have Enough Land Mass to Support it, What would Happen if a 36th largest nation which already has the 6th largest population aspiring to grow population even further??
to 33#
Russia initially said "Giving", not "selling".
to 36#

At first, Russia said that Giving.
Second, Russia said that a small amount of maintenance cost of closing.
Third, Russia is not enough that the maintenance cost...
Fourth, Russia is not enough ...
Fifth, not enough ...

Indians should investigate this matter. It has the smell of corruption.

PS: China's new aircraft carrier of the budget is 3.0 billion RMB.

this so called free aircraft carrier costs india 2.2 Billion $....

I do not think that India really needs aircraftcarriers. The oil is very near. They have huge fleet and superb long range aircraft. This aircraftcarrier option is costing huge and risks a lot in case of one fast attack by subs or fighterjets or even BM these days. Only nations that want to terrorize and destroy other nations need these options. India is not one of them cause there are to many strong neighbours with nukes etc.
oh again bloody trolling ,

then some indian kid will go - we never trolll , we are badly treated on paksitan website .
chinese and pakistani should also stop- gossip mongering ----- guys keep it to the topic
-x-x-x-x-x- get back to damn topic -x-x-x-x-x-x

for what ever reason i still think paksitan will get the f-35 fighter earlier than chinese fifth gen.
I do not think that India really needs aircraftcarriers. The oil is very near. They have huge fleet and superb long range aircraft. This aircraftcarrier option is costing huge and risks a lot in case of one fast attack by subs or fighterjets or even BM these days. Only nations that want to terrorize and destroy other nations need these options. India is not one of them cause there are to many strong neighbours with nukes etc.

Well Aircraft carriers are Need of the Day, And Each aircraft carrier of Ours Will have carrier battle group Which would assure its Protection while AC Minimizes the Action time for the Navy on the Battlefield....

Nuclear Power cannot threaten another Nuclear armed Nation, One must possess superior Conventional Battle Toys to Threaten the enemy....
to 36#

At first, Russia said that Giving.
Second, Russia said that a small amount of maintenance cost of closing.
Third, Russia is not enough that the maintenance cost...
Fourth, Russia is not enough ...
Fifth, not enough ...

Indians should investigate this matter. It has the smell of corruption.

PS: China's new aircraft carrier of the budget is 3.0 billion RMB.


Dont waste time, just give me the article where it says Russia is giving India the 2.2B$ aircraft carrier for Free....
to 39#

India's national strategy is "defense north“ and "attack east".
The role of aircraft carriers is to control the Indian Ocean.

Marcus Tullius Cicero said: "Control of the Ocean " is equal to "control the world ".
Alfred Thayer Mahan said: Ocean World has three strategic channels, Strait of Malacca, Strait of Hormuz, Panama Canal. There are two in the Indian Ocean.
Americans are the world's oceans into 16 strategic channels, the most important channel is the Indian Ocean.
Russian Tsar always wanted a port on the Indian Ocean until it died when the.

Now, Indians want to control the Indian...
Lol... Americans want...and Russian want...and Chinese want...
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to 42#

I mean: T50 is like the aircraft carrier, it is a lie!
to 40#

F35 is a troublesome data link. Compatibility is a problem.
I think PAF will not like F35...As PAF refused to change the European avionics FC-1.
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