Ceasefires are declared between two or more countries, not between governments and banned rebel outfits. Getting into negotiations with TTP (alias JI/JUP) was wrong in the first place. By doing this, the GoP recognized them as an equal partner, which they are not, not even by a long shot. Why are we so deaf and blind? Lal Masjid and Sawat saga were not enough for us to learn a lesson? What GoP will achieve from this one-month ceasefire and ongoing negotiations? Are they hoping that TTP (alias JI/JUI) will surrender, put down their arms, and agree to dance on GoP tune? It is never going to happen. I once was a fierce opponent of US drone attacks on militants hideouts in FATA but now I know, they were right all along the way. Since when Pakistan ruled the FATA as a sovereign state? FATA is under occupation of a rebel outfit, which is a constant threat for Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other countries, as it is an epicenter of terrorist breeding, training, and dissemination, and must be uprooted.
Now FATA in particular, and KPK in general is also a breeding place for polio. Does anyone realize the consequences of this? It is more terrifying than exporting terrorism, and in order to save the rest of the world from a likely polio epidemic, the US/Europe will go to every length, and they should. I curse Gen Zia's policy of getting involved into Afghanistan every time I am isolated on the airports for extra scrutiny, and I believe every other Pakistani feels the same when they go through this exercise. People on the same Pakistani passport used to get visas of dozens of countries right on the airports before 1979. But we are interesting nation, in fact dead nation, who has collectively decided not to change. Our children become paralyzed of polio, we are good; our people are blown up in suicide and IED blasts, we are good; we are isolated from the rest of the world, we are good; our economy gets vanished in the thin air, we are good. The whole world is wrong, we are right; we are the best and most merciful human, we will not bomb terrorists because of collateral damage, besides they are our Muslim brothers, the lost sheep, we will negotiate, we will negotiate.